Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/76j4725235b235b891248jv1/topics Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:26AM dawah news - Social Mention The 29th juzz begins with the themes of the Greatness of Allah, Da'wah (inviting others) to Allah, wonders of creation. Recognising Allah's wonders and accepting Him. - The Afterlife. – The unseen. Let the people soak in all that is happening around them. This is what Allah uses as discussion for people to accept belief in Him and an afterlife. Just stop and reflect on all that which is around you. This is the main theme from Juzz/para 29 onwards till the end of the Quran. The 29th Juzz is majority Makkan revealed, and focusing on Dawah, responsibility of one's actions, judgement day etc. Surah Mulk is strong in tone and was revealed during the early stages of Islam. It focuses on Indhar (a wake up call of Warning). You don't have forever, you need to realise the true purpose in life and fulfill that purpose. After the introductory parts of the surah, there are about 6-7 aayaat which are very stern against those who did not benefit from the warning, and only 1 ayah giving good news for those who obeyed it. This surah is a good introduction in theme to the surahs which will come after it. We will see through this surah the beautiful wonders of Allah's creation; it's consistency and balance of the to reflect on Allah's power and will. We will see the Theme of Consistency through the words (in Classical Arabic) used in this surah. We will also see how all the surahs' are ordered together, and how they naturally segment and blend together. The connection of this surah [Mulk] to the previous surah (Tahreem): Allah mentions in surah Mulk that He will test us, who has the most excellent deeds and actions. In surah Tahreem, Allah shows us 2 types of people; 1 – People who pass the tests – the wife of Pharoah, how she was severely tested and she was constant in sincerety to Allah. And also Maryam, the mother of Jesus. 2 – People who do not pass the tests – the wife of Prophet Noah, and the wife of Prophet Lut/Lot. She also failed the test and was a disbeliever http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002345448857&v=wall&story_fbid=546854832069360 Dec 18th 2013, 21:58 Shock Conversion of Ex British Soldier to Islam! 'Live' Street Dawah Like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZUkGeHGsrs&feature=youtube_gdata Aug 12th 2013, 04:44 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/Z9w5zl Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:22AM Abu Walaa - Social Mention USHULUS SUNNAH IMAM AL-HUMAIDY http://faidahsalaf.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/ushulus-sunnah-imam-al-humaidy/ Dec 19th 2013, 02:59 Rekaman Kajian Ilmiyah Masjid Abu Bakr Ash-Shidiq, Mahad Dhiyaus Sunnah, Cirebon Bersama Al-Ustadz Muhammad Umar As-Sewed hafidzahulloh Ahad, 12 Shafar 1435H 15/12/2013 Klik saja [Sesi 1] [Sesi 2] [Sesi 3] [Sesi 4] Mudah2an bermanfaat. Baarakallahu fiikum. Kryptonite http://hefliessheflies.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/kryptonite/ Dec 19th 2013, 02:30 I'm a firm believer that everyone has a super power (or something that they are marginally good at), and a super weakness (or something that they suck at […] DOSA-DOSA TERHADAP ILMU DAN ULAMA http://faidahsalaf.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/dosa-dosa-terhadap-ilmu-dan-ulama/ Dec 19th 2013, 02:20 Audio Kajian Ilmiyah Bersama Al Ustadz Abu Abdillah Luqman Ba'abduh Ahad, 12 Shafar 1435H 15/12/2013M Masjid Al-Mujahidin Slipi Jakarta Berikut Link Download Nya Sesi Satu Klik di sini Sesi Dua Klik di sini 'Terrorist'-repping lawyer indicted over $3M in income http://nypost.com/2013/12/18/terrorist-repping-lawyer-indicted-over-3m-in-income/ Dec 19th 2013, 02:07 A terror-loving top attorney whose clientele has included Osama bin Laden's son-in-law and jihadist loving Lynne Stewart was indicted Thursday for failing to report more than $3 million […] It is reported ... http://zulfiqaartheslave.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/it-is-reported/ Dec 19th 2013, 01:47 It is reported that Tâwûs – Allâh have mercy on him – said, "The worship and devoutness of a young person is not complete until he marries." Ibrâhîm b. […] Al-Qaeda Leader in Syria Speaks to Al Jazeera http://keldbach.net/2013/12/19/al-qaeda-leader-in-syria-speaks-to-al-jazeera/ Dec 19th 2013, 01:37 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2897lOoUxo&w=640&h=420] The leader of al-Qaeda's branch in Syria, one of the most powerful groups in the war-torn country, has told Al Jazeera that that the conflict is nearing an […] About http://fmbula.wordpress.com/about/ Dec 19th 2013, 01:29 About Frances Bula I am a journalist specializing in urban issues and city politics in the Vancouver region. I end up covering a broad range of issues in this […] Leaving tomorrow.... http://teamrosstravels.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/leaving-tomorrow/ Dec 19th 2013, 00:46 Bags are packed, currency purchased, tickets printed, itinerary tweaked. We are finally nearly good to go. Will hold Christmas celebrations tonight with DHs side of the family, send […] Cover Mobil http://dasicover.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/cover-mobil/ Dec 19th 2013, 00:22 Color: Hitam Silver Biru Merah Kuning Putih Abu-abu Hijau Orange Size: S IDR 265.000,- IDR 315.000,- (Hijau Orange) M IDR 285.000,- IDR 335.000,- (Hijau Orange) L IDR 315.000,- IDR […] Cover Motor http://dasicover.wordpress.com/2013/12/19/cover-motor/ Dec 19th 2013, 00:16 Color: Hitam Silver Biru Merah Kuning Putih Abu-abu Hijau Orange Size: S IDR 95.000,- IDR 105.000,- (Hijau Orange) M IDR 105.000,- IDR 115.000,- (Hijau Orange) L IDR […] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/4Rk6G9 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:21AM Ansaar International - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1787437655&v=wall&story_fbid=10200336384730715 Dec 19th 2013, 03:15 http://www.ansaarduesseldorf.com/syrien-projekte/ - Im Namen Allah's, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen. Alles Lob und jeglicher Dank gebührt Allah der uns ... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002067578877&v=wall&story_fbid=570963716315876 Dec 18th 2013, 18:50 http://AnsaarInternational.com http://habibiflo.de Neben den Geldsammlungen für 25 Projekte in 11 Ländern bieten wir auch die Abgabe von Sachspenden an, da w... SYRIEN NOTHILFE PROJEKT - DOKU 7 TEIL 2 - ANSAAR INTERNATIONAL e.V. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abMtKAoUjEQ&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 18:23 http://Ansaarinternational.com http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de http://Du... SYRIEN NOTHILFE PROJEKT - DOKU 7 TEIL 2 - ANSAAR INTERNATIONAL e.V. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ASLCVq2nsI&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 18:22 http://Ansaarinternational.com http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://Hausde... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000908803204&v=wall&story_fbid=695058537201100 Dec 17th 2013, 19:38 Neben den Geldsammlungen für 25 Projekte in 11 Ländern bieten wir auch die Abgabe von Sachspenden an, da wir regelmässig selbstgekaufte Krankenhaus-Geräte, M... Neuer Container nach Syrien (3) Update - Ansaar International e.V. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XkjBi7AFKE&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 17th 2013, 13:22 Neben den Geldsammlungen für 25 Projekte in 11 Ländern bieten wir auch die Abgabe von Sachspenden an, da wir regelmässig selbstgekaufte Krankenhaus-Geräte, Medizinische Waren & Verband... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004211134863&v=wall&story_fbid=261503234000046 Dec 14th 2013, 22:34 Das ist Mohammed. Er ist das Oberhaupt einer Familie die von euren Spenden unterstützt wird. Mohammed ist Mu'adhan - der Rufer des Gebetsruf einer Moschee in... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/KCj11Z Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:20AM myIslamTube.de - Social Mention Ein Bruder weint am Infostand und lobt das Lies! Projekt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulYmL3JrkfQ&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 7th 2013, 12:11 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Nasheed Live im TV vor Millionen Publikum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9UGmnO0Rg4&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 6th 2013, 18:07 Ein tunesischer Bruder wurde nach einem längerem Interview gefragt ob er ein Lied singen könnte live im TV-Studio. Er erklärte sich bereit und komponierte sp... Ibrahim Abou Nagie - Die 14. Ausgabe + 4 neue Sprachen sind da! LIES PROJEKT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlGMEDQwZlA&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 2nd 2013, 18:34 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Abu Adam - Was ist mit unserer Ummah los? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLZOeOBAyq4&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 23rd 2013, 11:15 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... 20 MINUTEN SPÄTER... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6lirypCQSs&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 22nd 2013, 17:18 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Abu Adam - Nur Looser nehmen den Islam an http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojB0dosFJuA&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 15th 2013, 10:52 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Seht wie eure Spenden in Syrien ankommen - Erfahrungsbericht http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIfT9qVw8xg&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 11th 2013, 06:00 http://helfen-in-not.info http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQura... Verliebt, Verlobt, Verheiratet! Tipps zur Partnersuche, Hochzeit und Ehe im Islam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX2fYIs4Gx8&feature=youtube_gdata Sep 13th 2013, 17:38 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/RsbbjS Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:19AM I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand I ♥ Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand Wahai Pemilik keindahan, penuhi hati kami dengan ilmu dan makrifat, hiasi lidah... http://www.facebook.com/IloveMuhammad/posts/10151903633293644 Dec 19th 2013, 03:08 Wahai Pemilik keindahan, penuhi hati kami dengan ilmu dan makrifat, hiasi lidah kami dengan hikmah dan kebaikan, jaga mata kami dari kemaksiatan, jaga telinga kami dari umpatan dan ucapan yg sia sia, jada tangan kami dari kezaliman dan perampasan, jaga perut dari barang haram dan subhat. Wahai Pemilik ilmu, demi kemuliaan Mu, ajarkan kami tentang kemuliaan... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WNN5Lk Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:19AM dawa-news - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=666169097&v=wall&story_fbid=10152038765044098 Dec 18th 2013, 23:43 اثيوبيا تهدف الى عمل 12 سد يمكن معرفة الممولين و القائمين بالا نشاء و الاستشارات وعمل دراسات سكانية و عرقية و كل الطرق وارده ضد من يريدون خنق مصر و السدود هى 44. ETHIOPIA: Amerti-Neshi Dam, (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=613864528661276&v=wall&story_fbid=613931848654544 Dec 18th 2013, 23:00 OJO: Personajes en negritas están OCUPADOS SOLISTAS /ACTRICES / ACTORES Alan DawaAragaki YuiAoi SoraKuroki Meisa Aoki Tomohisha Anna TsuchiyaAya KamikiAyumi Hamasaki Aya Hirano Ai OtsukaDaisyxDaisyEvie AbeGackt Goto Maki Kanon WakeshimaTanaka Reina KayaK.A.ZKinya KotaniKoda KumiKyary Pamyu PamyuMaaya SakamotoMika NakashimaMelody Miyuki IshiharaMiyavi Namie AmuroNana KitadeNana MizukiOlivia LufkinSayaka YamamotoShiina RingoShion TsujiUtada HikaruYui MakinoYuna ItoNagito Shinomiya Jin akanishi J-POP AAATakahiro NishijimaNaoya UrataMisako Uno Mitsuhiro HidakaShinjiro AtaeShuta SueyoshiChiaki Ito AKB48 Mariko Shinoda Takahashi Minami Izuta RinaIriyama AnnaKaren IwataOshima RyokaKawaei RinaKikuchi AyakaKodama Haruka Kobayashi MarinaSasaki YukariSato SumireSuzuki Mariya Takahashi JuriTano YukaNakatsuka TomomiNakamata ShioriMatsui SakikoMorikawa AyakaYokoyama YuiYagura FuukoWatanabe Mayu ALvino ShoutaJunKoji Arashi Ohno SatoshiSakurai Sho Aiba MasakiNinomiya Kazunari Matsumoto Jun Asian Kung-Fu Generation Ijichi KiyoshiYamada TakahiroKita KensukeGotoh MasafumiBENNIE K - Yuki - CicoBreakerz - Daigo - Shinpei - Akihide Capsule - Toshiko Koshijima - Yasutaka Nakata. Hey Say Jump - Ryosuke Yamada - Nakajima Yuto - Chinen Yuuri - Morimoto Ryutaro - Okamoto Keito - Yaotome Hikaru - Yabu Kota - Takaki Yuya - Inoe Kei - Daiki Arioka Kalafina - Wakana Ötaki - Keiko Kubota - Hikaru Masai KAT-TUN - Kamenashi Kazuya - Taguchi Junnosuke - Tanaka Koki - Ueda Tatsuya - Nakamura Yuichi Men Vlossom - Yakkun - Natsuki - Iori - Tooru - Rui Morning Musume - Michishige Sayumi - Tanaka Reina - Ikuta Erina - Sayashi Riho - Suzuki Kanon - Iikubo Haruna - Ishida Ayumi - Sato Masaki - Kudo Haruka NewS - Koyama Keiichiro - Masuda Takahisa - Kato Shigeaki - Tegoshi Yuya Perfume - Ayano Ömoto - Yuka Kashino - Ayaka Nishikawa Porno Graffiti - Akihito Okano- Haruichi Shindou Tackey & Tsubasa - Tackey - Tsubasa The Brilliant Green - Tomoko Kawase - Shunsaku Okuda JRock/Visual-Kei 12012 - Wataru - Hiroaki - Enya - Tooru - Suga 9GOATS BLACK OUT - Ryo - Uta - Hati - ex. Akaya - ex.Takumi VII Sense - Shaura (ex.Juka) - Erina - Rayx - Kaz - Masato - Mikage Abingdon Boys School - Takanori Nishikawa - Shibasaki Hiroshi - Sunao - Kishi Toshiyuki Alice Nine - Shou - Hiroto - Tora - Saga - Nao ALSDEAD - Maki - Shin - Reito - Setsua An Cafe - Miku - Kanon - Takuya - Teruki - Yuuki - ex. Bou Ayabie - Yumehito - Kenzo - Intetsu - Takehito - Aoi BLACK////RUN - NobuMichi - NobuTsune - Isamu (ex. Yuuto) - Ryutarou Black Line - Mikaru - Syu - Jun - Yudai Blood - Fu-ki - Kaede - Kuwamu Born - Ryoga - K - Ray - Kifumi - Tomo Buck-Tick - Atsushi Sakurai - Hisashi Imai - Hidehiko Hoshino - Yutaka Higuchi - Yagami Toll - ex. Araki Coldrain - Masato - RxYxO - Y.K.C - Katsuma - Sugi D - Asagi - Ruiza - Hidezou - Hiroki - Tsunehito Danger Gang - Waka - Hiko - EX. Rei - EX. Thera D'espairsRay - Hizumi - Karyu - Zero - Tsukasa D=OUT - Kouki - Ibuki - Hikaru - Reika - Minase DaizyStripper - Yu-giri - Mayu - Nao - Rei - Kazami Dear Bitch - Ayame - Shinya - Shyngi - Kyota - Civa DecoLa Hopping - Suiya - Fuku - Fuyuki - Yosuke - Osamu DELUHI - Juri - Aggy - Leda - Sujk Dir en Grey - Kyo - Toshiya - Die - Kaoru - Shinya DISACODE - Akira - Diashi - Shin - Mashi Exist Trace - Jyou - Omi - Miko - Naoto - Mally Fade - Jon Underdown - Rui Watanabe - Kansei Miyagi - Noriyuki Hashimoto - Shingo Terasawa Girugämesh - Satoshi - Nii - Shuu - Ryo Golden Bomber - Shou - Jun - Kenji - Kyan Irokui - Yuuri - Hazuki - Ritsu - Shuuta - Natsuki Janne Da Arc - Yasunori Hayashi - Kazuyuki Matsumoto - Yutaka Tsuda - Kiyo - Shuji Suematsu Kra - Keiyuu - Mai - Yuura - Yasuno L'Arc~en~Ciel - Hyde - Tetsu - Ken - Yukihiro Luna Sea - Ryuichi -Luna Sea - Sugizo - Inoran - J - Shinya Luzmelt - Yuhma - Asuka - Kaie Lycaon - Yuuki - Satoshi - Rito - Mio - Eve Lynch - Hazuki - Reo - Yusuke - Asanao - Akinori Matenrou Opera - Sono - Anzi - Ayame - Yo - Yu Mejibray - Tsuzuku - Mia - Meto - Koichi - Ippu Moi Dix Mois - Seth - Mana - K - Sugiya - Hayato MoNoLith - Ryu - Keita - Shuhei - Takafumi - Hayato MUCC - Tatsurou - Miya - Yukke - Satochi Nightmare - Yomi - Sakito - Hitsugi - Ni~Ya - Ruka Penicillin - Hakuei - Chisato - O-jiro Phantasmagoria - Riku - Iori - Jun - Kisaki - Matoi - ex. Mao - ex. Shion Plastic Tree - Arimura Ryutaro - Hasegawa Tadashi - Nakayama Akira - Kentaro Sato Rec Lens - Kuma - Yuzuki - Mar - Chika Sadie - Mao - Tsurugi - Mizuki - Aki - Kei Seremedy - Seike - Jenziih - Linder - Yohio - Ray Screw - Byou - Manabu - Kazuki - Jin - Rui SID - Mao - Aki - Shinji - Yuya SuG - Takeru - Yuji - Masato - Chiyu - Shinpei - ex. Shouta - ex. Mitsuru The Candy Spooky Theater - Jack Spooky - Peggy Giggles - Kal Bon Jr - ex. Zull - ex. Kiddy Skeleton the GazettE - Ruki - Uruha - Aoi - Reita - Kai UVERworld - TAKUYA - Katsuya - Nobuto - Akira - Shintarou Versailles - Kamijo - Hizaki - Teru - Masashi - Yuki Vidoll - Jui - Giru - Rame - Tero vistlip - Tomo - Rui - Tohya - Umi- Yuh ViViDShinKo-kiIVRyougaReno X-Japan Yoshiki ToshiSugizoPataHeathex. Hideex. Taiji ZIZ KöziJiroSugiyaYugamiCharge LM.CMaya Aiji (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100005771022646&v=wall&story_fbid=192518404283859 Dec 17th 2013, 22:18 5 February is celebrated in Pakistan as a KASHMIR DAY, each year! This day of 2009 was observed in JHELUM too, to show the solidarity and full support of ... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001695891111&v=wall&story_fbid=601351063264751 Dec 13th 2013, 10:22 "Breakin NEWS" mashabiki waliokuwa wagonjwa wa pressure walirudisha kadi za Arsenal na kuhamia Manchester United kwa kipindi cha miaka 20 wameishi kwa raha mstarehe na kujifanya hawataumwa tena pressure kumbe walisahau kuwa hiyo dawa itexpire, hivi karibuni baada ya dawa hiyo kuishiwa nguvu wameanza kuugua. Baadhi ya wagonjwa hao wameiomba Arsenal Fc iwakubalie kurejeshewa kazi ya ushabiki wa Arsenal ili kuokoa maisha yao kutokana na presure walionayo mpaka sasa wengi wamerejesha kadi na wengini kupoteza maisha kwa sababu ya matokeo mabovu ya msiku huu. wengine wameomba kurejeshewa fedha zao za manunuzi ya ticket. Aidha, Uongozi wa Arsenal unapenda kuwa karibisha wana wapotevu wote. karibu sana muonane na Ozil, Podoscore, Ramscore,Flaminhooo, MertersCORE! (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004049200176&v=wall&story_fbid=387720438039593 Dec 12th 2013, 11:41 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/n83wB7 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 03:17AM Islamreligion.com - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=576100322462027&v=wall&story_fbid=586031558135570 Dec 18th 2013, 22:19 islam-guide.com islamreligion.com way-to-allah.com/en/index.html zaytuna.org islamicity.com (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=576100322462027&v=wall&story_fbid=586029318135794 Dec 18th 2013, 22:14 http://islam-qa.com/en Non muslims - : - islam-guide.com/fr/ islamreligion.com/fr/ imanway.com/fr/page.htm http://www.doctrine-malikite.fr fatawaislam.com The Religion of Islam - http://www.islamreligion.com/#... http://friendfeed.com/kokinoor/c8a50a10/religion-of-islam Dec 18th 2013, 15:54 What They Said about Muhammad (part 2 of 3) Description: The statements of non-Muslim scholars who have studied Islam about the Prophet. Part 2: Their statements. By iiie.net (edited by IslamReligion.com) Lamartine, Histoire de la Turquie, Paris 1854, Vol II, pp. 276-77: "If greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria of human genius, who could dare to compare any great man in modern history with Muhammad? The most famous men created arms, laws and empires only. They founded, if anything at all, no more than material powers which often crumbled away before their eyes. This man moved not only armies, legislations, empires, peoples and dynasties, but millions of men in one-third of the then inhabited world; and more than that, he moved the altars, the gods, the religions, the ideas, the beliefs and souls... the forbearance in victory, his ambition, which was entirely devoted to one idea and in no manner striving for an empire; his endless prayers, his mystic conversations with God, his death and his triumph after death; all these attest not to an imposture but to a firm conviction which gave him the power to restore a dogma. This dogma was twofold, the unit of God and the immateriality of God; the former telling what God is, the latter telling what God is not; the one overthrowing false gods with the sword, the other starting an idea with words. "Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?" Edward Gibbon and Simon Ocklay, History of the Saracen Empire, London, 1870, p. 54: "It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that deserves our wonder, the same pure and perfect impression which he engraved at Mecca and Medina is preserved, after the revolutions of twelve centuries by the Indian, the African and the Turkish proselytes of the Quran...The Mahometans[1] have uniformly withstood the temptation of reducing the object of their faith and devotion to a level with the senses and imagination of man. 'I believe in One God and Mahomet the Apostle of God', is the simple and invariable profession of Islam. The intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible idol; the honors of the prophet have never transgressed the measure of human virtue, and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his disciples within the bounds of reason and religion." Bosworth Smith, Mohammed and Mohammadanism, London 1874, p. 92: "He was Caesar and Pope in one; but he was Pope without Pope's pretensions, Caesar without the legions of Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace, without a fixed revenue; if ever any man had the right to say that he ruled by the right divine, it was Mohammed, for he had all the power without its instruments and without its supports." Annie Besant, The Life and Teachings of Muhammad, Madras 1932, p. 4: "It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher." W. Montgomery, Mohammad at Mecca, Oxford 1953, p. 52: "His readiness to undergo persecutions for his beliefs, the high moral character of the men who believed in him and looked up to him as leader, and the greatness of his ultimate achievement – all argue his fundamental integrity. To suppose Muhammad an impostor raises more problems than it solves. Moreover, none of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad." James A. Michener, 'Islam: The Misunderstood Religion' in Reader's Digest (American Edition), May 1955, pp. 68-70: "Muhammad, the inspired man who founded Islam, was born about A.D. 570 into an Arabian tribe that worshipped idols. Orphaned at birth, he was always particularly solicitous of the poor and needy, the widow and the orphan, the slave and the downtrodden. At twenty he was already a successful businessman, and soon became director of camel caravans for a wealthy widow. When he reached twenty-five, his employer, recognizing his merit, proposed marriage. Even though she was fifteen years older, he married her, and as long as she lived, remained a devoted husband. "Like almost every major prophet before him, Muhammad fought shy of serving as the transmitter of God's word, sensing his own inadequacy. But the angel commanded 'Read'. So far as we know, Muhammad was unable to read or write, but he began to dictate those inspired words which would soon revolutionize a large segment of the earth: "There is one God." "In all things Muhammad was profoundly practical. When his beloved son Ibrahim died, an eclipse occurred, and rumors of God's personal condolence quickly arose. Whereupon Muhammad is said to have announced, 'An eclipse is a phenomenon of nature. It is foolish to attribute such things to the death or birth of a human-being.' "At Muhammad's own death an attempt was made to deify him, but the man who was to become his administrative successor killed the hysteria with one of the noblest speeches in religious history: 'If there are any among you who worshipped Muhammad, he is dead. But if it is God you worshipped, He lives forever.'" Michael H. Hart, The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc. 1978, p. 33: "My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level." http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=318301138240290&v=wall&story_fbid=599741816762886 Dec 14th 2013, 07:20 Мусульмане Германии Muslims in Germany. www.islamreligion.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQ81J9iusYk&feature=youtube_gdata Aug 11th 2011, 14:11 islamreligion.com/ru. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/B9BfK8 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 02:51AM Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Most of the Palestinians fight for land and a state, not for Allahs word to be s... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=185714558292827&id=149984321865851 Dec 19th 2013, 02:15 Most of the Palestinians fight for land and a state, not for Allahs word to be supreme in the land. If you are not going to fight for Allahs word to be supreme, then you will never be successful, Allah will abandon you if you abandon the word of Allah. Why do you think palestinian territory is getting smaller and smaller even when they have half of the world supporting them.. The legendary Palestinian Scholar and reviver of Jihad in the modern age, Shaykh Abdullah Azzam, he spent a long time participating in the Jihad in Palestine. However, matters there were not to his liking, for the people involved in the Jihad were far removed from Islam. He told of how these people used to spend the nights playing cards and listening to music, under the illusion that they were performing Jihad to liberate Palestine. Shaykh Abdullah Azzam mentioned that, out of the thousands in the camp he was in, the number of people who offered their Salah in congregation were so few that they could be counted on one hand. He tried to steer them towards Islam, but they resisted his attempts. One day he rhetorically asked one of the 'Mujahideen' what the religion behind the Palestinian revolution was, to which the man replied, quite clearly and bluntly, "This revolution has no religion behind it." This was the last straw. Shaykh Abdullah Azzam left Palestine, and went to Saudi Arabia to teach in the universities there. When Shaykh Azzam realised that only by means of an organised force would the Ummah ever be able to gain victory, then Jihad and the Gun became his pre-occupation and recreation. "Jihad and the rifle alone: no negotiations, no conferences and no dialogues," he would say. By practising what he was preaching, Shaykh Abdullah Azzam was one of the first Arabs to join the Afghan Jihad against the communist USSR. In 1979, when he learned about the Afghan Jihad, he left his teaching position at King Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and went to Islamabad, Pakistan, in order to be able to participate in the Jihad. He moved to Pakistan to be close to the Afghan Jihad, and there he got to know the leaders of the Jihad. During the early time of his stay in Pakistan, he was appointed a lecturer in the International Islamic University in Islamabad. After a while he had to quit the University to devote his full time and energy to the Jihad in Afghanistan. Even Sheikh Anwar Al-Awlaki said In his "Allah is preparing us for victory" lecture that, "20years ago, The Palestinians I knew would curse Allah and curse Islam. When they would talk, they would curse the religion. The reputation they had was that of corruption, drinking, fasaad." But Anwar Al-awlaki goes on in this lecture that "Although they were furthest away from the deen and cursed Allah azzawajall, they were the ones who sparked the culture of shahada (matyrdom) today." You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/BP0qd6 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 02:45AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "If I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or if I were given the good n... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770601249622244 Dec 19th 2013, 02:10 "If I were to marry a beautiful woman whom I love, or if I were given the good news of having a newborn son, it is less beloved and dear to my heart then to be, in a cold icy night, in an army waiting to meet the enemy the next morning. I advise you to go on jihad" -Khalid Ibn Waleed (ibn al Mubarak) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 02:45AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "Acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have ind... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770601356288900 Dec 19th 2013, 02:11 "Acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, then I thank Allah (swt) for enabling me to do so. And if I seek to acquire these weapons, I am carrying out a religious duty. It would be a sin for Muslims not to try to possess the weapons that would prevent the infidels from inflicting harm on Muslims." - Shaikh Osama bin Laden (rh) Shaheed In'shaa'Allah. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 02:26AM No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand What the #Secular #Media Do Not Want you to Hear in the #Gender #Segregation #De... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=593771390672723&id=182369315146268 Dec 19th 2013, 01:37 What the #Secular #Media Do Not Want you to Hear in the #Gender #Segregation #Debate; Dr Nasreen Nawaz Demolishes secular case so badly it may need its own segregated ward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QbA84qLGFw&sns=tw via What the Secular Media Do Not Want you to Hear in the Gender Segregation Debate www.youtube.com There has been an all mighty furore in the secular media, partly driven by muscular liberalists and pressure groups, with contribution by David Cameron and o... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/s0PJMk -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an 76j4725235b235b891248jv1+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Weitere Optionen: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out | Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/76j4725235b235b891248jv1/topics Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:52AM Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Never assume the Palestinians will liberate Palestine subhanallah that is why sh... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=185709311626685&set=a.155751491289134.1073741828.149984321865851&type=1 Dec 19th 2013, 01:35 Never assume the Palestinians will liberate Palestine subhanallah that is why shiekh Azaam Rahimullah fled from Palestine so much hypocrisy beyond belief far from Allah swt and will accept anything but the law of Allah ! Do you honestly think an Army like this will liberate Al Aqsah? not now or never .. Allhamdullah for the Lions the Mujahadeen of Shaam that have rose the blessed land to one day liberate Bayt Al Muqdusa and the rest of bilad shaam You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/BP0qd6 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:52AM Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Jabhat Al Nusrah in full force in Lebanon striking the sons of muta kufar shias... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=185710458293237&id=149984321865851 Dec 19th 2013, 01:44 Jabhat Al Nusrah in full force in Lebanon striking the sons of muta kufar shias Kennels. سرايا مراون حديد و"جبهة النصرة": هكذا استهدفنا "حزب الله" في الهرمل (فيديو في الداخل) www.lebanese-forces.com نشر فيديو على موقع "يوتيوب"، أظهرت فيه سرايا مروان حديد و"جبهة النصرة" كيفية اطلاق عشرة صواريخ "غراد" على "معاقل حزب الله في الهرمل" الثلثاء، وصورتها بأربع You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/BP0qd6 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:26AM Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand Islam Ist Allah Zu Dienens Facebook-Pinnwand "Der Gesandte Allah's sprach: "Es gibt ein Teil in unserem Körper, dessen Gesund... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=364629823680600&id=335596749917241 Dec 19th 2013, 00:36 "Der Gesandte Allah's sprach: "Es gibt ein Teil in unserem Körper, dessen Gesundheit bedeutet, dass auch der Rest des Körpers gesund ist, und dessen Krankheit bedeutet, dass auch der Rest des Körpers krank ist. Es ist das Herz.""" Wenn Allah jemandem etwas Gutes will, schenkt er ihm einen rechtschaffenen Gefährten, der ihn erinnert, wenn er vergisst, der ihm hilft, wenn dieser ihn darum bittet. (Muslim)" "Der Gesandte Allah's sprach: "Es gibt ein Teil in unserem Körper, dessen Gesundheit bedeutet, dass auch der Rest des Körpers gesund ist, und dessen Krankheit bedeutet, dass auch der Rest des Körpers krank ist. Es ist das Herz.""" Wenn Allah jemandem etwas Gutes will, schenkt er ihm einen rechtschaffenen Gefährten, der ihn erinnert, wenn er vergisst, der ihm hilft, wenn dieser ihn darum bittet. (Muslim)" -G You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/vbxV29 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 04:35PM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Vereinten Nationen benötigen für die Hilfe für die Bürgerkriegsflüchtlinge (... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=753145608032278&set=a.665571906789649.1073741828.665437346803105&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 16:20 Die Vereinten Nationen benötigen für die Hilfe für die Bürgerkriegsflüchtlinge (Es ist kein Bürgerkrieg, sondern ein Krieg gegen die verbrecherischen assadschen Banden) in Syrien so viel Geld wie nie zuvor für ein Land. Mit einem dringenden Hilferuf wandte sich die Organisation an die Staatengemeinschaft. Für entsprechende Hilfsaktionen seien 2014 rund 6,5 Milliarden Dollar (4,7 Milliarden Euro) erforderlich, erklärten UN- und andere Hilfsorganisationen in einem gemeinsamen Appell. Das sei die bisher größte Summe, die die UN jemals für eine humanitäre Katastrophe von der Staatengemeinschaft erbitten mussten", sagte die UN-Nothilfe-Koordinatorin Valerie Amos. Sie rief die reichen Länder auf, die Menschen in dieser entsetzlichen Krise nicht allein zu lassen. http://www.dw.de/dramatischer-hilfsappell-für-syriens-bürgerkriegsopfer/a-17300692?maca=de-rss-de-top-1016-rdf You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 03:49PM Pierre Vogel und seine Welt Abu Zubayr al Mujahid - ein Tag im Leben eines Michbrot-Jihadisten http://boxvogel.blogspot.com/2013/12/abu-zubayr-al-mujahid-ein-tag-im-leben.html Dec 18th 2013, 15:48 Viel wird ja gerade über Deutsch-Jihadisten geschrieben, jedoch sieht und liest man über sie zumeist erst, wenn sie schon tot sind, weswegen ich Ihnen hier einen derzeit noch lebendigen Milchbrotkrieger vorstellen möchte, welcher uns stellvertretend für alle anderen "Dead Men" sein "walking" vorführt. Wie verbringt ein Abu Zubayr al Mujahid alias Islam Muhammed aus Leverkusen nun seinen Tag? Zuerst wir ein bisschen auf Dirty Hans gemacht.... ....dann wird gemampft und zwar am besten Zeugs, dass nicht hiesig ist, muss man ja orientalischer sein als jeder echte Araber,.... ....dann wird wieder einer auf Rambo-Rudi gemacht,... ...dazwischen ein wenig gedroht.... ...und geballert, .... ...danach nochmal gemampft... ...und vor dem Heiagang noch ein bisschen gepost: Wer noch nicht genug von der lustigen Schau hat, dem sei diese Seite ans Herz gelegt, ist ja auch seine Rechtschreibung ein paar laute Lacher wert: https://www.facebook.com/muhammed.islam.75 Wie? Ob er mit dem pathetischen Getue Fans generiert? Natürlich und vor allem einer sticht da besonders heraus, sorgt er sich ja furchtbar um den Löwen vom Baggerteich, sieht er ja schon den "Mossard" in dessen dünnen Nacken: Gleich und gleich gesellt sich eben gern und dies ist eben auch bei der Blödheit so. Sollte diese Freakshow die Zukunft des Islam sein, dann kann ich nur mehr eines schreiben: Pfiat mi Allah. Sichelfünferl, noamal! Und natürlich ein dreimaliges Tak-Paulaner! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca9GuwuOVZc Guten Abend You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/WpqYC5 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 03:26PM dawah news - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=200695673450321&v=wall&story_fbid=206061652913723 Dec 18th 2013, 13:43 Al-Jazeera's video showing how Jamat-ud-Dawah & #FIF is Helping in #Flood2013 #Pakistan >Join us :: :: :: Islamic News (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=458556487591939&v=wall&story_fbid=511668412280746 Dec 18th 2013, 13:32 Al-Jazeera's video showing how Jamat-ud-Dawah & #FIF is Helping in #Flood2013 #Pakistan >Join us :: :: :: Islamic News (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100006500780489&v=wall&story_fbid=1468864533340225 Dec 18th 2013, 06:59 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100003476353875&v=wall&story_fbid=439803026145572 Dec 18th 2013, 04:37 Al-Jazeera's video showing how Jamat-ud-Dawah & #FIF is Helping in #Flood2013 #Pakistan >Join us :: :: :: Islamic News (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100005128505377&v=wall&story_fbid=222407831273499 Dec 15th 2013, 07:35 #Russia: Russian Special Services (#FSB) Seize Books and Plant Weapons to defame #Hizb ut-#Tahrir On Tuesday 10th December the Russian mass media with reference to the website of MIA reported the news that there was a massive special operation in Dagestan held to stop the activity of the international organization of Hizb ut Tahrir. On suspicion of Hizb ut Tahrir's involvement, there were 47 searches, 52 people detained, 3 residents of Makhachkala arrested. All actions of the Special Services were carried out under the previously initiated criminal cases of Part 1 Article 30, 278 and Part 1 Article 282 RF CC. i.e. "an attempt to seize power by overthrow of constitutional order" and "extremism". To endorse the lies that Hizb ut-Tahrir's objective was a forcible overthrow of constitutional order in Russia, they planted grenades and home-made explosives during the searches, where Islamic literature was seized. From this the authorities proved once again that they had nothing to oppose the call of Hizb ut Tahrir except dirty lies and brutal force. Russia is the only country in the world that recognizes Hizb ut Tahrir as a terrorist organization. There is nothing surprising in the fact that the Special Services persecute the Shabab of Hizb ut Tahrir, because Russia fights against Islam and Hizb ut Tahrir works to protect Islam. However everything is under the control of Allah سبحانه وتعالى, Who makes it so, that a lie cannot hide the truth. Allah سبحانه وتعالى says: وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا "And say: "Truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Surely falsehood is bound to vanish". (17:81) Despite the schemes from the enemies of Allah سبحانه وتعالى the call of Hizb ut Tahrir continues with an ever-increasing number of people learning the truth about Islam. If Allah سبحانه وتعالى tests any of Hizb ut Tahrir's Shabab with imprisonment, so He is also concerned about the dawah to continue. Allah سبحانه وتعالى says: وَإِذْ يَمْكُرُ بِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِيُثْبِتُوكَ أَوْ يَقْتُلُوكَ أَوْ يُخْرِجُوكَ وَيَمْكُرُونَ وَيَمْكُرُ اللَّهُ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ "And when the disbelievers plotted against you to imprison you, or to kill you, or to get you out; they were plotting and Allah too was plotting; and Allah is the Best of those who plot". (8:30) Allah سبحانه وتعالى will certainly humiliate liars and all who oppose the spread of the truth and it is only a matter of time. The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: «لَيَبْلُغَنَّ هَذَا الْأَمْرُ مَا بَلَغَ اللَّيْلُ وَالنَّهَارُ، وَلَا يَتْرُكُ اللَّهُ بَيْتَ مَدَرٍ وَلَا وَبَرٍ إِلَّا أَدْخَلَهُ اللَّهُ هَذَا الدِّينَ، بِعِزِّ عَزِيزٍ، أَوْ بِذُلِّ ذَلِيلٍ، عِزًّا يُعِزُّ اللَّهُ بِهِ الْإِسْلَامَ، وَذُلًّا يُذِلُّ اللَّهُ بِهِ الْكُفْرَ» "This case is sure to come where the night and day appears, and Allah will not leave a single house of settled or nomadic residents without this religion, exalt a noble and belittle a worthless fellow. Allah will magnify the glory of Islam and humiliate disbelief" [Ahmad and Tabarani]. Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir in Russia Thursday 9th Safar 1435 AH - 12/12/2013 CE REF: 1435 AH/02 http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=139865829409339&v=wall&story_fbid=636049739790943 Dec 14th 2013, 16:05 Ashraf Sraf in Kashmir Day Conference of Jamat-ud-Dawah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMg0EkV0mKE&feature=youtube_gdata Feb 6th 2010, 01:27 Leader of All Parties Hurriyat Conference Ashraf Sraf delivers speech on Kashmir Day Rally organized by Jamat-ud-Dawah Pakistan. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/Z9w5zl Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 03:26PM Ich Liebe Allah (s.w.t.)s Facebook-Pinnwand Ich Liebe Allah (s.w.t.)s Facebook-Pinnwand Abdullāh Ibn 'Amr (Radī Allāhu 'anhu) berichtete, dass der Prophet (SallAllāhu... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=445238278909034&id=194080704024794 Dec 18th 2013, 14:35 Abdullāh Ibn 'Amr (Radī Allāhu 'anhu) berichtete, dass der Prophet (SallAllāhu 'alayhi wa Sallam) sagte: „Wer immer die folgenden vier Eigenschaften besitzt, ist ein reiner Heuchler, und wer nur eine der vier Eigenschaften hat, besitzt so lange eine heuchlerische Eigenschaft, bis er diese aufgibt: Wenn man ihm etwas anvertraut, verhält er sich untreu; wenn er spricht, lügt er; wenn er eine vertragliche Abmachung schließt, erfüllt er sie nicht; und wenn er mit jemandem streitet, benimmt er sich unverschämt." [Sahīh Al-Bukhārī Nr. 0034] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YVyKKY Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 03:23PM Shababul Ummah Medias Facebook-Pinnwand Shababul Ummah Medias Facebook-Pinnwand Kennt ihr die Geschichte von Abu Qudamah und dem jungen Mujahid? Der in Medina... http://www.facebook.com/ShababulUmmahMedia/posts/443067859127937 Dec 18th 2013, 14:49 Kennt ihr die Geschichte von Abu Qudamah und dem jungen Mujahid? Der in Medina lebende Mann namens Abu Qudamah Ash-Shamy, war bekannt für seine Liebe zum Jihad auf dem Pfade Allahs, die ihn zu jeder Expedition in die Gebiete der Römer führte. Als er sich mit einigen seiner Gefährten in der Prophetenmoschee befand, sprach ihn jemand wie folgt an: „Oh Abu Qudamah, erzähle uns von deinem erstaunlichsten Erlebnis im Jihad!" Er erzählte: Ich erreichte einmal die Stadt Riqqa (im Irak) um mir ein Kamel, das mir meine Waffen trägt, zu kaufen. Eines Tages trat eine Frau an dem Ort ein, an dem ich saß und sagte: "Oh Abu Qudamah, ich hörte wie du vom Jihad erzählst und die Muslime dazu aufrufst. Ich bin mit mehr Haar gesegnet als viele andere Frauen. Ich habe aus meinem Haar einen Pferdezügel gemacht und bedeckte ihn anschließend mit Staub um ihn vor anderen zu verbergen. Ich wünsche, dass du ihn mit dir nimmst und wenn du in das Land der Ungläubigen angelangst und die Reiter in die Schlacht kommen, die Pfeile abgeschossen werden, die Schwerter und die Speere gezogen werden, dann verwende ihn oder schenke ihn jemanden, der davon Nutzen ziehen kann. Denn ich wünsche, dass mein Haar die Kämpfe bezeugen wird und mit Staub auf dem Pfade Allahs bedeckt wird. Ich bin eine Witwe, deren Mann und eine Anzahl von Verwandten auf dem Wege Allahs getötet wurden. Wenn ich gebraucht würde, würde ich mich dem Jihad anschließen." Dann streckt sie ihre Hand aus und übergab mir den Zügel. Sie sprach dann: "Oh Abu Qudamah, wisse, dass mir mein Mann einen Sohn hinterlassen hat, der zu den feinsten seiner Generation gehört. Er hat den Quran, die Kunst des Fechtens, sowie das Bogenschießen erlernt. Er ist 15 Jahre alt und betet des Nachts und fastet während des Tages. Er ist zurzeit an einem Ort, dessen Besitz er von seinem Vater erbte. Hoffentlich wird er vor deiner Abreise zurückkehren, damit ich ihn dir als Geschenk an Allah, des Erhabenen, mitgeben kann. Und ich bitte dich bei Allah, dass du nicht meine Bitte ablehnen wirst, die ich um Belohnung zu erhalten, ersuche. Abu Qudamah sagte: Ich verließ den Ort Riqqa mit meinen Gefährten als ich von hinten die Stimme eines Reiters wahrnahm: „Oh Abu Qudamah, warte für eine Weile auf mich! Möge Allah dir barmherzig sein" Ich hielt an und sagte meinen Gefährten sie sollen voraus gehen, während ich mich nach der Person erkundige. Der Reiter kam näher und umarmte mich und sprach: „Gepriesen sei Allah, der mich nicht von deiner Truppe abhielt und enttäuscht zurück kehren lässt. Als er sein Gesicht enthüllte, sah ich einen jungen Mann, der einem Vollmond (in der Schönheit) glich und anscheinend ein wohlhabendes Leben führte. Ich sagte darauf: „Mein lieber, lass mich dein Gesicht sehen. Wenn es danach aussieht als würdest du kämpfen können, so werde ich dir befehlen dich uns anzuschließen. Andernfalls würde ich dich zurückschicken." „Mein lieber, hast du einen Vater?" Er sagte: „Nein." In Wahrheit komme ich um meinen, als Märtyrer gestorbenen Vater zu rächen und vielleicht gewährt mir Allah den gleichen Tod. Abu Qudama: „Mein lieber, hast du eine Mutter?" „Ja." Antwortete der Junge. Ich sagte ihm darauf: „Dann gehe und frage sie um Erlaubnis. Wenn sie es dir erlaubt, komme wieder. Andernfalls bleibe zurück." (nicht bei Fardu Ayn) Der Junge sprach: Oh Abu Qudamah, erkennst du mich denn nicht?" „Nein." Erwiderte ich. Er sagte: „Ich bin der Sohn der Frau, die dir den Zügel gab. Wie schnell konntest du sie vergessen? Ich bin insha Allah der Märtyrer-Sohn eines Märtyrers. Ich bitte dich im Namen Allahs mich nicht daran zu hindern, mit dir Fisabili Allah zu gehen, da ich das Buch Allahs auswendig kann, Wissen von der Sunnah des Propheten besitze und ich habe Erfahrung in der Reitkunst und im Bogenschießen. Ich habe niemanden hinter mir gelassen, der ein besserer Kämpfer ist als ich, so verachte mich nicht aufgrund meines jungen Alters. Meine Mutter hat einen Eid abgeleistet, dass ich nicht zurückkommen solle und sie sagte: „Oh mein Sohn, wenn du den Ungläubigen begegnest, dann wende ihnen nicht deinen Rücken zu und opfere dich für Allah und strebe seine und die Nähe deines Vaters und deiner rechtschaffenen Onkel im Himmel an. Und wenn dir Allah den Märtyrertod gewährt, so lege Führsprache für mich ein, denn mir wurde gesagt, dass der Märtyrer für 70 seiner Verwandten und Nachbarn Führsprache einlegen darf." Dann umarmte sie mich und blickte in den Himmel und sprach: „Mein Herr, das ist mein Sohn, die Blume meines Herzens und der liebste meiner Seele. Ich präsentiere ihn dir, so bringe ihn seinem Vater näher." Als ich die Worte des Jungen hörte, weinte ich wegen seinem guten Akhlaq und seiner jugendlichen Schönheit. Ich bemitleidete die Mutter und erstaunte gleichzeitig über ihre Geduld. Wir fuhren mit unserer Reise fort; Wir rasteten in der Abenddämmerung und brachen am Morgen auf. Der Junge hörte nie auf in dieser Zeitspanne Allah zu gedenken und zu verherrlichen. Ich beobachtete seine Bewegungung und seine Handlungen und fand heraus, dass er besser als wir war. Als wir uns dem Feind näherten, wurde unsere Entschlossenheit durch ihn gestärkt. Sein Geist wurde ermutigt, sein Herz blühte auf und die Spuren der Glückseligkeit bedeckten ihn. Wir schritten fort bis wir uns dem Land der Kuffar näherten und ließen uns nieder als die Sonne begann zu sinken. Um unser Fasten zu brechen, bereitete der Junge uns das Essen vor, alsdann er in den Schlaf fiel. Er schlief für eine sehr lange Zeit während ich ein Lächeln auf seinem Gesicht entdeckte. Als er aufwachte, sprach ich zu ihm: "Mein Lieber, ich sah dich lächeln im Schlaf." Er erwiderte: "Ich sah etwas, dass ich sehr mochte und das brachte mich dazu." Ich sprach: "Und was sahst du?" Der Junge: "Ich sah mich in einem vornehmen grünen Garten." Als ich durch ihn umherging sah ich ein silbernes Schloss dessen Balkone aus Juwelen und Perlen waren. Die Türen waren aus Gold und die Vorhänge waren hinunter gelassen. Dann sah ich einige Dienstmädchen, dessen Gesichter dem Mond in der Schönheit glichen. Sie zogen die Vorhänge hoch und als sie mich sahen, sprachen sie": "Willkommen" Und dann hörte ich einige von ihnen zu den anderen sagen: "Das ist der Ehemann von "Mardhiyyah." Darauf sprachen sie zu mir: "Schreite voran! Möge Allah dir barmherzig sein." Als ich mich näherte sah ich ein Zimmer auf der Spitze des Schlosses, dass aus roten Gold gemacht worden war. In ihm stand ein grünes Bett aus Juwelen dessen Beine aus weißem Silber waren. Es lag ein Mädchen dessen Gesicht der Sonne ähnelte auf dem Bett und wäre nicht der Beistand Allahs, so würde ich mein Augenlicht und meinen Verstand aufgrund der Helligkeit des Zimmers und der Schönheit des Mädchens verlieren. Das Mädchen grüßte mich als sie mich sah und sprach: "Willkommen, ohh Diener und Liebling Allahs! Du bist meins und ich gehöre dir" Ich wollte sie umarmen doch sie sprach: "Nur langsam, haste nicht. Du bist keiner der Falsches begeht. Wir werden uns Morgen zur Zeit des Dhur Gebetes treffen. So sei erfreut!" Abu Qudama sagte darauf: "Mein Junge, du hast Gutes gesehen und Gutes soll es insha Allah werden." Erstaunt vom Traum legten wir uns anschließend schlafen. Als wir aufwachten, eilten wir zu unseren Pferden und der Ausrufer schrie: "Oh ihr Reiter Allahs steigt auf und erfreut euch des Paradieses. Zieht aus, leicht oder schwer (Quran 9, 41). Die Armee des Kuffr, möge Allah sie vernichten, war nur eine Stunde von uns entfernt und breiteten sich wie die Heuschrecken aus. Der erste von uns, der sie angriff war der Junge. Er durchbrach ihre Linien, tauchte in ihre Reihen, tötete viele ihre Männer und schlug ihre Helden nieder. Als ich ihn dies tun sah,holte ich ihn ein, ergriff den Zügel seines Pferdes, und sagte: "Mein Lieber, zieh dich zurück! Du bist ein junger Bursche, der noch unerfahren in der Kriegskunst ist." Er antwortete: "Oh Onkel hörtest du nicht den Ruf Allahs: 'Oh ihr, die ihr glaubt, wenn ihr auf die Ungläubigen stoßt, die im Heerzug vorrücken, so kehrt ihnen nicht den Rücken' (Quran 8,15). Wünschst du etwa für mich das Höllenfeuer?" Als wir miteinander sprachen, begannen die Mushrikiin mit einer großen Offensive, die uns von einander trennte und jeder musste nach sich selbst schauen. Als die zwei Parteien (Muslime und Kuffar) sich von einander trennten, entdeckte ich unzählige Tote. Da Staub und Blut über ihren Gesichtern lag, ritt ich durch die Toten um sie zu identifizieren. Während ich durch sie hindurch ritt, entdeckte ich den Jungen zwischen den Hufabdrücken. Staubbedeckt und blutüberströmt sprach er: "Oh Muslime, bringt meinen Onkel Abu Qudama zu mir!" Ich hörte das Weinen des Jungen und lief darauf zu ihm. Als ich ihn erreichte, konnte ich sein Gesicht aufgrund des Blutes und der vielen Abdrücke von Pferdehufen nicht erkennen. Ich sagte zu ihm: "Hier bin ich! Abu Qudama!" Er erwiderte: "Oh Onkel, beim Herrn der Kaaba, mein Traum ist wahr geworden. Ich bin der Sohn der Zügel-Besitzerin!" Als ich dies hörte, warf ich mich auf ihn, küsste ihn zwischen die Augen und sprach: "Mein lieber, vergiss nicht deinen Onkel Abu Qudama am Tage des Gerichts!" Er antwortete: "Solche wie deines Gleichens können nicht vergessen werden. Du wischst mir das Blut mit deinem Umhang vom Gesicht? Mein Umhang ist es würdiger. Oh Onkel, lass es sein, da ich mir wünsche Allah in diesem Zustand zu treffen. Oh Onkel! Die Hoor al Ayn, die ich dir beschrieb, wartet auf meine Seele an meinem Kopf uns sagt: "Eile dich, denn ich sehne mich nach dir!" Oh Onkel! Wenn Allah dich sicher zurückkehren lässt, so bringe meiner traurigen, einsamen Mutter meine blutbefleckte Kleidung und sage ihr, dass Allah ihr Geschenk akzeptiert hat. Dann lächelte der Junge und sprach: Ich bezeuge, dass niemand das Recht hat angebetet zu werden außer Allah, der keine Partner hat und das Muhammad sein Gesandter ist. Allah und sein Gesandter haben ihr Versprechen gehalten. Dann verließ seine Seele seinen Körper. Wir hüllten ihn dann in seine Kleidung ein und begruben ihn. Möge Allah mit ihm und uns zufrieden sein. Als wir von unserer Expedition zurückkamen, ging ich zum Haus der Mutter und sie kam sehr beunruhigt hinaus. Ich grüßte sie und sie erwiderte meinen Salam und sagte: "Kommst du mit froher oder schlechter Botschaft?" Ich fragte sie darauf: "Erkläre mir was für dich eine frohe und eine schlechte Botschaft ist. Möge Allah mit dir barmherzig sein!" Sie: Wenn mein Sohn sicher zurück gekommen ist, dann ist es eine schlechte Botschaft und falls er auf dem Pfade Allahs gestorben ist, dann ist es eine frohe Botschaft. Abu Qudama: "So, frohe Botschaft!" Allah hat dein Geschenk angenommen. Dann flossen ihre Tränen über ihr Gesicht und sie fragte: "Hat Allah es angenommen?" Ich sagte: "Ja" Daraufhin sprach sie: Gepriesen sei Allah, der mir meinen Sohn für den Tag des jüngsten Gerichts aufbewahrt! You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/9myC0Z -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an 76j4725235b235b891248jv1+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Weitere Optionen: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out | Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/76j4725235b235b891248jv1/topics Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:51AM Islam News germans Facebook-Pinnwand Islam News germans Facebook-Pinnwand Die Islamische Front 19.12.2013 Als die Islamische Front am 6. Dezember den Gre... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=489805721139246&id=360496377403515 Dec 19th 2013, 01:01 Die Islamische Front 19.12.2013 Als die Islamische Front am 6. Dezember den Grenzposten von Bab al-Hawa an der türkisch-syrischen Grenze besetzte, waren das zwei Wochen zuvor gegründete Bündnis aus sieben Rebellengruppen und ihr militärischer Chef Zahran Allush noch wenig bekannt. Doch die Vertreibung des Kommandanten der Freien Syrischen Armee (FSA), Salim Idris, und die Übernahme der FSA-Lagerhäuser durch die islamistischen Kämpfer haben die Amerikaner aufgeschreckt. Sie stoppten jede Hilfe an die Rebellen im Norden Syriens, die laut westlichen Spielregeln nicht in die Hände von Jihadisten fallen dürfen. Amerikaner abgewiesen Doch ist die Islamische Front eine jihadistische Organisation? Mit dem Hinauswurf der «moderaten» FSA hat der Westen seinen Partner auf dem syrischen Schlachtfeld verloren. Die Amerikaner fragen sich nun, ob sie Einfluss zurückgewinnen können, indem sie mit den Islamisten das Gespräch suchen. Aussenminister Kerry sagte am Dienstag, ein Treffen zwischen Amerikanern und Vertretern der Islamischen Front sei möglich. Tags darauf erklärte aber der amerikanische Botschafter in Syrien, Robert Ford, die Front habe das Gespräch verweigert. Zürche Zeitung You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/jMXfvZ Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "The main thing that prevents all of us from coming to Jihad is our families. Al... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770577439624625 Dec 19th 2013, 01:02 "The main thing that prevents all of us from coming to Jihad is our families. All of us who came here, came without our family's permission. If we had listened to our families and gone back home, who would carry on this work that we are doing?" -SHAHEED AMIR IBN KHATTAB You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "If we were to bring Khalid bin al-Waleed (RA) to some of these talks by so-call... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770580726290963 Dec 19th 2013, 01:04 "If we were to bring Khalid bin al-Waleed (RA) to some of these talks by so-called scholars on the issues of jihad, he would consider this to be Islam of the sissies." -Anwar Al Awlaki. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand In Hashiyat ad Dussuqi it is stated: Jihad becomes Fard Ayn upon a surprise at... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770581229624246 Dec 19th 2013, 01:05 In Hashiyat ad Dussuqi it is stated: Jihad becomes Fard Ayn upon a surprise attack by the enemy. Dussuqi said: "Wherever this happens, jihad immediately becomes Fard Ayn upon everybody, even women, slaves and children, and they march out even if their guardians, husbands and creditors forbid them to. -Maliki Madhhab You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Narrated Ibn Umar (ra) that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "My livelihood is under... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770583302957372 Dec 19th 2013, 01:12 Narrated Ibn Umar (ra) that the Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "My livelihood is under the shade of my spear, and he who disobeys my orders will be humiliated." (Sahih Bukhari, p.408,vol.1) -The virtue of the spear has been mentioned in this hadith and we have been informed that the livelihood and provision of the Prophet (saw) lies in the spear (jihaad). This is why the muhaditheen have stated that the best earning is that of war booty and it is clearly proven by this hadith that booty has been made permissable for this Ummah. It is clearly a halaal earrnings than any kind of earnings nowadays.... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Imām Ibn Abdil-Barr said: "The most evil of scholars are ones closest to the rul... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770583492957353 Dec 19th 2013, 01:12 Imām Ibn Abdil-Barr said: "The most evil of scholars are ones closest to the rulers." [Bahjat al-Majālis]" You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Zayd ibn Thabit said: "We were with the Messenger (saw) codifying the Qur'an o... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770584132957289 Dec 19th 2013, 01:14 Zayd ibn Thabit said: "We were with the Messenger (saw) codifying the Qur'an on Riqaa'(pieces of cloth made out of leather) when the Messenger of Allah said, "Goodness be for Shaam." We asked Why? Oh Messenger of Allah He said, "Because the Angles of the Most Merciful are spreading their wings over Ashaam" [Tirmidhi 3889, Hasan] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Allah says: "And indeed this (Tawheed), your religion, is one religion, and I am... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770585029623866 Dec 19th 2013, 01:17 Allah says: "And indeed this (Tawheed), your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear Me." (Al-Mu'minun : 52) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "The likeness of the Muslims in their mutual affection, sympathy and compassion... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770586132957089 Dec 19th 2013, 01:19 "The likeness of the Muslims in their mutual affection, sympathy and compassion is like one body; whenever a part of it complains the rest of the body collapses into sleeplessness and fever." -Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor shou... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770586532957049 Dec 19th 2013, 01:20 "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection." -Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "Do not envy one another; do not inflate prices by overbidding against one anoth... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770587369623632 Dec 19th 2013, 01:22 "Do not envy one another; do not inflate prices by overbidding against one another; do not hate one another; do not harbor malice against one another; and do not enter into commercial transaction when others have entered into that (transaction); but be you, O slaves of Allah, as brothers. A Muslim is the brother of another Muslim; he neither oppresses him nor does he look down upon him, nor does he humiliate him." -Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Khaled bin Waled(the Saifullah[sword of Allah]) Submit to Islam and be safe. Or... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770591786289857 Dec 19th 2013, 01:40 Khaled bin Waled(the Saifullah[sword of Allah]) Submit to Islam and be safe. Or agree to the payment of the Jizya (tax), and you and your people will be under our protection, else you will have only yourself to blame for the consequences, for I bring the men who desire death as ardently as you desire life. _____________________________ This letter was written by Khaled bin waled(the saifullah[sword of Allah]), from his head-quarters in Babylonia, to the Persian monarch Emperor Yazdegerd III before invading it. (History of the World, Volume IV [Book XII. The Mohammedan Ascendency], page 463, by John Clark Ridpath, LL.D. 1910.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:46AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand What is destined will reach you, even if it be underneath two mountains. What is... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770592226289813 Dec 19th 2013, 01:42 What is destined will reach you, even if it be underneath two mountains. What is not destined, will not reach you, even if it be between your two lips!" What ever is meant for you will be coming your way, while you are led and directed toward it. As for that which is not meant for you, you will be deflected from it as it is turned aside from you. Go easy on yourself, for the outcome of all affairs is determined by Allah's decree. If something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way, but if it is yours by destiny, from you it cannot flee. Sayyidna Umar Ibn Al Khattab You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:45AM Killuminati ∆s Facebook-Pinnwand Killuminati ∆s Facebook-Pinnwand An alle die diesen Beitrag lesen.. schließt eure Augen, konzentriert euch.. und... http://www.facebook.com/Killuminati.for.Wakeup/posts/605835466118549 Dec 19th 2013, 01:25 An alle die diesen Beitrag lesen.. schließt eure Augen, konzentriert euch.. und gibt uns ein "leises OHMMMMMMMMMMM" Ich hoffe jetzt könnt ihr besser schlafen :) Gute Nacht Killuminati ∆ You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/6nJB6h -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. 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- Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand: You can watch Sheikh Omar live tonight 7:00 pm uk time at al-ittijah TV, In engl... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- 99 Names of Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand: I hope it's gonna be helpful for you all while Reciting Quran. JazakAllah. s.c [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Likeeeee https://www.facebook.com/pages/Qurān/180120122159561 [1 Aktualisierung]
- Lern den Islams Facebook-Pinnwand: Ein Mann aus dem Paradies bei den Gesandten Allahs Sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam... [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Alim Hamzas Facebook-Pinnwand: Qatadah - rahimehullah sagte: ,,Allah erschuf Engel mit Verstand und ohne Begier... [1 Aktualisierung]
- PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand: Pierre Vogel in 33 Städte Deutschlands! - Pierre Vogel in deiner Stadt!Wir hab... [1 Aktualisierung]
- PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand: Der Muslim muss es gewohnt sein ausgepfiffen zu werden, er muss es gewohnt sein... [1 Aktualisierung]
- New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21: Shaykh Al Fawzan | Redet über die wichtigen Dinge statt über Soundso [1 Aktualisierung]
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Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:10AM KORANVERSE & HADITHE. <3s Facebook-Pinnwand KORANVERSE & HADITHE. InshaAllah wird auf der Seite demnächst mehr gepostet! Bin die letzte Zeit nich... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=706976642647515&id=138731476138704 Dec 19th 2013, 00:38 InshaAllah wird auf der Seite demnächst mehr gepostet! Bin die letzte Zeit nicht dazu gekommen. Ihr könnt im Kommentarfeld gerne Themen vorschlagen, über die ihr mehr erfahren wollt. Möge Allah diese Seite segnen, sodass wir alle von ihr profitieren. Amin You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/dCHjWc Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 06:56PM El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand El - Hamdulillahs Facebook-Pinnwand Der Teufel hat sich EINMAL nicht verbeugt, & wurde deswegen von ALLAH swt. Aus d... http://www.facebook.com/ayirmayolundan.yarabbi/posts/554412377969295 Dec 18th 2013, 18:53 Der Teufel hat sich EINMAL nicht verbeugt, & wurde deswegen von ALLAH swt. Aus dem Paradies verbannt. Du tust es 5 mal am Tag NICHT! Hast du dich mal gefragt was mit dir geschehen wird? You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/hVMvKZ Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 06:40PM Alim Hamzas Facebook-Pinnwand Alim Hamzas Facebook-Pinnwand Qatadah - rahimehullah sagte: ,,Allah erschuf Engel mit Verstand und ohne Begier... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=576133185804781&set=a.300995653318537.71633.300254703392632&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 18:06 Qatadah - rahimehullah sagte: ,,Allah erschuf Engel mit Verstand und ohne Begierden, Tiere mit Begierden und ohne Verstand und den Menschen mit beidem, Begierden und verstand.'' Ibnul-Qayyim - rahimehullah sagt über diese Aussage von Qatadah: ,,Wenn der Verstand eines Menschen also stärker ist als seine Begierden, dann ist er wie ein Engel und wenn seine Begierden stärker sind als sein Verstand, dann ist er wie ein Tier.'' Geschenk aus Deutschland ''Geduld und dankbarkeit'' von Ibnul-Qayyim - rahimehullah Möge Allah dem Versender mit dem Paradies al-Firdaws belohnen. Amin You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/z1QtyN Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 06:38PM PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand PierreVogel.des Facebook-Pinnwand Pierre Vogel in 33 Städte Deutschlands! - Pierre Vogel in deiner Stadt! Wir hab... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=585193048227099&set=a.496000603813011.1073741825.156282771118131&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 18:30 Pierre Vogel in 33 Städte Deutschlands! - Pierre Vogel in deiner Stadt! Wir haben uns vorgenommen, die Botschaft des Qur´ans auch im Jahre 2014 in den verschiedensten Städten Deutschlands zu verkünden. Damit diese Veranstaltungen ein Erfolg werden, brauchen wir jeweils ein kleines Team von drei bis fünf Geschwistern vor Ort. Wenn du möchtest, dass die Worte ALLAHS verkündet werden, dann melde dich jetzt bei uns Wir suchen insbesondere für die folgenden 33 Städte ein kleines Team! Wenn du zu denen gehörst, die es lieben, wenn die Worte ALLAHS verkündet werden, um die Menschen vor der Hölle zu warnen, wenn du es liebst, dass Menschen den Islam annehmen, dann schick uns eine Einladung und teile uns mit, für welche Stadt du die Verantwortung übernehmen möchtest. An folgenden Orten möchte Pierre Vogel auftreten: - Düsseldorf - Nürnberg - Augsburg - München - Freiburg - Koblenz - Rosenheim - Kiel -Ludwigsburg - Bremen -Hannover - Duisburg - Berlin - Leipzig - Lübeck - Essen - Bielefeld - Ulm - Karlsruhe - Dortmund - Wuppertal - Hagen - Darmstadt -Bayreuth - Ingolstadt - Fulda - Würzburg - Mönchengladbach - Krefeld - Aachen - Osnabrück - Flensburg -Bremerhaven. ACHTUNG! Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass wir immer nur den Ort und die Uhrzeit der Veranstaltung bekanntgeben, da uns die Behörden gerne Streiche spielen und kurzfristig Änderungen bezüglich des Ortes vornehmen. Alle Informationen bekommst du über unsere Seite in der entsprechenden Einladung, auch wenn die genaue Adresse manchmal erst einen Tag vorher bekanntgegeben wird. Ibrahim Al Almani http://www.Facebook.com/PierreVogeloffiziell You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/gvTDGc Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 05:35PM New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21 Shaykh Al Fawzan | Redet über die wichtigen Dinge statt über Soundso http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4ztGWzVm94&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 16:46 Shaykh Al Fawzan | Redet über die wichtigen Dinge statt über Soundso Shaykh Al Fawzan | Redet über die wichtigen Dinge statt über Soundso From: StimmeDerGelehrten1 Views: 10 2 ratings Time: 00:37 More in People & Blogs You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/yn0zF2 -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. 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- Uploads by StimmeDerGelehrten1: Sh. 'Abd Al 'Aziz Al Fawzan | Vier Dinge für die Glückseligkeit [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand: Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, "Whoever loves that he be granted m... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand: Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern... [2 Aktualisierungen]
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- We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: RO takes a look at how the #world has moved on since the end of the #ColdWar, wi... [1 Aktualisierung]
- We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand: 23-year-old Ifthekar Jaman, from Portsmouth (UK) who went to fight against the A... [1 Aktualisierung]
- muslimehelfens Facebook-Pinnwand: "Das ZSF in Kumanovo verteilt Brennholz für 55 Familien Kumanovo, 4. Dezembe... [1 Aktualisierung]
- Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna - Alle Foren: Als Soldat zum Islam? [1 Aktualisierung]
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- Weisheitsperlens Facebook-Pinnwand: Sh. Dr. Salman al 'Awdah حفظه الله. [1 Aktualisierung]
Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 01:05AM Uploads by StimmeDerGelehrten1 Sh. 'Abd Al 'Aziz Al Fawzan | Vier Dinge für die Glückseligkeit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tmihnz-iX_k&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 22:09 Sh. 'Abd Al 'Aziz Al Fawzan | Vier Dinge für die Glückseligkeit Sh. 'Abd Al 'Aziz Al Fawzan | Vier Dinge für die Glückseligkeit. From: StimmeDerGelehrten1 Views: 15 0 ratings Time: 01:00 More in People & Blogs You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pK98WF Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:58AM Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand Im a Muslim & Im Prouds Facebook-Pinnwand Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, "Whoever loves that he be granted m... http://www.facebook.com/IamMuslimAndProud/posts/10151948945098122 Dec 19th 2013, 00:00 Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, "Whoever loves that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged then he should keep good relations with his Kith and kin." (Saheeh Al Bukhari, Book #73, Hadith#15) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/399y1Q Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:55AM Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=680561171975984&id=469444449754325 Dec 19th 2013, 00:22 Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern Unrecht. Wenn er sie dann tatsächlich "vergewaltigt" wird er gesteinigt. Wenn sie aber will und mit ihm abhaut, dann werden beide bestraft. Sollte sie schwanger sein, wird abgewartet bis sie das Kind austrägt und zwei Jahre stillt. Danach wird sie getötet oder gepeitscht. Das Kind gehört ihr nicht und dem Typen auch nicht. KEINE HEIRAT OHNE EINVERSTÄNDNIS DES WALI! Kd You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/Fw623J Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:55AM Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand Islam, der Weg der Muslimes Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=680561171975984&id=469444449754325 Dec 19th 2013, 00:22 Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern Unrecht. Wenn er sie dann tatsächlich "vergewaltigt" wird er gesteinigt. Wenn sie aber will und mit ihm abhaut, dann werden beide bestraft. Sollte sie schwanger sein, wird abgewartet bis sie das Kind austrägt und zwei Jahre stillt. Danach wird sie getötet oder gepeitscht. Das Kind gehört ihr nicht und dem Typen auch nicht. KEINE HEIRAT OHNE EINVERSTÄNDNIS DES WALI! Kd You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/xSc7Sg Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:15PM We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand RO takes a look at how the #world has moved on since the end of the #ColdWar, wi... http://www.facebook.com/Revolution.Translated/posts/456252384481495 Dec 18th 2013, 18:28 RO takes a look at how the #world has moved on since the end of the #ColdWar, with #Capitalism the only ideology in practice. Are the people content with capitalism? Is there another system that can save the world from the distress it's in? Issues in Focus - Episode 20: The World in Distress | The Revolution Observer www.revolutionobserver.com You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/wvvRVF Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:15PM We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand 23-year-old Ifthekar Jaman, from Portsmouth (UK) who went to fight against the A... http://www.facebook.com/Revolution.Translated/posts/456255027814564 Dec 18th 2013, 18:37 23-year-old Ifthekar Jaman, from Portsmouth (UK) who went to fight against the Assad regime in Syria has been killed, his family have confirmed. In his last posts on Twitter, he said: "A man leaves his home to fight for the oppressed people sounds heroic until you add in 'Muslim Man', then he's a terrorist/extremist. That is the view of the West..." In a BBC Newsnight interview, Jaman said: "We are trying to establish the law of God, the law of Allah. This is the duty on me. All these people are suffering. Muslims are being slaughtered. God says he'll bring the best believers here..." May Allah (swt) accept our brother Ifthekar among the Shuhadah and honour us with being his companion in Paradise insh'Allah. Ameen Many like him have left the comforts of their wealth and family life in the West to go and protect the Ummah and assist in the establishment of Allah's dheen on earth against the tyranny and oppression of Bashar al Khanzir! "And do not say of those who are slain in Allah's way: ' They are dead.' Nay (they are) alive, but you perceive (it) not." (Surah Al-Baqarah:154) #Syria http://www.5pillarz.com/2013/12/18/british-fighter-ifthekar-jaman-killed-in-syria/ British fighter Ifthekar Jaman killed in Syria www.5pillarz.com A 23-year-old British Muslim from Portsmouth who went to fight against the Assad regime in Syria has been killed, his family have confirmed. Ifthekar Jaman left his Hampshire home earlier this year to join the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) group. He gave an interview to BBC's [...] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/wvvRVF Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:15PM muslimehelfens Facebook-Pinnwand muslimehelfens Facebook-Pinnwand "Das ZSF in Kumanovo verteilt Brennholz für 55 Familien Kumanovo, 4. Dezembe... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151945777873113&set=a.190650548112.126542.148447403112&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 19:05 "Das ZSF in Kumanovo verteilt Brennholz für 55 Familien Kumanovo, 4. Dezember 2013 In Kumanovo hat das Zentrum für Solidarität und Fortschritt in diesen Tagen, in Zusammenarbeit mit der bekannten deutschen Hilfsorganisation muslimehelfen, ein Winterhilfeprojekt in der Kommune Kumanovo und Lipkovo durchgeführt. In Zahlen ausgedrückt beinhaltet das Projekt in Summe 328 Kubik Brennholz. Das bedeutet, dass jede bedürftige Familie 6 Kubikmeter Brennholz erhält. In das Projekt wurden 55 bedürftige Familien aus der Kommune Lipkovo und Kumanovo einbezogen. Nach Aussage des Projektzuständigen in Kumanovo, Hamdi Nuhiju, ist das Projekt erfolgreich durchgeführt worden und genießt in der Bevölkerung ein hohes Ansehen. „Unter den Anbietern von Brennholz haben wir den passenden, welcher uns das Brennholz in hoher Qualität angeboten hat, ausfindig gemacht. Weiterhin hat uns der Anbieter im Projekt „Brot und Hoffnung" für das Jahr 2014 finanzielle Unterstützung zugesichert, um so weiteren bedürftigen Familien zu helfen. Vom Anfang bis zum Ende des Projektes sind wir mit dem Ablauf zufrieden und Störungen technischer Natur haben wir erfolgreich vermeiden können. In diesem Zuge möchte ich mich im Namen des ZSF in Kumanovo bei dem Spender muslimehelfen für die Spenden für beide Kommunen bedanken, aber unser Dank geht auch an alle Helfer, die mit einer hohen Einsatzbereitschaft dieses Projekt durchgeführt haben. Ein ähnliches Projekt ist auch in der Kommune Preshevo, durch Unterstützung desselben Spenders, durchgeführt worden. Dort wurde das Projekt vom ZSF in Preshevo durchgeführt.", sagte Hamdi Nuhiju. Das ZSF in Kumanovo hofft, dass dasselbe Projekt im nächsten Jahr wiederholt werden kann." Zeitungsartikel vom 04.12.2013, erschienen in der landesweiten, albanischsprachigen Tageszeitung „Lajm" in Mazedonien. Mehr über unsere #Winterhilfe und die Möglichkeit für weitere Projekte dieser Art zu spenden unter www.muslimehelfen.org/winterhilfe You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/8mYz7g Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:14PM Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna - Alle Foren Islam Forum - Die Wahrheit im Herzen - Muslim, Quran, Sunna - http://diewahrheitimherzen.net/forum Als Soldat zum Islam? http://diewahrheitimherzen.net/forum/Thema-Als-Soldat-zum-Islam Dec 18th 2013, 17:57 Guten Abend. Mein Name ist Harry, ich bin 27 Jahre alt, Deutscher und bin am Überlegen, ob ich Muslim werden soll. Ich bin etwas unsicher, ob ich überhaupt zum Islam konvertieren DARF. Mein Problem ist, dass ich Soldat bin, und somit schon 3 mal in Afghanistan stationiert war. In Feuergefechte bin ich auch oft geraten, dort habe ich natürlich zum Gegenangriff ausgeholt. Und genau das ist es, was mir ein ungutes Gefühl macht. Darf ich als "Mörder" zum Islam? Um ehrlich zu sein kann ich diese Taten aber auch nicht sehr bereuen, denn ich denke fast nie darüber nach. Ich würde mich auf eine Antwort von einem erfahrenen Muslim freuen. Mit freundlichen Grüßen You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/7TF33l Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:14PM tauhid - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004464516278&v=wall&story_fbid=252938438198305 Dec 18th 2013, 18:56 Sungguh tlh #kafir yg brkata #Allah salah 1 dr 3. #natal #christmas #islam #tauhid #aqidah #akidah http://www.flickr.com/photos/43039541@N03/11434901633/ Dec 18th 2013, 13:31 Ngaji Tauhid Fanpage Ust. Jafar Salih sebagai media sharing info, pelajaran dan faidah-faidah seputar tauhid. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1354791662&v=wall&story_fbid=10202756206930336 Dec 18th 2013, 11:10 Fanpage Ust. Jafar Salih sebagai media sharing info, pelajaran dan faidah-faidah seputar tauhid. (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=155380424502886&v=wall&story_fbid=668574229850167 Dec 18th 2013, 09:40 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000186516132&v=wall&story_fbid=787019061314304 Dec 18th 2013, 09:12 http://pondoktauhid.blogspot.com/2013/12/majlis-ummah-ahli-sunnah-muasbersama.html http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=691157917572213&v=wall&story_fbid=702340336453971 Dec 18th 2013, 08:51 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=140671359460773&v=wall&story_fbid=179060108955231 Dec 17th 2013, 23:44 Ya Raab Ya Raab Ya raab . Ampunkan segala dosa dosa ku, ibubapa ku, keluargaku,teman teman facebook ku , Adek Beradek AbangAbu Network Group ( A.B.A.N.G) program ku serta keluarga mereka. Jadikan kami orang orang yang bersyukur atas nikmat mu , jadikan semua perjalanan dalam hidup kami adalah yang membawa kemai ke syurga mu. berikan kami sentiasa ketenangan dan jadikan jiwa kami jiwa yang subur. Berikan kami rezeki yang melimpah ruah dan yang membawa kebahagaian. Ya allah , ada diantara kami di aniaya oleh mereka mereka yang tak bertanggung jawap , maafkan lah diri mereka dan berikan mereka tauhid mu dan bawalah mereka dan kami semua ke jalan yang benar. Sesungguhnya tiada yang lebih indah dari mengingati dan beribadah kepada mu, sungguh indah kata kata mu , ya allah , lkau jadikan kami orang orang yang membaca dan mengamalkan segala isi Al Quran ini. Ya allah , ada diantara kami dalam kegelisahan dan kebuntuan maka kau berikan mereka cahaya mu yang boleh menerangi semua kegelapan di luar dan didalam. Ya allah , pimpinlah diri kami ini dijalan yang menuju syurga mu. Salam dan Salawat atas NABI MUHAMMAD SAW yang di rindui , yang di cintai , yang penuh didalam hati , amat merindui untuk ya allah kau temukan lah kami ini dengan NABI kami ini ... Ameeeeeeen Ameeeeeeen Ameeeeeeen http://youtu.be/jcLsLircHtM http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=173974362799999&v=wall&story_fbid=186578411539594 Dec 17th 2013, 12:26 CERAMAH AGAMA ISLAM (WESAL TV) : KEUTAMAAN TAUHID 1 - Ust. Dr. Ali Musri Semjan Putra, M.A. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lubVqNUiqjo&feature=youtube_gdata Apr 20th 2013, 09:37 Wesal TV, TV Sunnah, bisa ditangkap melalui parabola, satelit Palapa/C2 LNB freq: 5150-Trans Freq 4052-symbole rate:333 untuk wilayah ASEAN & Australia) Bambang Noorsena-Tauhid Kristen-4/6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHvCnlMfg7w&feature=youtube_gdata Mar 22nd 2013, 06:25 sesi tanya jawab Remember Only By Faith,......Hanya oleh iman kita di benarkan dan diselamatkan,iman itu penurutan kepada kehendak Bapa,kehendak Bapa adalah ... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/GrgmBy Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:11PM killuminati - Social Mention Killuminati Soldiers http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1762827156&v=wall&story_fbid=3729761820273 Dec 18th 2013, 14:35 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1529210016&v=wall&story_fbid=10202681194500886 Dec 18th 2013, 04:21 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001167041530&v=wall&story_fbid=582136465168583 Dec 17th 2013, 19:55 Killuminati ! (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100003066077677&v=wall&story_fbid=470622826383249 Dec 17th 2013, 16:03 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100006507677887&v=wall&story_fbid=1466199216940320 Dec 17th 2013, 14:51 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1382701253&v=wall&story_fbid=10201097610467392 Dec 17th 2013, 12:51 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100005798498651&v=wall&story_fbid=186063358263613 Dec 11th 2013, 22:55 Killuminati pt 25 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100003879626704&v=wall&story_fbid=323345834471401 Dec 11th 2013, 13:09 KIlluminati Facts EXPOSED! 2013 Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDDyJquhxjk&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 2nd 2013, 20:57 PART 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abmbnUFBwRw This video is an from January 2013 so some of the stuff i say is past tense Some of the things I say may s... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/kTCKYs Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:11PM allahuakbar - Social Mention ALLAHUAKBAR . http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000559315689&v=wall&story_fbid=750538111641492 Dec 18th 2013, 16:54 Allahuakbar gempa :'( http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000555201861&v=wall&story_fbid=749636385064861 Dec 18th 2013, 14:34 AllahuAkbar,,gempa http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000304929048&v=wall&story_fbid=679555598731265 Dec 18th 2013, 14:17 SINU:-):-) ALLAHUAKBAR http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000623013014&v=wall&story_fbid=675681912462570 Dec 18th 2013, 14:04 Watch this. About Islam. It's true :) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000178657900&v=wall&story_fbid=789802411035707 Dec 18th 2013, 12:36 Selepas menonton video ini hanya satu perkataan yang tergambar ALLAHUAKBAR!!! allahuakbar..........Allahuakbar.......Allahuakbar......... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004026858256&v=wall&story_fbid=363151017162457 Dec 18th 2013, 10:49 - Bila kita post "Allahuakbar" "Subhanallah" "Astaghfirullah" automatik ada orang baca. Senang kan nak dapat pahala ? :D Islam itu mudah ♥ http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000951854868&v=wall&story_fbid=638881289486927 Dec 18th 2013, 10:06 Allahuakbar..hareudang pisan.. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002030855710&v=wall&story_fbid=551458514931839 Dec 18th 2013, 08:03 Allahuakbar 3x http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000069642485&v=wall&story_fbid=713023082043340 Dec 18th 2013, 07:31 Allahuakbar.... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=470278079737712&v=wall&story_fbid=515575045208015 Dec 18th 2013, 04:09 Astaghfirullahalazim... Allahuakbar http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001251159847&v=wall&story_fbid=653478751370491 Dec 18th 2013, 02:10 Kalau belum sampai masanya, walau nyaris-nyaris sekalipun tetap Allah selamatkan. Alhamdulillah. Jom laa tengok video nii sama2 :D http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000329028246&v=wall&story_fbid=685253854828909 Dec 18th 2013, 01:51 SELEPAS MENONTON VIDEO NI , HANYA SATU PERKATAAN YANG TERGAMBAR ! ALLAHUAKBAR ! #LIKE dan #SHARE -khairul helmie- Adik : "Kak, kadang saya cemburu sangat dengan budak-budak facebook ni." Me : "Kenapa ya adik?" Adik : "Yalah, kadang saya tengok dorang berdebat kitab ni, berdebat kitab tu, tunjuk kitab ni, dah khatam kitab ni. Sedangkan saya, tak mampu jadi seperti mereka. Sedih kak. Saya cuma pandang saja." *Senyum.* Me : "Adik, cukuplah bila kita buat sesuatu ibadah itu hanya kerana Allah. Walaupun kita tak hebat, tak khatam banyak kitab. Tapi kita dah usahakan memenuhi kehendak Allah. Ingat, orang yang ada riak sedikit pun dengan ilmu yang ada, tidak akan menempah syurga Allah. Jadi, bentuklah diri biasa-biasa saja. Jaga solat, selalu datang ke kuliah ilmu, cari sikit-sikit ilmu agama tu. Allah tak tanya kita ada berapa banyak kitab, tapi Allah tanya berapa banyak kita amalkan dari kitab/sesuatu ilmu tu. Dan Allah suka hambaNya yang buat sikit ibadah tapi berterusan. Itulah ciri hambaNya yang sebenar. Kita nak jadi hebat di mata manusia atau pada pandangan Allah?" Adik : "Allahuakbar kak, bersemangat saya balik. Allah masih sayang saya kak, masih sayang. Terima kasih kak." Me : "Alhamdulillah. Ya, Allah masih sayang. Tetap sayang." *Jadi yang biasa-biasa saja, tapi luar biasa.* :') http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000221177930&v=wall&story_fbid=775954972421868 Dec 18th 2013, 01:35 Allahu Akbar.. Allahu Akbar .. Allahu Akbar Allah is the creator of all things Quran as evidence, told you everything .. we just need to read.. read.. READ! http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1246646608&v=wall&story_fbid=10202663291523904 Dec 18th 2013, 00:31 Selepas menonton video ini hanya satu perkataan yang tergambar ALLAHUAKBAR!!! (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100005688817801&v=wall&story_fbid=181726392026987 Dec 17th 2013, 20:56 ALLAHUAKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anschauen anschauen anschauen!!!!!!!!!!!!! a.t. (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1843075829&v=wall&story_fbid=10200433989212620 Dec 17th 2013, 19:50 Selepas menonton video ini hanya satu perkataan yang tergambar ALLAHUAKBAR!!! Allahuakbar!! Aku sayang kamu. Allahuakbar!! http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002270298985&v=wall&story_fbid=564976760254662 Dec 17th 2013, 07:30 ALLAHUAKBAR, ALHAMDULILLAH http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100003476462297&v=wall&story_fbid=439557619503450 Dec 17th 2013, 06:41 alhamdulillah... Allahuakbar.! http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100006698200696&v=wall&story_fbid=1425410987692161 Dec 17th 2013, 04:51 secdede kedi. şunun kdr olmaıyosunuz.... https://www.facebook.com/photo... http://friendfeed.com/kotak/632d63c9/secdede-kedi-sunun-kdr-olmayosunuz-set Dec 6th 2013, 11:01 k http://friendfeed.com/kotak/e3933ec7/k Dec 4th 2013, 16:09 Ahmed El ACMİ Allahu Akbar NASHEED http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuO6zodTJQY&feature=youtube_gdata Oct 23rd 2013, 05:57 Nasheed - Allahu Akbar Hattem http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnWC9mCvvJc&feature=youtube_gdata Feb 28th 2013, 23:29 Und warum wollt ihr nicht für Allahs Sache kämpfen und für die Schwachen Männer, Frauen und Kinder, die sagen: "Unser Herr, führe uns heraus aus dieser Stadt... Der Kampfruf "Allahu Akbar" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXPS8n74lGs&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 20th 2012, 22:57 Aufklärung über den Islam während der Kundgebung "Bunt statt Islam" der Bürgerrchtspartei DIE FREIHEIT im Münchner Norden am 17. November 2012. Teil 3 der Vi... Afghan Nasheed Allahu Akbar الله اكبر English Subtitles HD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85d8puqoQ88&feature=youtube_gdata Jun 17th 2012, 13:08 Lyrics in Dari and English : Ghaltida, ghaltida Dar khak o khoon shahidan Gulgun shod Afghanistan Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Those who've fallen, those who'v... Very Beautiful Nasheed - Allahu Akbar Laa Ilaha illa Allah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8yrn1ezXOo&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 24th 2011, 15:18 Nasheed. RAIZOSAN-Allahuakbar sami yusuf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXy8T8QG_LE&feature=youtube_gdata Jun 3rd 2010, 06:39 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/nPTL6l Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:11PM kuffar - Social Mention YES, THE KUFFAR EARN THE GOOD OF WHAT THEY DID IN THIS WORLD ONLY ! -------------------- `Umar (r.a) said : "Invoke Allah to make your followers prosperous for the Persians and the Byzantines have been made prosperous and given worldly luxuries, though they do not worship Allah?' The Prophet (SAW) was leaning then (and on hearing my speech he sat straight) and said, 'O Ibn Al-Khatttab! Do you have any doubt (that the Hereafter is better than this world)? These people have been given rewards of their good deeds in this world only" [ Saheeh Bukhaari, 658] http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=355703824471731&v=wall&story_fbid=627845833924194 Dec 18th 2013, 05:48 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001413921180&v=wall&story_fbid=617276541662804 Dec 18th 2013, 04:38 YES, THE KUFFAR EARN THE GOOD OF WHAT THEY DID IN THIS WORLD ONLY ! -------------------- `Umar (r.a) said : "Invoke Allah to make your followers prosperous for the Persians and the Byzantines have been made prosperous and given worldly luxuries, though they do not worship Allah?' The Prophet (SAW) was leaning then (and on hearing my speech he sat straight) and said, 'O Ibn Al-Khatttab! Do you have any doubt (that the Hereafter is better than this world)? These people have been given rewards of their good deeds in this world only" [ Saheeh Bukhaari, 658] @ YES, THE KUFFAR EARN THE GOOD OF WHAT THEY DID IN THIS WORLD ONLY ! -------------------- `Umar (r.a) said : "Invoke Allah to make your followers prosperous for the Persians and the Byzantines have been made prosperous and given worldly luxuries, though they do not worship Allah?' The Prophet (SAW) was leaning then (and on hearing my speech he sat straight) and said, 'O Ibn Al-Khatttab! Do you have any doubt (that the Hereafter is better than this world)? These people have been given rewards of their good deeds in this world only" http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=191149714239213&v=wall&story_fbid=675015239185989 Dec 18th 2013, 02:55 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100007044611733&v=wall&story_fbid=1400768313501309 Dec 17th 2013, 03:44 Moosa Richardson-Be proud of your islam,and oppose the Kuffar. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Sljb9fFCF4&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 23rd 2013, 13:22 Abul-'Abbaas is a post-graduate student from Umm al-Qura University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. He graduated from the Faculty of Hadeeth Sciences. His main teac... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/QpRS9W Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:00PM Chatislamonline.org/de - Social Mention [#FOTO] 2013/12/18 Park Jung Min de vuelta de Japón http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131218-park-jung-min-de-vuelta-de-japon/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:54 Fuente: @p_jungmin43 Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain [#FOTO] 2013/12/18 Kim Hyun Joong Inspiring Generation Poster Teaser http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131218-kim-hyun-joong-inspiring-generation-poster-teaser/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:53 Fuente: @Violet606 + @dukhyea1280 + @4everhyun Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain [#FOTO] 2013/12/18 Kim Hyung Jun Music High Photo Update http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131218-kim-hyung-jun-music-high-photo-update/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:53 Fuente: http://wizard2.sbs.co.kr/w3/template/tpl_iframetype.jsp?vVodId=V0000328480&vProgId=1000218&vMenuId=1019848 Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain [#FOTO] 2013/12/18 Kim Hyun Joong Inspiring Generation - perfect chángpáo look http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131218-kim-hyun-joong-inspiring-generation-perfect-changpao-look/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:52 Más Imágenes Fuente: @howlovelylala + Meeso Joong + @nameless0606 + @MINHJ606 http://me2.do/5AaIyZbY Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain Grupo B7 - Ejercicio 1B_2 - Caracterización de la Controversia http://parquecentralalicante.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/grupo-b7-ejercicio-1b_2-caracterizacion-de-la-controversia/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:51 El grupo B7 realizamos una entrevista a Antonio Aledo, Sociólogo, en referencia a la mesa redonda entre la Plataforma Renfe y la PCM, en la que intervino como […] [#FOTO] 2013/12/17 Kim Hyung Jun Melody of Love Behind the Scene http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131217-kim-hyung-jun-melody-of-love-behind-the-scene/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:50 Más Imágenes Fuente: http://www.kbs.co.kr/drama/melody/report/behind/index.html Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain [#FOTO] 2013/12/18 Kim Hyun Joong [screencaps] キム・ヒョンジュン公式コレクションブック 「素顔のままで」~「TONIGHT」~ http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131218-kim-hyun-joong-screencaps-/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:48 Más Imágenes Fuente: Yumiko Hyunjoong+ @@南京静静地_Jing + @elley0606/http://blog.daum.net/elley0606/1356 Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain Untitled #85 http://fashionkillalexiicloset.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/untitled-85/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:47 Untitled #85 by lara362 featuring Oscar de la RentaOscar de la Renta gownapps.vendio.comT-Styled Me's Best and Worst Styled Picks The Oscars 2013 T-Styled Metstyledme.comDianna Agron Source: Click image […] [#FOTO] 2013/12/18 Kim Hyun Joong Official Collection Book「Just the Way I Am」~TONIGHT~ http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131218-kim-hyun-joong-official-collection-bookjust-the-way-i-amtonight/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:46 Más Imágenes Fuente: http://datv.jp/shopping/user_data/packages/default/page/khj-collection4.php + Ruku Bebe + @Bbbitbit + @南京静静地_Jing Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain [#FOTO] 2013/12/16 Park Jung Min con U JiSung despues del X'mas Live in Tokyo Event http://ss501placespain.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/foto-20131216-park-jung-min-con-u-jisung-despues-del-xmas-live-in-tokyo-event/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:45 Fuente: @ujisung Vía: shujichan @ ss501.foroactivo.com (@SS501_SP) Resubido: Ester @SS501placespain KJC Place Spain Shuayb ibn Abedin - MEIN BRUDER DER MUJAHID http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA7zobPjtyM&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 15th 2013, 16:30 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Ein Bruder weint am Infostand und lobt das Lies! Projekt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulYmL3JrkfQ&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 7th 2013, 12:11 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Ibrahim Abou Nagie - Die 14. Ausgabe + 4 neue Sprachen sind da! LIES PROJEKT! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlGMEDQwZlA&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 2nd 2013, 18:34 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... 20 MINUTEN SPÄTER... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6lirypCQSs&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 22nd 2013, 17:18 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Verliebt, Verlobt, Verheiratet! Tipps zur Partnersuche, Hochzeit und Ehe im Islam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZX2fYIs4Gx8&feature=youtube_gdata Sep 13th 2013, 17:38 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/D0lKR6 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:00PM islamisten - Social Mention http://www.unzensuriert.at/content/0013271-Islamisten-Syrien-schneiden-Christen-vor-laufender-Kamera-die-K-pfe-ab http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=185352048326955&v=wall&story_fbid=186274991567994 Dec 18th 2013, 15:10 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000537618900&v=wall&story_fbid=748540288507218 Dec 18th 2013, 12:14 Foto: Syrian Opposition, Brigadier General Selim Idriss, Chief of Staff of the Free Syrian Army and Mr. Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Alliance of Liber (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004306654935&v=wall&story_fbid=271030959717124 Dec 18th 2013, 06:33 17.12.13 Verhaftungswelle in der Türkei Ein Machtkampf zwischen Islamisten 37 regierungsnahe Personen werden verhaftet, darunter drei Ministersöhne. Es geht um Korruption – und Erdogans Streit mit der Gülen-Gemeinde. Jürgen Gottschlich ISTANBUL taz Am Dienstagmorgen um fünf Uhr früh ist in Istanbul eine Nachrichtenbombe geplatzt, die die Regierung und die herrschende AK-Partei bis ins Mark erschüttern wird. In einer von Staatsanwaltschaft und Sonderpolizei sorgfältig vorbereiteten und geheim gehaltenen Aktion wurden in Istanbul und Ankara insgesamt 37 Personen festgenommen, die allesamt in den angeblich größten Korruptionsskandal seit Amtsantritt von Ministerpräsident Tayyip Erdogan vor 10 Jahren verwickelt sein sollen. Der eigentliche Knüller an der ganzen Geschichte ist aber nicht die Korruptionsaffäre als solche, sondern der sich dahinter verbergende Machtkampf zwischen Erdogan und der einflussreichsten islamischen Sekte der Türkei, der Gülen-Gemeinde. … Link: http://www.taz.de/!129563/ Siehe auch: „… Man muss die Stellen im Justiz- und Innenministerium, die man in seine Hand bekommen hat, erweitern. Diese Einheiten sind unsere Garantie für die Zukunft. Die Gemeindemitglieder sollten sich jedoch nicht mit Ämtern wie zum Beispiel denen der Richter oder Landräte begnügen, sondern versuchen, die oberen Organe des Staates zu erreichen. Ohne Euch bemerkbar zu machen, müsst Ihr immer weiter vorangehen und die entscheidenden Stellen des Systems entdecken. Ihr dürft in einem gewissen Grad mit den politischen Machthabern und mit denjenigen Menschen, die hundertprozentig gegen uns sind, nicht in einen offenen Dialog eintreten, aber ihr dürft sie auch nicht bekämpfen. Wenn sich unsere Freunde zu früh zu erkennen geben, wird die Welt ihre Köpfe zerquetschen und die Muslime werden dann Ähnliches wie in Algerien erleben. Die Welt hat große Angst vor der islamischen Entwicklung. Diejenigen von uns, die sich in diesem Dienst befinden, müssen sich so wie ein Diplomat verhalten, als ob sie die ganze Welt regieren würden, und zwar so lange, bis Ihr diese Macht erreicht habt, die Ihr dann auch in der Lage seid, mit eigenen Kräften auszufüllen, bis Ihr im Rahmen des türkischen Staatsaufbaus die Macht in sämtlichen Verfassungsorganen an Euch gerissen habt. …" Link: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fethullah_G%C3%BClen Der lange Arm des Imam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySspthUhpxw (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001225110059&v=wall&story_fbid=667048880012610 Dec 17th 2013, 22:01 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=261450657584&v=wall&story_fbid=10151896971852585 Dec 17th 2013, 21:37 Felsenfest bewiesen – die USA schufen die Al-Qaida und islamistischen Terrorismus - http://volksbetrugpunktnet.wordpress.com/2013... http://friendfeed.com/florianebbok/6178df1f/felsenfest-bewiesen-die-usa-schufen-al-qaida Dec 17th 2013, 21:23 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=572505151&v=wall&story_fbid=10152140705205152 Dec 17th 2013, 08:00 http://www.erstaunlich.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2884:oesterreichische-politiker-hofieren-radikale-islamisten&catid=1:erstaunliches http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=393820390709490&v=wall&story_fbid=558405184251009 Dec 17th 2013, 07:04 Islam, Islamisten, Frauenrechte, Fundamentalismus, Salafisten, Prophet Mohammed, Jihad, SPÖ, Hassprediger, Muslime, Christen, Juden, Schlaraffenland, Paradies, Jungfrauen, Ägypten, Selbstmord-Attentate, Religionslehrer, Kopftuch, Religionsunterricht, Wählerstimmen, Hasskultur, erstaunlich, pendlerzi... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1209266777&v=wall&story_fbid=10201329193211034 Dec 16th 2013, 20:22 (Damaskus) Zweitausend Christen befinden sich als Geiseln in der Hand der Islamisten. Am Samstag Abend nahmen Rebellen der Salafistenbrigade Al-Nusra den christ (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1426109910951456&v=wall&story_fbid=1433400820222365 Dec 16th 2013, 08:04 1.januar i år blev Asmaa Abdol-Hamid ansat ved Fyns Politi med den opgave at være brobygger mellem politiet og primært indbyggerne i Vollsmose-ghettoen. Når man læser, hvad der er skete i årets løb, ved man ikke om man skal grine eller græde ... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1308551724&v=wall&story_fbid=10201288008064741 Dec 15th 2013, 12:51 Wie die Agentur meldet, hatten die Islamisten am Freitagmorgen um 4.40 Uhr den Ort mit Dutzenden Fahrzeugen gestürmt. Zunächst sollen die Islamisten die Bewohner auf dem zentralen Platz gesammelt und dort den Dorfvorsteher und seine Familie gefoltert haben. Anschließend plünderten sie die Häuser und... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1032780620&v=wall&story_fbid=10201663082952187 Dec 13th 2013, 19:24 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002567113138&v=wall&story_fbid=532182863543946 Dec 11th 2013, 12:39 Pulverfass Deutschland Islamisten gegen Rechtsextreme Doku ünber Islamisten Teil 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR9smI9kCXY&feature=youtube_gdata Sep 2nd 2013, 10:44 Mit den Ausschreitungen bei einer Kundgebung der rechtspopulistischen Partei Pro NRW im Mai zwischen gewaltbereiten Salafisten und Mitgliedern der Pro-NRW si... 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Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:49AM Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ... Milli - Görüs | Islamisten und slamismus? Informationen und News ... Übersicht für b234b2342b3624b6346nurzuntziu48n@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen http://milli-goerues.blogspot.com/2013/12/ubersicht-fur-b234b2342b3624b6346nurzun_4235.html Dec 19th 2013, 00:48 Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/b234b2342b3624b6346nurzuntziu48n/topics IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand: Verfatının 10. yıl dönümünde Bilge Kral Aliya Izzetbegoviç'i anmak için 19 Aralı... [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand: "Havai Fişek Yerine Eğitime Katkı Sağla."IGMG Gençlik Teşkilatı'nın Hasene dern... [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Rüsselsheim Mevlana Camii Gençlik Teşkilatıs Facebook-Pinnwand: http://10758.findmind.ch}Esselamunaleykum Değerli Gençler,bir kış tatiline d... [1 Aktualisierung] Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: "Nähert euch nicht dem Ehebruch (Zina), das ist etwas Abscheuliches und öffnet d... [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand: Orta Öğretim Birimi sunar... [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: (Untitled) [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: emekli vaiz turgut özala sigindi :"Houston'da ameliyat olduğu zaman merhum Tur... [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten in Deutschland und Europa: NEWS Übersicht für 41234b1241b24124b86@googlegroups.com - 12 Nachrichten in 12 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Gençliks Facebook-Pinnwand: Abi-Kardeş Günleri'13'e hazır mısın? Heyecan, eğlence ve aksiyon burada! Sen de... [1 Aktualisierung] B.İ.F. Heusden Gençlik Teşkilatı (Milli Görüş)s Facebook-Pinnwand: Abi-KARDEŞ bowling faaliyeti.. [1 Aktualisierung] Salafismus in Youtube Deutschland und Europa Salafisten & Salafismus Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für nev234v234ws44134v1324@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: Warum möchte Fethullah Gülen Tayyip Erdogan stürzen? Sollte man Gülen in die Kli... [1 Aktualisierung] Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: Ja nicht nachmachen :)) [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: yarin kurtlar vadisinde polatin sakirt polis müdürlerini darmadagan etmesini gör... [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen [4 Aktualisierungen] IGMG Hanau Gençlik Teşkilatıs Facebook-Pinnwand: Gençlik Teşkilatımızın 25.12.13 tarihinde gerçeklestirecegi Torwand turnuvasına... [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: Sevilay Yükselir, gülenist-Emre Uslu'yu fena yakalattıhttp://www.youtube.com/w... [1 Aktualisierung] Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: nurgenekon devlet kavgasi herseye ragmen heyecan verici la :)) [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen [1 Aktualisierung] Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee: Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen [2 Aktualisierungen] IGMG - Islamische Gemeinschaft Milli Görüs Facebook-Pinnwand: MİLLÎ GÖRÜŞ GENÇLİK TEŞKİLATI'NDAN EĞİTİME ANLAMLI DESTEK [1 Aktualisierung] IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand: Verfatının 10. yıl dönümünde Bilge Kral Aliya Izzetbegoviç'i anmak için 19 Aralı... Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:45AM IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand IGMG Students Facebook-Pinnwand Verfatının 10. yıl dönümünde Bilge Kral Aliya Izzetbegoviç'i anmak için 19 Aralı... http://www.facebook.com/igmg.students/posts/10152115030193331 Dec 19th 2013, 00:34 Verfatının 10. yıl dönümünde Bilge Kral Aliya Izzetbegoviç'i anmak için 19 Aralık 2013 Perşembe günü Bochum Üniversitesi'nde IRAB e.V.'nin programındayız. Doç. Dr. Alev Erkilet ve Akif Emre'den Aliya'yı dinleyeceğiz. Chronik-Fotos Tarih: 19.12 Yer: Bochum Üniversitesi Konumuz: Bilge Kral Aliya İzzetbegoviç You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/bMdw2c IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand: "Havai Fişek Yerine Eğitime Katkı Sağla."IGMG Gençlik Teşkilatı'nın Hasene dern... Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:21AM IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand "Havai Fişek Yerine Eğitime Katkı Sağla." IGMG Gençlik Teşkilatı'nın Hasene dern... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=382318698580772&set=a.369875029825139.1073741841.133133056832672&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 23:41 "Havai Fişek Yerine Eğitime Katkı Sağla." IGMG Gençlik Teşkilatı'nın Hasene derneği ile birlikte yürüttüğü "Okul Çantası Kampanyası"na start verildi. 31 Aralık 2013 tarihine kadar yürütülen ve "Gençlerden Gençlere ve Eğitimden Geleceğe" sloganıyla farklı ülkelerde eğitimdeki engelleri aşıyoruz. İçinde defterden kaleme, silgiden kalem kutusuna kadar tüm kırtasiye malzemelerin bulunduğu bir okul çantasını 15 Euro karşılığında ihtiyaç sahibi bir öğrenciye gönderebilirsiniz. Paylaşarsak eğitime katkı sağlayalım You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/KbfSqn IGMG Rüsselsheim Mevlana Camii Gençlik Teşkilatıs Facebook-Pinnwand: http://10758.findmind.ch}Esselamunaleykum Değerli Gençler,bir kış tatiline d... Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:06AM IGMG Rüsselsheim Mevlana Camii Gençlik Teşkilatıs Facebook-Pinnwand IGMG Rüsselsheim Mevlana Camii Gençlik Teşkilatıs Facebook-Pinnwand http://10758.findmind.ch} Esselamunaleykum Değerli Gençler, bir kış tatiline d... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=683879384967646&id=173706142651642 Dec 18th 2013, 23:15 http://10758.findmind.ch/} Esselamunaleykum Değerli Gençler, bir kış tatiline daha girdik. Umuyoruzki okulda başarılı notlar elde ettin. InşAllah simdi tatilde vaktini faydalI ve yararlı geçirirsin. Tabiki birazda eğlence lazım. Camideki arkadaşlarınlada güzel zaman geçiresin diye size bir oyun gecesi düzenledik. Allahın izniyle 28 Aralıkda camide unutulmaz bir gece daha yaşayacağız. Bizim oyun önerilerimiz FIFA 14 ve LAN - Party ama tabiki sizde teklifde buluna bilirsiniz. Inşallah hepimiz istediğimiz oyunu seçelim. Ayrıca 29 Aralıkda sızler ıçın ınşAllah bır "Berufstag" düzenlemekteyiz. Burda bize bilgili abilerimiz bir çok konuda önemli sunumlar bize sunacaklar. İnsallah yine istediğimiz konuları seçelim. Vesselam Findmind - Online Umfragen einfach und schnell 10758.findmind.ch Erstellen Sie kostenlos, einfach und schnell Online Umfragen mit automatischer Auswertung. Excel Export, Mehrsprachigkeit, Eigenes Logo, Bilder, verschiedene Fragetypen und vieles mehr. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/Y7MxM Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand: "Nähert euch nicht dem Ehebruch (Zina), das ist etwas Abscheuliches und öffnet d... Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 11:25PM Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand Ansar Fanpages Facebook-Pinnwand "Nähert euch nicht dem Ehebruch (Zina), das ist etwas Abscheuliches und öffnet d... http://www.facebook.com/AnsarFanpage/posts/1443378345875424 Dec 18th 2013, 23:20 "Nähert euch nicht dem Ehebruch (Zina), das ist etwas Abscheuliches und öffnet den Weg (zum Schlechten)" [17:32] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/Tmy4Sp IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand: Orta Öğretim Birimi sunar... Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 11:20PM IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand IGMG Gençlik Berlins Facebook-Pinnwand Orta Öğretim Birimi sunar... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=382305431915432&set=a.133164190162892.43524.133133056832672&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 22:54 Orta Öğretim Birimi sunar... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/KbfSqn Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: (Untitled) Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 10:51PM Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=580194672059208&set=a.287920354619976.69795.175406082538071&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 22:18 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/dxKVYd Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand: emekli vaiz turgut özala sigindi :"Houston'da ameliyat olduğu zaman merhum Tur... Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 10:51PM Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand Islamische Bücher Yunus Acuns Facebook-Pinnwand emekli vaiz turgut özala sigindi : "Houston'da ameliyat olduğu zaman merhum Tur... http://www.facebook.com/Islamwissenschaft/posts/580189102059765 Dec 18th 2013, 22:01 emekli vaiz turgut özala sigindi : "Houston'da ameliyat olduğu zaman merhum Turgut Özal'ı ziyaret etmiştim; sarıldı, hıçkıra hıçkıra ağladı; "Ben bu Hizmet'in önemini ve insanlık için ne ifade ettiğini bu çevremdekilere anlatamıyorum!" dedi, gözyaşlarıyla dert yandı. * Merhum Turgut Özal, vefatından bir hafta on gün evvel arkadaşlara haber gönderdi; "Orta Asya'da Hizmet'e karşı değişik olumsuz şeyler var; ben oralara gidip teminat olayım!" dedi. Pek çok ülkeye uğradı ve gittiği her yerde ülke başkanlarına "Bu arkadaşlara ilişmeyin; ben bunlara kefilim!" dedi. * Doğrusunu Allah bilir, karanlığa taş atar gibi söz söylemek insana yakışmaz, fakat inanıyorum ki, 163. Madde'yi kaldırması gibi hizmetleriyle beraber ortaya koyduğu civanmertlikler vesilesiyle Cenâb-ı Hak, Merhum'a şehitlik sevabını da lütuf buyurdu ve Firdevs'iyle sevindirdi. * Bugün insanların bir hayırlısını yâd ettik. 163. Madde'ye de "İnnâ lillâhi ve innâ ileyhi râciûn" dedik. Birileri başkalarına karşı o ruhu yeniden hortlatmayı düşünüyorlarsa, Merhum'un o mevzudaki o olumlu gayretleri karşısında böyle bir niyet ve böyle bir düşüncenin ne derece bir densizlik olduğunu da doğrudan olmasa bile dolayısıyla ifade etmiş olduk." (fethullah gülen 15.12. kutsal toprak pennsylvania) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/59J/dxKVYd Salafisten in Deutschland und Europa: NEWS Übersicht für 41234b1241b24124b86@googlegroups.com - 12 Nachrichten in 12 Themen Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 10:46PM Salafisten in Deutschland und Europa Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5HRdwsck10 (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam. Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. NEWS Übersicht für 41234b1241b24124b86@googlegroups.com - 12 Nachrichten in 12 Themen http://salafisten.blogspot.com/2013/12/news-ubersicht-fur-41234b1241b24124b86g_18.html Dec 18th 2013, 22:02 Übersicht über die heutigen Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/41234b1241b24124b86/topics Google Alert - zionisten [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - "Pierre Vogel" [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - salafisten [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - islamist [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - islamisten [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - Taliban [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - "Denis Cuspert" [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - "Abu Talha Al-Almani" [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - "Abu Talha Al Almani" [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - Abu Rumaisa [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - Abu Muawiah [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - Abu Waleed [1 Aktualisierung] Google Alert - zionisten Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google.com> Dec 18 10:01PM === News - 1 neues Ergebnis für [zionisten] === Irans Führer Khamenei: Die Zionisten sind wie die Nazis israel heute ltd. Der oberste politische und religiöse Führer des Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (Foto), hat Zionisten mit Nazis verglichen. Die Äußerung wurde von den ... <https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.israelheute.com/Nachrichten/Artikel/tabid/179/nid/26533/Default.aspx%3Fhp%3Dreadmore&ct=ga&cd=NTI1ODEzNTYwMDMzNjIxMDc1MQ&cad=CAEYAA&usg=AFQjCNGvAiQ4OFgYxkhaIoQfDneonmLVoA> Alle Beiträge zu diesem Thema anzeigen: <https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.israelheute.com/Nachrichten/Artikel/tabid/179/nid/26533/Default.aspx%3Fhp%3Dreadmore&ct=ga&cd=NTI1ODEzNTYwMDMzNjIxMDc1MQ&cad=CAEYAA&usg=AFQjCNGvAiQ4OFgYxkhaIoQfDneonmLVoA> === Web - 1 neues Ergebnis für [zionisten] === Irans Führer Khamenei: Die Zionisten sind wie die Nazis - israel heute Der oberste politische und religiöse Führer des Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (Foto), hat Zionisten mit Nazis verglichen. Die Äußerung wurde von den ... <https://www.google.com/url?q=http://www.israelheute.com/Default.aspx%3Ftabid%3D179%26nid%3D26533&ct=ga&cd=NTI1ODEzNTYwMDMzNjIxMDc1MQ&cad=CAEYAA&usg=AFQjCNEBT3-vbkangH8FERF3CcsKWGPE5A> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Diesen Google Alert nicht mehr erhalten: Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "Never explain yourself to anyone, because the one who likes you would not need... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770568482958854 Dec 19th 2013, 00:35 "Never explain yourself to anyone, because the one who likes you would not need it and the one who dislikes you wouldn't believe it." -Ali ibn abi Talib (RA) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "Running away from Jihad will not save you from death. You can die as a coward o... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770563586292677 Dec 19th 2013, 00:17 "Running away from Jihad will not save you from death. You can die as a coward or you can die as a martyr." - Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki (rh) May Allah azza wa jal accept our beloved Sheikh as a martyr ﺍﻣﻴﻴ You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Woman are sensitive! One wrong word and she'll run away from you. One right word... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770564946292541 Dec 19th 2013, 00:21 Woman are sensitive! One wrong word and she'll run away from you. One right word and she'll come and sit next to you. -[Shaykh Raslaan] Woman are fragile, treat them with love, respect and care.. "Take care of women, be careful about their feelings and their rights!" -[Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W)] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "Whoever settles amongst the disbelievers, celebrates their feasts and joins in... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770568059625563 Dec 19th 2013, 00:34 "Whoever settles amongst the disbelievers, celebrates their feasts and joins in their revelry and dies in their midst will likewise be raised to stand with them on the Day of Resurrection." - Abdullah Ibn Omar [Ibn Taymiyyah said in his book: "Iqtidha' as-Sifat alMustaqeem", p.200, that the chain of narration of this Hadith is Saheh You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Do Men Think That They Will Be Left Alone On Saying, "We Believe", And That They... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770569796292056 Dec 19th 2013, 00:38 Do Men Think That They Will Be Left Alone On Saying, "We Believe", And That They Will Not Be Tested? We Did Test Those Before Them, And Allah Will Certainly Know Those Who Are True From Those Who Are False. Surah Al 'Ankabuut (29:2~3) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "Do You Think That You Would Be Left Alone While Allah Has Not Yet Known Those A... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770570496291986 Dec 19th 2013, 00:41 "Do You Think That You Would Be Left Alone While Allah Has Not Yet Known Those Among You Who Strive With Might And Main, And Take None For Friends And Protectors Except Allah, His Messenger, And The (Community Of) Believers? And Allah Is Well Acquainted With (All) That You Do." -Surah At Tawbah (9:16) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:48AM Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up and Liberate Your Minds Facebook-Pinnwand "O You Who Believe ! Fear Allah And Be With Those Who Are Truthful." [At Tawbah... http://www.facebook.com/bolansangnotes/posts/770570799625289 Dec 19th 2013, 00:42 "O You Who Believe ! Fear Allah And Be With Those Who Are Truthful." [At Tawbah ~ (9:119)] "Only Those Are Believers Who Have Believed In Allah And His Messenger, And Have Never Since Doubted, But Have Striven With Their Belongings And Their Persons In The Cause Of Allah: Such Are The Sincere Ones." [Al Hujuraat ~ (49:15)] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/pCNSFh Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:43AM La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1447909352096815&id=1409760879244996 Dec 19th 2013, 00:21 Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern Unrecht. Wenn er sie dann tatsächlich "vergewaltigt" wird er gesteinigt. Wenn sie aber will und mit ihm abhaut, dann werden beide bestraft. Sollte sie schwanger sein, wird abgewartet bis sie das Kind austrägt und zwei Jahre stillt. Danach wird sie getötet oder gepeitscht. Das Kind gehört ihr nicht und dem Typen auch nicht. KEINE HEIRAT OHNE EINVERSTÄNDNIS DES WALI! ( I.D.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/sMRXZL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:43AM La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1447909352096815&id=1409760879244996 Dec 19th 2013, 00:21 Wenn der Mann eine fremde Frau zur Heirat zwingt, dann ist es keine Ehe, sondern Unrecht. Wenn er sie dann tatsächlich "vergewaltigt" wird er gesteinigt. Wenn sie aber will und mit ihm abhaut, dann werden beide bestraft. Sollte sie schwanger sein, wird abgewartet bis sie das Kind austrägt und zwei Jahre stillt. Danach wird sie getötet oder gepeitscht. Das Kind gehört ihr nicht und dem Typen auch nicht. KEINE HEIRAT OHNE EINVERSTÄNDNIS DES WALI! ( I.D.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/h0BGnq Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:43AM La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn du Allahs Gesetz so sehr liebst, wirst du auch das Gesetz Allahs einhalten,... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1447911355429948&id=1409760879244996 Dec 19th 2013, 00:26 Wenn du Allahs Gesetz so sehr liebst, wirst du auch das Gesetz Allahs einhalten, gütig deinem Vater und deiner Mutter gegenüber zu sein. Sie respektvoll zu behandeln und sie zu pflegen und ihnen nicht widersprechen und sie auf Händen tragen und nicht mal "uf" sagen. Sie befehlen und ihr Wort ist Gesetz. Man folgt und schweigt außer im haram. ( I.D.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/sMRXZL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:43AM La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn du Allahs Gesetz so sehr liebst, wirst du auch das Gesetz Allahs einhalten,... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1447911355429948&id=1409760879244996 Dec 19th 2013, 00:26 Wenn du Allahs Gesetz so sehr liebst, wirst du auch das Gesetz Allahs einhalten, gütig deinem Vater und deiner Mutter gegenüber zu sein. Sie respektvoll zu behandeln und sie zu pflegen und ihnen nicht widersprechen und sie auf Händen tragen und nicht mal "uf" sagen. Sie befehlen und ihr Wort ist Gesetz. Man folgt und schweigt außer im haram. ( I.D.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/h0BGnq Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:43AM La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn jemand postet: "El hamdu lillah Sunna" dabei aber eine andere Flagge außer... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1447915775429506&id=1409760879244996 Dec 19th 2013, 00:39 Wenn jemand postet: "El hamdu lillah Sunna" dabei aber eine andere Flagge außer der islamischen trägt, dann fragt man sich: wessen Sunna dieser folgt. Die des Gesandten Allahs savs sicher nicht. ( I.D.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/sMRXZL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:43AM La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah - originals Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn jemand postet: "El hamdu lillah Sunna" dabei aber eine andere Flagge außer... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1447915775429506&id=1409760879244996 Dec 19th 2013, 00:39 Wenn jemand postet: "El hamdu lillah Sunna" dabei aber eine andere Flagge außer der islamischen trägt, dann fragt man sich: wessen Sunna dieser folgt. Die des Gesandten Allahs savs sicher nicht. ( I.D.) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/h0BGnq -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an 76j4725235b235b891248jv1+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Weitere Optionen: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out | Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/76j4725235b235b891248jv1/topics Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:26PM IHED - Social Mention Helium Colours 30" Spinner Suitcase Color: Lime 73JSYEW6 92049LM 5AK4 unisex-adult PNHX0C Apparel 16LCJK 92049LM. See the best information below for Helium Colours 30" Spinner Suitcase Color: Lime UA922 HD4 Lime. Check More Info: http://tinyurl.com/412600204256876/O006JE96NN category.: Luggage brand name : Delsey 92049LM This product is a rarity value Helium Colours 30" Spinner Suitcase Color: Lime IHED 0098376015834 77UXUP and deserve purchased. Helium Colours 30" Spinner Suitcase Color: Lime 1GM3X } Apparel has exceptional reviews. 92049LM Helium Colours 30" Spinner Suitcase Color: Lime Delsey will try to please your. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=694820120529252&v=wall&story_fbid=715060721838525 Dec 17th 2013, 23:02 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/Dqccd Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:26PM Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand Bei uns wird Liebe: ALLAH genannts Facebook-Pinnwand In shaa Allah haben heute die Schwestern ihre Schwestern angelächelt und Brüder... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=259839657513731&id=125472004283831 Dec 18th 2013, 18:36 In shaa Allah haben heute die Schwestern ihre Schwestern angelächelt und Brüder ihre Brüder. Möge Allah eure reine Absicht annehmen. Es war doch nicht so schwer oder ? (: Macht dies in shaa Allah weiter; gleich kommt eine weitere Sunnah, die wir umsetzten wollen. Alles Lob gebührt Allah. ♥ Sabriş You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/TNGsgK Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:25PM Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand Islam Sprüches Facebook-Pinnwand Der Gesandte Allahs sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sagte: Wenn jemand Subhan'Allah... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=633264210066876&id=354167744643192 Dec 18th 2013, 18:28 Der Gesandte Allahs sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sagte: Wenn jemand Subhan'Allah wa bihamdi 100 Mal am Tag sagt, werden ihm alle (kleinen) Sünden vergeben, auch wenn sie soviel wären wie der Schaum des Meeres. [Muslim & Bukhari] Baschir You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/dZcLTW Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:25PM pierre vogel - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100005660347866&v=wall&story_fbid=180642732134404 Dec 18th 2013, 18:22 Islam agama rohmatanlilalamin, (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001102833713&v=wall&story_fbid=638860796160676 Dec 18th 2013, 16:53 apps.facebook.com http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGH7pR29cmg http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100006822395172&v=wall&story_fbid=1418269791743754 Dec 18th 2013, 15:02 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9IRf06F2sA http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100006570965735&v=wall&story_fbid=1431479580414394 Dec 18th 2013, 13:45 Pierre Vogel !!! ULTIMATIVE WIDERLEGUNG DER WAHHABITEN !!! (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002235607735&v=wall&story_fbid=552270691524113 Dec 18th 2013, 12:35 Jézus muszlim volt ? - Pierre Vogel - ISZLÁM Magyar iszlám - Hungarian Islam. (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004734341579&v=wall&story_fbid=230167767151033 Dec 18th 2013, 10:45 Pierre Vogel - Das Comeback der Dawah in Mönchengladbach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWM3gwDov1M&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 09:42 http://PierreVogel.de http://Facebook.com/PierreVogeloffiziell Der Muslim muss es gewohnt sein ausgepfiffen zu werden, er muss es gewohnt sein gehasst und be... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1577394160&v=wall&story_fbid=10202098524176098 Dec 14th 2013, 11:47 Vortrag Pierre Vogel - Wunder des Propheten Muhammed (savs) Eine junge Frau nimmt den Islam an (Pierre Vogel 13.12.2013 Hamburg) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vi32Ne2x3d0&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 13th 2013, 17:20 Kundgebung am 13.12.2013 in Hamburg. Message to Barack Obama - Pierre Vogel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cU72T4m8mCg&feature=youtube_gdata Mar 1st 2011, 01:16 The most important message Barack Obama might ever receive ! http://www.pierrevogel.de. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/V8dV9K Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:24PM abu adam - Social Mention Is Amy Adams related to John Adams? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/IsAmyAdamsrelatedtoJohnAdams Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Are Ryan Adams and John Adams related? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/AreRyanAdamsandJohnAdamsrelated Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Why is the first Adam different to the first Adam? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/WhyisthefirstAdamdifferenttothefirstAdam Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Who is patch Adams of the movie patch Adams? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/WhoispatchAdamsofthemoviepatchAdams Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Can you wear summer abus with winter abus? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Canyouwearsummerabuswithwinterabus Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Is Adam newman the same as Adam Wilson? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/IsAdamnewmanthesameasAdamWilson Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 What is more correct - Adam and you or yourself and Adam? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Whatismorecorrect-AdamandyouoryourselfandAdam Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Is tony Adams charlie Adams dad? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/IstonyAdamscharlieAdamsdad Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Is Abigail Adams related to Samuel Adams? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/IsAbigailAdamsrelatedtoSamuelAdams Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Why were Samuel Adams Abigail Adams and John Adams wanted by England? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/WhywereSamuelAdamsAbigailAdamsandJohnAdamswantedbyEngland Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Why abu hanifa called as abu hanifa? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Whyabuhanifacalledasabuhanifa Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Who was Abigail Adams' granddaughter Susanna Adams? http://wiki.answers.com/Q/WhowasAbigailAdams'granddaughterSusannaAdams Dec 18th 2013, 19:24 Shakira Blog: The Voice Season 6 (Preview) Shakira, Usher, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine http://shakiravideoblog.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/shakira-blog-the-voice-season-6-preview-shakira-usher-blake-shelton-and-adam-levine/ Dec 18th 2013, 19:23 The Voice Season 6 (Preview) Shakira, Usher, Blake Shelton and Adam Levine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCEuZgtkMtY Video uploaded by Shakira Pasion on December 18, 2013 at 05:07PM Alternative player: The Voice Season 6 (Preview) […] Moving In With Adam - Jeanne Allan http://conchagoinsu7962.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/moving-in-with-adam-jeanne-allan/ Dec 18th 2013, 19:17 Download Moving In With Adam - Jeanne Allan here: http://bit.ly/19T9kbi HOLDING OUT FOR A HEROWas he carrying neighborliness too far?Adam Treherne did the brave thing by […] Why Do Priests Enter Islam? The story of conversion of the Preacher Yusuf Estes (3) http://safaafromcaeg.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/why-do-priests-enter-islam-the-story-of-conversion-of-the-preacher-yusuf-estes-3/ Dec 18th 2013, 19:15 How a preacher or priest in Christianity can ever go to Islam?How could a preacher have turned his back on the perfect plan of salvation of Jesus Christ […] The Top 50 Contracts Of All - Time In The MLB http://mlbreports.com/2013/12/18/35666/ Dec 18th 2013, 19:14 [caption id="attachment_7434" align="aligncenter" width="485"] Technically A-Rod has received the two top contracts in baseball history, however he opted out after the 2007 year for the 1st one, so […] Thank you to Dylan Smith on your new 2013 #Kia #Sorento from James Adams and everyone at Southwest KIA Rockwall! #NewCarSmell http://rockwallkia.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/thank-you-to-dylan-smith-on-your-new-2013-kia-sorento-from-james-adams-and-everyone-at-southwest-kia-rockwall-newcarsmell/ Dec 18th 2013, 19:06 Thank you to Dylan Smith on your new 2013 #Kia #Sorento from James Adams and everyone at Southwest KIA Rockwall! #NewCarSmell, a photo by Southwest Kia Rockwall on […] 'War is a madman's attempt at stability' http://civilisation3000.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/war-is-a-madmans-attempt-at-stability/ Dec 18th 2013, 19:06 . Tehelka reports that this was said by Adam Klein, who serves as associate professor of English at the American University at Kabul in Afghanistan, a country of great […] Part 1 http://thesunsetofispingobeach.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/part-1/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:51 ON THE SUNSET OF ISIPINGO BEACH ...... ASALAAMU ALAYKUM ...SALAAM SALAAM,HEY PEOPLE HOPE EVERYONES WELL AND FIT ,HOPING YOU ARE IN THE BEST STATE OF IMAAN AS YOU […] Go Adam, BLOW!!! http://sknechtel.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/go-adam-blow/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:48 Winter Time http://fashionkillalexiicloset.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/winter-time/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:46 Winter Time by polybaby featuring porcelain mugsHelmut by Helmut Lang long sleeve topthedreslyn.comHelmut by Helmut Lang black moto jacketthedreslyn.comTheory elastic waistband pantsthedreslyn.comRag & Bone black leather ankle bootiesthedreslyn.comReece […] Get the Look: American Hustle http://blackinvogue.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/get-the-look-american-hustle/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:39 This Winter sees the release of the hotly anticipated crime drama film American Hustle, starring Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence, Amy Adams, Robert De Niro and Bradley Cooper. The […] ECE Exam Results Released After 3 Working Days http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9038778438e296b313873801244591e92c2e2252b4f91&co=f000000013912s-1248979077 Dec 18th 2013, 15:22 Philippine News - Found 4 hours agoPATRICK ANTHONY CUEVAS 424 CONTRERAS, JINKY ABU 425 CORDERO, JONILEE ... MACARANAS 716 GAYETA, DIANNE ROSE SALVA 717 GAYOL, RALPH ADAM BRETANIA 718 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001522317332&v=wall&story_fbid=626379407422797 Dec 18th 2013, 13:28 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Peluang kita menabung untuk akhirat. Mari kita infaqkan sedikit harta Allah beri kepada kita di atas dunia ni, mudah mudahan yang sedikit itulah yang membuatkan Allah redha kepada kita. Mari menyumbang sedikit untuk pembangunan MASDAR! :) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=136480249759784&v=wall&story_fbid=569711229770015 Dec 18th 2013, 12:46 YEARENDER-Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=90e317b96070368a1387370438701276caea651d14018&co=f000000013912s-1248979076 Dec 18th 2013, 12:40 Yahoo! News - Found 6 hours agoAdam (Scott) breaks through for his first major (at the Masters). ... a cheeky Henrik Stenson told Reuters at the Abu Dhabi Championship as the Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! YEARENDER-Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Reuters India YEARENDER-Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Yahoo! Singapore Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Yahoo! Singapore Explore All Saudi authorities 'target activists' http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=88c2eda8e7549ec71387370063708935869ef26484223&co=f000000013912s-1248979082 Dec 18th 2013, 12:34 BBC - Found 6 hours agoA Jeddah lawyer, Waleed Abu al-Khair, and an activist from Eastern ... The report's author, Adam Coogle, said social media activity "scares the ... Rights group: Saudi activists 'face jail' - CNN Saudi Expulsions Leave Broken Dreams in Africa and Asia - New York Times Two Saudis Back From Guantanamo Face 'Rehab' for Militants - New York Times Human Rights Watch: Saudi activists face harassment, jail - CNN Explore All CNN Rob Bell Signs Off 2013 Season With Strong Fifth Place In Abu Dhabi 12 Hour Race http://paddocktalk.com/news/html/story-241076.html Dec 18th 2013, 12:33 McLaren factory driver, Rob Bell, signed off his 2013 racing season with a strong fifth place finish at the third running of the Gulf 12 Hours race at Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi this weekend. Ten best sports quotes of 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9e3393badc78d0b213873680413016f9669f5275d41cc&co=f000000013912s-1248979085 Dec 18th 2013, 12:00 Daily News South Africa - Found 7 hours agoAdam (Scott) breaks through for his first major (at the Masters). ... ? a cheeky Henrik Stenson told Reuters at the Abu Dhabi Championship as the A portrait of Palestine http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=976ddf10af1f2d4b1387366248190883ae905a24b404b&co=f000000013912s-1248979083 Dec 18th 2013, 11:30 The Hindu - Found 7 hours agoHany Abu-Assad's, Omar, a Palestinian film, which won the jury prize for the Un ... Especially Adam Bakri who plays Omar, a character that ... Saudi Activists Defy Threats On Social Media http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=bf6224fe888f266013873621439014252411692b34bdc&co=f000000013912s-1248979080 Dec 18th 2013, 10:22 Sky News - Found 9 hours agoBy Zein Ja'Far, in Abu Dhabi Activists in Saudi Arabia, who are turning ... Adam Coogle, Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch and author of (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100005326021843&v=wall&story_fbid=206364576217742 Dec 18th 2013, 02:10 GolfScott Tiger and company serve up tasty 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=bad59765f31589da138734934887452c44fcefd9c481c&co=f000000013912s-1248979083 Dec 17th 2013, 18:49 Hindustan Times - Found 12 hours agoAdam Scott ended decades of Australian heartache with his country's ... two-shot penalties for rules violations (at the Abu Dhabi Championship Scott, Tiger and company serve up tasty 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! Scott, Tiger and company serve up tasty 2013 - Reuters Scott, Tiger and company serve up tasty 2013 - Reuters Canada Pro golf in great shape thanks to strength of depth - Globe and Mail Explore All Reuters via Yahoo! Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9586b611d639e46813873485592164e54c51a14a848f0&co=f000000013912s-1248979086 Dec 17th 2013, 18:35 Reuters UK - Found 12 hours agoAdam (Scott) breaks through for his first major (at the Masters). ... a cheeky Henrik Stenson told Reuters at the Abu Dhabi Championship as the Woods and Co serve tasty 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9062c232d6055f1713873361289626dc3caa46731481f&co=f000000013912s-1248979085 Dec 17th 2013, 15:08 The News International - Found 16 hours agoAdam Scott ended decades of Australian heartache with his country's ... two-shot penalties for rules violations (at the Abu Dhabi Championship Farralisa Hasanunddin IzzuddinSue Suriati Norbaizura Abu Adam ha'a caya x Baha Zur ada dlm iklan ni kikiki tgk smpi abis tau iklan ni http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000673955679&v=wall&story_fbid=691334844232308 Dec 17th 2013, 03:12 Thank you for making us your preferred network. Now we're giving back with the best deals from our biggest year-end promotion yet. Please download and Share until everybody on the face of earth receives Gift from Allah the Most Merciful,Most Gracious. Abdul Samad Ali Ismaa'eel Abu Adam Salman Farsi Alexander Henderson TaalibAbdul Raahman Al Maliki Sheikh Muhammad Taahir Muhammad Abd Ur-Rasheed Suhayb Muhammad Simpply Suheb Yaseen Khan http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000341757630&v=wall&story_fbid=666057860082266 Dec 14th 2013, 05:18 Al-Quran English Translation (Kanz-ul-Eeman) Al-Quran-ul-Kareem (English Translation) Kanz-ul-Eeman An English Translation from "KANZ-UL-EEMAN" The Ur Frauenschinder Abu Adam untergräbt als mohammedanischer "Friedensrichter" den deutschen Rechtsstaat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4w7MOVUn3Q&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 1st 2011, 19:17 http://www.pi-news.net http://koptisch.wordpress.com http://europenews.dk/de http://www.kybeline.com http://reconquista-europa.com http://www.open-speech.com... Sven Lau Abu Adam Der Islam ist der wertvollste Schatz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8G7GXKetUg&feature=youtube_gdata Aug 29th 2011, 00:45 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/ZXRxgV Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:16PM Die Gelehrten - die Erben der Prophetens Facebook-Pinnwand Die Gelehrten - die Erben der Prophetens Facebook-Pinnwand An einem warmen Sommertag, als Dürre die Ernte bedrohte, hielt der Imam eine Ans... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=646359632091416&id=397578090302906 Dec 18th 2013, 18:48 An einem warmen Sommertag, als Dürre die Ernte bedrohte, hielt der Imam eine Ansprache an seine Gemeinde und sagte: „Unsere einzige Hoffnung ist das Regen-Gebet. Geht nach Hause, macht viel Dua (Bittgebet), glaubt fest daran, und kommt nächste Woche in Bereitschaft, Allah (azza wa jall) für den Regen zu danken." Die Menschen taten was ihnen gesagt wurde, und kamen die Woche darauf wieder in die Moschee. Doch als der Imam die Gemeinde sah, war er verärgert und sagte: „Wir können heute nicht beten. Ihr glaubt noch nicht fest genug daran." Die Gemeinde hatte Einwände, die Leute sagten: „Wir haben Dua gemacht, und glauben fest daran." „Glauben?", sagte der Imam. „Wo sind dann eure Regenschirme?" Abu Huraira, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm, berichtete: Der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Heil auf ihm, sagte: „Wenn jemand von euch ein Bittgebet sprechen will, der soll nicht sagen: „O Allah mein Gott, vergib mir, wenn du willst!" Er soll aber um seine Angelegenheit mit Entschlossenheit bitten, und um Wünsche von großer Bedeutung (z.B. das Paradies, die Vergebung) bitten; denn es gibt nichts, das zuviel für Allah ist." (Sahih Muslim) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/VlVNMG -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an 76j4725235b235b891248jv1+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Weitere Optionen: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out | Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/76j4725235b235b891248jv1/topics Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:23AM Uploads by Pierre Vogel Pierre Vogel; Wir haben Verantwortung. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF63RgTKLTo&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 22:31 Pierre Vogel; Wir haben Verantwortung. Wir als Muslime haben Verantwortung und müssen uns Bewegen. Veränderungen kann man nur erwarten, wenn man anfängt etwas zu verändern! Also fange noch heute a... From: Pierre Vogel Views: 15 5 ratings Time: 03:34 More in People & Blogs You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/9HQ3RJ Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Comments for Islam Fragen & Antworten www.diewahrereligion.de Comment on Essig, der einen Anteil Alkohol enthält by vest canada goose http://diewahrereligion.tv/fatwah/?p=306#comment-2097 Dec 18th 2013, 16:37 vest canada goose… parajumper salekodiak parajumpersparajumpers jakke udsalgparajumperscanada goose jakke billigcanada goose billigtoriginal canada goosecanada goose blåpjs parajumpersparajumpers womenparajumpers onlineparajumpers jakke herrecanada goose menvest canada g… You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/zPtjvr Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:31PM Uploads by LoveAllah328 URGENT HELP NEEDED TO KEEP SYRIA WARM - TIME IS RUNNING OUT - DONATE NOW http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZa1A4l-3wc&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 18th 2013, 01:28 URGENT HELP NEEDED TO KEEP SYRIA WARM - TIME IS RUNNING OUT - DONATE NOW INTERNATIONAL APPEAL FOR HELP!!! Please help us to fill these 20 and 40ft containers with Aid: with your new or used clean winter clothes, Canned food, medic... From: LoveAllah328 Views: 35 8 ratings Time: 09:31 More in Entertainment You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/3CMMWy Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:29PM Abu Adam - Social Mention ECE Exam Results Released After 3 Working Days http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9038778438e296b313873801244591e92c2e2252b4f91&co=f000000013912s-1248979077 Dec 18th 2013, 15:22 Philippine News - Found 4 hours agoPATRICK ANTHONY CUEVAS 424 CONTRERAS, JINKY ABU 425 CORDERO, JONILEE ... MACARANAS 716 GAYETA, DIANNE ROSE SALVA 717 GAYOL, RALPH ADAM BRETANIA 718 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001522317332&v=wall&story_fbid=626379407422797 Dec 18th 2013, 13:28 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Peluang kita menabung untuk akhirat. Mari kita infaqkan sedikit harta Allah beri kepada kita di atas dunia ni, mudah mudahan yang sedikit itulah yang membuatkan Allah redha kepada kita. Mari menyumbang sedikit untuk pembangunan MASDAR! :) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=136480249759784&v=wall&story_fbid=569711229770015 Dec 18th 2013, 12:46 YEARENDER-Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=90e317b96070368a1387370438701276caea651d14018&co=f000000013912s-1248979076 Dec 18th 2013, 12:40 Yahoo! News - Found 6 hours agoAdam (Scott) breaks through for his first major (at the Masters). ... a cheeky Henrik Stenson told Reuters at the Abu Dhabi Championship as the Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Reuters via Yahoo! YEARENDER-Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Reuters India YEARENDER-Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Yahoo! Singapore Top 10 sporting quotes of 2013 - Yahoo! Singapore Explore All Saudi authorities 'target activists' http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=88c2eda8e7549ec71387370063708935869ef26484223&co=f000000013912s-1248979082 Dec 18th 2013, 12:34 BBC - Found 6 hours agoA Jeddah lawyer, Waleed Abu al-Khair, and an activist from Eastern ... The report's author, Adam Coogle, said social media activity "scares the ... Rights group: Saudi activists 'face jail' - CNN Saudi Expulsions Leave Broken Dreams in Africa and Asia - New York Times Two Saudis Back From Guantanamo Face 'Rehab' for Militants - New York Times Human Rights Watch: Saudi activists face harassment, jail - CNN Explore All CNN Rob Bell Signs Off 2013 Season With Strong Fifth Place In Abu Dhabi 12 Hour Race http://paddocktalk.com/news/html/story-241076.html Dec 18th 2013, 12:33 McLaren factory driver, Rob Bell, signed off his 2013 racing season with a strong fifth place finish at the third running of the Gulf 12 Hours race at Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi this weekend. Ten best sports quotes of 2013 http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9e3393badc78d0b213873680413016f9669f5275d41cc&co=f000000013912s-1248979085 Dec 18th 2013, 12:00 Daily News South Africa - Found 7 hours agoAdam (Scott) breaks through for his first major (at the Masters). ... ? a cheeky Henrik Stenson told Reuters at the Abu Dhabi Championship as the A portrait of Palestine http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=976ddf10af1f2d4b1387366248190883ae905a24b404b&co=f000000013912s-1248979083 Dec 18th 2013, 11:30 The Hindu - Found 7 hours agoHany Abu-Assad's, Omar, a Palestinian film, which won the jury prize for the Un ... Especially Adam Bakri who plays Omar, a character that ... Saudi Activists Defy Threats On Social Media http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=bf6224fe888f266013873621439014252411692b34bdc&co=f000000013912s-1248979080 Dec 18th 2013, 10:22 Sky News - Found 9 hours agoBy Zein Ja'Far, in Abu Dhabi Activists in Saudi Arabia, who are turning ... Adam Coogle, Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch and author of (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002927256632&v=wall&story_fbid=531882403585997 Dec 14th 2013, 17:44 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Frauenschinder Abu Adam untergräbt als mohammedanischer "Friedensrichter" den deutschen Rechtsstaat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4w7MOVUn3Q&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 1st 2011, 19:17 http://www.pi-news.net http://koptisch.wordpress.com http://europenews.dk/de http://www.kybeline.com http://reconquista-europa.com http://www.open-speech.com... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YVt0FM Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:29PM dawa-news.net - Social Mention Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche http://blog.shambhala.com/2013/12/18/dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:49 This edition of the Great Masters Series focuses on Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (1910-1991). This, like the other posts in this series, is not meant to be an exhaustive […] Minor differences http://brianmwangi.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/minor-differences/ Dec 18th 2013, 17:44 A few days in, there are a couple of things that still take some time to revert back to:TimeI think my body is still trying to adjust to […] Flee to Allah http://growingsakina.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/flee-to-allah/ Dec 18th 2013, 13:47 I had a dream recently in which I kept turning to look back at a woman ( possibly my own self) who was also turning to look back. […] Shayari 7 http://shayaribyheart.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/shayari-7/ Dec 18th 2013, 11:59 Pyar hoga tumhe Ye ummed he mujhe Mujhe se karogi tum bepanah pyar Jab tumhe hoga sacche dil se mujhpe aitbaar Har marz ki dawa he Pyar ke dawakhane me Phir bhi log kehte […] DESIRE MORE BRAINS THAN SKULL A boeing 787 Aircra … http://boltzmann77.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/2/ Dec 18th 2013, 07:59 DESIRE MORE BRAINS THAN SKULL A boeing 787 Aircraft was flying from Dawa AirportEthiopia en route FuhlsbuttelAirport in Germany when all of a sudden, the pilot announced to the […] Brand Obama: Totalitarianism 2.0 http://3rdeyevizion.com/2013/12/18/brand-obama-totalitarianism-2-0/ Dec 18th 2013, 05:03 America has been seized by an executive dictatorship Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson Infowars.com December 17, 2013 Image: TeaParty.org. History has witnessed almost every kind of dictatorship imaginable, but what Americans are […] Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan rejects offer of peace talks http://globallytrue.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/tehreek-e-taliban-pakistan-rejects-offer-of-peace-talks/ Dec 18th 2013, 04:33 ISLAMABAD (Reuters/ Web Desk) – Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan on Tuesday rejected peace talks with the government and its chief Mullah Fazlullah has pledged to step up attacks as part […] First option, dialogue: Top security forum endorses Taliban talks http://globallytrue.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/first-option-dialogue-top-security-forum-endorses-taliban-talks/ Dec 18th 2013, 04:28 ISLAMABAD: At the first-ever meeting of the recently reconstituted top security forum, the country's top civilian and military leadership decided on Tuesday to pursue peace talks with the […] EGYPT: Hillary Clinton named in criminal charges - A threat to Clinton's much anticipated 2016 presidential campaign appears to be developing http://pressall.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/egypt-hillary-clinton-named-in-criminal-charges-a-threat-to-hillary-clintons-much-anticipated-2016-presidential-campaign-appears-to-be-developing/ Dec 18th 2013, 03:38 Sudden Threat Endangers Hillary's 2016 Run - in Egypt where that nation's government is taking steps to criminalize the Muslim Brotherhood. Specifically, a new criminal complaint has been filed with […] Flight Attendant Union Vows To Fight FCC On In-Flight Cell Phone Use http://blog.rudypont.be/2013/12/17/flight-attendant-union-vows-to-fight-fcc-on-in-flight-cell-phone-use/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:14 The Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA) has begun an extensive public and congressional outreach campaign aimed at reversing a decision by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that could […] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/4ShBmk Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:30PM ummah - Social Mention Youth Of Ummah workshop in Faisalabad http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=462940543785415&v=wall&story_fbid=567613846651417 Dec 18th 2013, 17:01 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000913091495&v=wall&story_fbid=695385330501897 Dec 18th 2013, 16:25 Whilst the ummah freezes: An update from your sisters in Syria #united #ummah #r4bia #may #ALLAH ﷻ #unite the #whole #ummah #syria #quwait #uae #saudia #iraq #iran #afg #Pakistan nd the #muslims of #whole #world #islam ☝️ http://www.flickr.com/photos/87798623@N08/11436555486/ Dec 18th 2013, 15:52 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000761027427&v=wall&story_fbid=608208732547822 Dec 18th 2013, 14:45 Kata ibu Ammar; "Saya perlu mampu berdikari menguruskan keluarga kerana suami adalah milik ummah!" Allah.. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001076088243&v=wall&story_fbid=639503479428849 Dec 18th 2013, 14:29 Have you ever considered sponsoring an orphan? The parents of al-Ḥafidh Ibn Ḥajar passed away before he even reached the age of five. So a businessman took it on himself to sponsor the young Ibn Ḥajar, who later went on to become one of the greatest ḥadīth scholars of this Ummah. [ Kamil Ahmad, TA at Islamic Online University] http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=228097472888&v=wall&story_fbid=10152104221737889 Dec 18th 2013, 14:00 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=770559749&v=wall&story_fbid=10152162719194750 Dec 18th 2013, 13:42 This ummah is a ummah of dawah and not only ibaadah. We are a selfless ummah and not a selfish ummah. (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000788342090&v=wall&story_fbid=624474357588837 Dec 18th 2013, 12:55 [Pencetus Ummah] VT Allahyarham Ahmad Ammar dan Ucapan Ibubapa Ammar. (y0 Like, Comments & Share @www.GuaTv.com The Ummah today can wake up at 6am for the sales in order to beautify their home, but fail to get up for Fajr to beautify their grave.♡♡ http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=634598566551099&v=wall&story_fbid=721702334507388 Dec 18th 2013, 11:53 Layan pencetus ummah. Sedih juga rupanya biarpun hanya sekadar ceramah mahupun membuat satu lakonan. "Duniaku Dakwahku " http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001717860435&v=wall&story_fbid=591888544211736 Dec 18th 2013, 10:38 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000561134216&v=wall&story_fbid=750938068268224 Dec 18th 2013, 10:05 Pencetus Ummah - program realiti Islamik mencari bakat penceramah 'versatile'. 10 orang peserta lelaki Muslim dari seluruh pelusuk negara bakal berentap On the authority of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Verily Allah has pardoned [or been lenient with] for me my ummah: their mistakes, their forgetfulness, and that which they have been forced to do under duress." إنَّ اللَّهَ تَجَاوَزَ لِي عَنْ أُمَّتِي الْخَطَأَ وَالنِّسْيَانَ وَمَا اسْتُكْرِهُوا عَلَيْهِ http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=118274174920723&v=wall&story_fbid=567055476709255 Dec 18th 2013, 10:00 UMMAH WELFARE TRUST 'Operation Abu Ubaydah RadhiAllah Anhu' ¤Winter in the UK is cold, but it's colder in Syria. ¤Plight of millions of Muslims in the country has become severe! ¤UWT - Plans to deliver wide-ranging winter relief operation worth £1 million. ¤UWT - Inspired by the life of Abu Ubaydah RadhiAllah Anhu who is buried in Shaam (Syria); will help tens of thousands of Syrians see through the winter InshaAllah! ¤UWT - Will provide blankets, winter clothing, food packages, medical supplies etc. ¤Donate 1 Blanket £6, Blankets for 1 Family £30 For more info, & full list please visit www.uwt.org ¤UWT has 100% donation policy. Every penny donated will be used for the cause. Wealth that is spent for the sake of Allah will benefit us InshaAllah! Please show your support by donating what ever you can & by doing Dua! Donate via UWT Shop on 127 Albert Drive or online. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=221440221199775&v=wall&story_fbid=722397937770665 Dec 18th 2013, 09:57 A UK-based international relief and development charity established in 2001. The trust aims to alleviate poverty and suffering across the world, inspired by the Islamic teachings of empathy, generosity and selflessness Ummah Oil has natural Vitamin D ingredients http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=117020118481985&v=wall&story_fbid=213224395528223 Dec 18th 2013, 09:46 Almost every cell in the body has receptors for D and we now realise that it does far more than maintain the skeleton (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000898926667&v=wall&story_fbid=696065357100089 Dec 18th 2013, 06:45 ~Kisah Nikah Ibn Batoota~ Walaupun dah setahun lebih dah saya menikah, anak pun dah umur 6 bulan lebih. Tapi masih ramai yang request untuk saya ceritakan pengalaman nikah dan walimah saya. Saya tak tau lah ia diminta untuk dibaca supaya dapat dicontohi atau sekadar pemanis mata. Harapnya status kali ni tak ada yang ciplak atau edit untuk di kredit ke atas diri sendiri supaya tidak merosakkan maruah sendiri... Cerita bab nikah ni saya tak tau nak mula dari mana... Tapi elok saya mulakan dari awal tahun 2012, masa tu saya minta cuti dari madrasah saya untuk balik Malaysia sebab nak kawen. Awal 2012 saya sampai Malaysia, belum sempat balik rumah, dah ramai datang jumpa kat airport untuk minta ceramah. Saya bagi no telefon je dan suruh keep in touch. Kebiasaan saya bila balik ke Malaysia, saya akan singgah di 24 hours Open Masjid iaitu Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling untuk saya iktikaf (merupakan satu sunnah Nabi yang mulia, apabila pulang dari perjalanan yang jauh untuk beriktikaf di masjid semalaman sebelum pulang ke rumah). Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling ni saya pilih sebab masjid tu macam Masjid Nabawi zaman Nabi, sentiasa 24 jam, 7 hari seminggu, sepanjang tahun, tanpa cuti orang beribadat kat situ. Ada kemudahan tempat mandi, tandas, kedai mamak, kira memang tip top lah situ. So saya akan ke situ setiap kali balik dari Afrika. Masa saya kat masjid tu, saya terdengar iklan bahawa ijtima' ummah (perhimpunan umat Islam) akan di adakan di setiap negeri pada tahun tu, ramai ulama besar, syaikhul hadis, dan ulama lain akan hadir bagi talk. Saya pun take note. Awal-awal pagi lepas Subuh tu saya berangkat balik ke rumah. Di rumah, saya dilantik jadi imam dan mengajar di surau. Setiap kali saya balik kampung, memang pengerusi surau akan cepat-cepat tangkap saya sebab kalau tak, surau lain akan tangkap. Kemudian saya dapat tawaran ceramah di kawasan KL, saya pergi bersafar semula ke KL dan sekali lagi ke masjid Sri Petaling. Dipendekkan cerita, kat masjid masa tu mereka memerlukan ustaz untuk menjadi penterjemah kepada jemaah tabligh dari Yaman, salah seorang daripada ahli jemaah masa tu ialah Mufti Syeikh Salim, pensyarah di Jamiat Ahqaf kat Tarim tak silap saya. Teruja saya dibuatnya. Saya pun ikut jemaah tu selama 40 hari jadi penterjemah mereka dan mereka di hantar ke Pahang. Selama perjalanan bersama mereka tu, saya bertalaqqi dan bersohbat serta berkhidmat kepada Syeikh Salim, saya talaqqi daurah kutub soghir Fiqh Syafi'e dengan beliau. Ilmu beliau memang dahsyat. Semua matan dalil hafal dalam otak, ini baru betul ULAMA (bukan macam "ulama google" yang super duper hyper nonsense). Dipendekkan cerita lagi, saya dipertemukan Allah dengan abang ipar bidadari saya dan ditawarkan untuk menikah. Sepanjang 40 hari saya bersama jemaah Yaman tu, ada je orang call offer anak diorang lah, anak saudara lah, adik perempuan lah. Tiba-tiba berita saya nak cari isteri tu tersebar. Dipendekkan cerita lagi saya setuju dan datang untuk nazor bidadari saya di rumahnya, ditemani mahramnya. Nazor ialah proses melihat wajah dan tapak tangan oleh pelamar. Zaman Nabi dulu majoriti muslimah berpurdah, jadi proses nazor ni merupakan perintah Nabi kepada para Sahabat untuk melihat wajah di sebalik purdah dan kedua tapak tangan. Zaman sekarang dah tak ada nazor-nazor ni sebab majoriti perempuan sekarang letak muka sejibik terpampang dalam fb, blog, twwitter, whatsapp sampai yang berpurdah pun tunjuk juga gambar berpurdah diorang dalam laman-laman sosial untuk bagitahu kat orang ramai "kami berpurdah", jadi sunnah Nabi tentang nazor ini telah dibuang oleh umat Islam sebab semua perempuan pun dah kena tengok muka diorang oleh berjuta billion lelaki. No point of nazor anymore..... Bidadari saya pulak saya nazor secara terhormat sebab beliau memang tak pernah dilihat mana-mana lelaki bukan mahram sebab beliau dari kecik buat home-schooling macam zaman Nabi, tak pernah masuk sekolah ke,madrasah ke, kalau keluar rumah pun akan pakai full hijab purdah burqa semua. Jadi sayalah lelaki bukan mahram yang pertama pernah tengok muka beliau. Beliau bagitahu, beliau selalu berdoa supaya siapa orang pertama yang nazor beliau, itulah suaminya sebab dia tak mahu wajahnya dilihat sesiapa kecuali suami. Dan munajatnya diterima Allah. Ingat! Allah tu wujud. Cuma kita je "tak layan" kewujudan Allah tu. By the way, lepas nazor, 3 hari istikharah sama-sama dan lepas 3 hari istikharah, keputusan dibuat untuk menikah.. Saya pun batalkan janji nak nazor perempuan lain yang di offer kat saya sepanjang 2-3 bulan kat Malaysia masa tu. Masa nazor tu awal bulan April, dan cadang nak nikah tu pertengahan bulan Julai. Ada masa lebih kurang 2 bulan lebih untuk persiapan. Masa tu saya ada RM50 lebih je kot rasanya, dalam bank kosong. Lepas tu saya fikir, mana nak cari duit dalam masa 2 bulan lebih tu? Mulanya ingat nak kerja, tapi tak jadi. Saya solat hajat banyak-banyak, kalau jodoh, tentu Allah mudahkan. Lepas tu saya ikut ijtimak ummah setiap negeri tu, masa tu duit saya ada dalam RM2 je, tapi saya bawak beg, tumpang orang, pergi ke tapak ijtimak. Dari situ, saya terus tumpang orang ke ijtimak seluruh negara kecuali Perlis, Perak, Sabah dan Sarawak. Lepas ijtimak, ada jemputan ceramah merata tempat di universiti, kolej, masjid, pejabat, kilang dan lain-lain di seluruh Malaysia, dari Kedah sampai Johor. Pendek kata, saya totally "buat tak tau" tentang kahwin tu dan semata-mata serahkan urusan dunia saya kat Allah sebab saya ada terbaca satu hadis yang mafhumnya, barangsiapa yang jadikan hal dunia sebagai kerisauan utamanya, maka Allah akan sempitkan hidupnya dan cuma diberi rezeki yang dah ditetapkan je. Dan barangsiapa yang jadikan akhirat sebagai kerisauan utama, maka Allah akan suruh dunia jatuh ke bawah tapak kaki kita dalam keadaan hina dina. Allah akan uruskan semua urusan dunia kita. So dengan saya pergi dakwah sana sini, ziarah ulama, ikut ijtimak, ikut kuliah dan lain-lain kerja agama untuk akhirat, saya fikir Allah tentu akan selesaikan semua urusan dunia saya. Ingat! Sifat Nabi yang wajib kita imani ialah As-Siddiq (benar), jadi Nabi tak mungkin menipu. So bila hadis cakap macam tu, konfem jadi. Dipendekkan lagi cerita, tiba-tiba je dah bulan Jun. Duit masih belum ada, ada dalam RM400 je rasanya hasil sumbangan ceramah-ceramah tu semua. Lepas tu saya sekali lagi ke Masjid Sri Petaling tu dan solat hajat kat sana... Lepas tu balik ke rumah di Penang... Tiba-tiba rezeki Allah melimpah-limpah, ada yang nak sponsor walimah, ada yang nak sponsor cincin emas, ada yang nak sponsor hadiah dan lain-lain. Setel masalah... Dengan muka sekupangnya, pakai jubah putih, serban putih, selipar tandas, saya pun akad nikah pada 15 Julai 2012 selepas solat Asar. Walimatul Uqud diadakan di rumah bidadari saya, sembelih seekor kambing, jemput jiran-jiran. Walimatul Uqud ialah kenduri walimah kesyukuran selepas akad nikah di adakan...walimah bermaksud pesta, uqud bermaksud akad, jadi walimatul uqud bermaksud "walimah kerana akad". Walimatul Ursi pula diadakan di rumah saya tak lama lepas tu... Walimatul Ursi atau di Malaysia dikenali sebagai Walimatul Urus pula ialah kenduri walimah kesyukuran selepas dua pengantin telah bergaul...'ursi (ain, ro, sin) bermaksud "pengantin" jadi walimatul ursi bermaksud "walimah pengantin". Mulanya walimah ursi ni nak dibuat pada waktu malam sebab telah tsabit ke-sunnah-annya dibuat walimah pada waktu malam. Tapi disebabkan Malaysia penuh masalah dalam mengamalkan sunnah, maka terpaksa buat siang jugak untuk mudah bagi orang yang dah biasa dengan walimah pada waktu siang. Masa walimah tu, saya asingkan tempat laki dan perempuan dengan kain rentang dan letak sign board banyak-banyak "khemah lelaki" dan "khemah wanita". Semua orang agak "pelik" dengan ajaran Nabi tu... Tapi saya buat muka sekupang macam biasa... Masa tengah siapkan khemah, tetamu dah datang, tapi saya masih pakai kain pelikat dengan pagoda, hehe. Saya pun lari masuk, mandi, pakai kain pelikat warna hitam putih, jubah putih saya tengah basuh masa tu, saya pun pakai jubah hitam, dah lah jubah hitam tu bertampal, so untuk tutup tampal tu, saya pakai kot hitam panjang kat luar, serban putih pun basuh, saya pakai serban hitam. :D Lepas tu keluar sambut tetamu dengan pakai selipar tandas warna oren, bila jalan bunyi "kreet kreet" (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000898926667&v=wall&story_fbid=696065360433422 Dec 18th 2013, 06:45 ~Kisah Nikah Ibn Batoota~ Walaupun dah setahun lebih dah saya menikah, anak pun dah umur 6 bulan lebih. Tapi masih ramai yang request untuk saya ceritakan pengalaman nikah dan walimah saya. Saya tak tau lah ia diminta untuk dibaca supaya dapat dicontohi atau sekadar pemanis mata. Harapnya status kali ni tak ada yang ciplak atau edit untuk di kredit ke atas diri sendiri supaya tidak merosakkan maruah sendiri... Cerita bab nikah ni saya tak tau nak mula dari mana... Tapi elok saya mulakan dari awal tahun 2012, masa tu saya minta cuti dari madrasah saya untuk balik Malaysia sebab nak kawen. Awal 2012 saya sampai Malaysia, belum sempat balik rumah, dah ramai datang jumpa kat airport untuk minta ceramah. Saya bagi no telefon je dan suruh keep in touch. Kebiasaan saya bila balik ke Malaysia, saya akan singgah di 24 hours Open Masjid iaitu Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling untuk saya iktikaf (merupakan satu sunnah Nabi yang mulia, apabila pulang dari perjalanan yang jauh untuk beriktikaf di masjid semalaman sebelum pulang ke rumah). Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling ni saya pilih sebab masjid tu macam Masjid Nabawi zaman Nabi, sentiasa 24 jam, 7 hari seminggu, sepanjang tahun, tanpa cuti orang beribadat kat situ. Ada kemudahan tempat mandi, tandas, kedai mamak, kira memang tip top lah situ. So saya akan ke situ setiap kali balik dari Afrika. Masa saya kat masjid tu, saya terdengar iklan bahawa ijtima' ummah (perhimpunan umat Islam) akan di adakan di setiap negeri pada tahun tu, ramai ulama besar, syaikhul hadis, dan ulama lain akan hadir bagi talk. Saya pun take note. Awal-awal pagi lepas Subuh tu saya berangkat balik ke rumah. Di rumah, saya dilantik jadi imam dan mengajar di surau. Setiap kali saya balik kampung, memang pengerusi surau akan cepat-cepat tangkap saya sebab kalau tak, surau lain akan tangkap. Kemudian saya dapat tawaran ceramah di kawasan KL, saya pergi bersafar semula ke KL dan sekali lagi ke masjid Sri Petaling. Dipendekkan cerita, kat masjid masa tu mereka memerlukan ustaz untuk menjadi penterjemah kepada jemaah tabligh dari Yaman, salah seorang daripada ahli jemaah masa tu ialah Mufti Syeikh Salim, pensyarah di Jamiat Ahqaf kat Tarim tak silap saya. Teruja saya dibuatnya. Saya pun ikut jemaah tu selama 40 hari jadi penterjemah mereka dan mereka di hantar ke Pahang. Selama perjalanan bersama mereka tu, saya bertalaqqi dan bersohbat serta berkhidmat kepada Syeikh Salim, saya talaqqi daurah kutub soghir Fiqh Syafi'e dengan beliau. Ilmu beliau memang dahsyat. Semua matan dalil hafal dalam otak, ini baru betul ULAMA (bukan macam "ulama google" yang Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:28PM sabrifilms - Social Mention Pierre Vogel - Die Früchte der Dawah in Duisburg (Benefiz 08 12 13) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLuUJGzOncE&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 12th 2013, 18:13 http://habibiflo.de http://PierreVogel.de http://DieWahreReligion.de http://myIslamTube.de http://IslamXpress.de http://HausdesQurans.de http://As-Sirat.de h... Ein Muslim erklärt was Religionsfreiheit in Deutschland ist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPY74tNsvD8&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 12th 2013, 11:19 BismAllah al Rahman al Rahim! Liebe Schwestern und Brüder, im Jahr 2005 haben wir in privater Initiative begonnen, die Da ́wa-Tätigkeiten in Deutschland in m... Feindbild Islam, Dschihadisten und die geostrategischen Interessen des "Westens" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZGJ3I2wqCU&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 10th 2013, 16:37 Im Rahmen des Symposiums der Alevitischen Jugend Frankfurt vom 22. Februar 2013 antwortet der Historiker und Journalist Dr. Nikolaus Brauns auf Fragen aus de... Reich und trotzdem arm - Kundgebung 7.12.13 in Bonn - Pierre Vogel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ3L1Eg0T8I&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 8th 2013, 16:02 http://www.youtube.com/user/PierreVogelDe http://PierreVogel.de http://muslimtube.de Wenn Sie den Islam annehmen möchten oder Fragen haben, dann schreiben Si... ♫ Pierre Vogel Mein Schwein Aisha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbSrZcrZFDI&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 8th 2013, 14:06 Pierre Vogel: Mein Schwein Aisha! sabri ben abda SECRETISLAMICDOOR SABRIFILMSRELOADED Indyjournalism 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3AZsYgUfu0&feature=youtube_gdata Feb 22nd 2013, 09:26 Hier wird über Salafisten gesprochen (radikale Islamisten/Salafisten/Terroristen) ! Wir möchten in Europa friedlich mit allen Menschen zusammen leben, egal w... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/PXw5 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:27PM al-ansar - Social Mention (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100006921492048&v=wall&story_fbid=1405549799685723 Dec 18th 2013, 17:04 Lebanese Cup Final Beirut Municipal Stadium 1999 Ansar al-Sharia sets up training camps in Benghazi http://ow.ly/rROFu http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=146612062031906&v=wall&story_fbid=792412080785231 Dec 18th 2013, 07:00 Ever since George Bush decided to invade Afghanistan, Al Qaeda has been without a country. But thanks to Barack Obama, they now have Libya to call... (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002117154819&v=wall&story_fbid=577325995681300 Dec 17th 2013, 18:06 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=717409602&v=wall&story_fbid=10152144429374603 Dec 17th 2013, 14:52 By: Mada Masr The Second Field Army killed a Sinai-based terrorism suspect on Monday night, military spokesperson Colonel Ahmed Mohamed Ali said on his official Facebook page Tuesday. The suspect, Selmy Mohamed Misbah, also known as Abou Khaled, was said by the state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper to bel... Check in at Al-Ansar Hotel http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=1760607954&v=wall&story_fbid=3797908203816 Dec 17th 2013, 11:04 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000641705678&v=wall&story_fbid=670725432958841 Dec 17th 2013, 08:35 Al-Ansar Girls College Now Zahra Nanono Girls CollegeO:)RIP Hajia:(Your death will remain indelible in our minds,She is in a better place In shaa Allah O:) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=165463196995835&v=wall&story_fbid=179930178882470 Dec 14th 2013, 13:09 Hy 2 all al,ansar plyers walahi nimewamiss i tng muko best stil i love my team untill die http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=375636332557721&v=wall&story_fbid=466901690097851 Dec 7th 2013, 18:52 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/RXmr56 -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. 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Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:05AM Das was du über Islam nicht weists Facebook-Pinnwand Das was du über Islam nicht weists Facebook-Pinnwand Und wenn die liebsten Menschen fortgehen, wer außer Allah steht dir bei? Bei wem... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=619866721411975&set=a.313921282006522.75703.313836902014960&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 23:53 Und wenn die liebsten Menschen fortgehen, wer außer Allah steht dir bei? Bei wem,außer Allah kannst du Hilfe ersuchen? Wer hört sich deine Angelegenheit an,wenn nicht Er? Wer vergibt dem Sünder,nachdem er bereut hat,wenn nicht Allah? Wer, wenn nicht Er ? Lies aus seinem Buch, wenn du dich nach einer Unterhaltung sehnst, nach Seinen Worten sehnst, schlag den Qur'an auf, da steckt die Lösung all deiner Probleme, das Heilmittel deiner Krankheit ... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/VFnDVK Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:04AM Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand US capitalism global scourge of poverty, war: Analyst The US capitalist regime... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/491091444341455 Dec 18th 2013, 23:16 US capitalism global scourge of poverty, war: Analyst The US capitalist regime and its militarism are to blame for the impoverishment of Americans, an analyst writes in a column for the Press TV website. "War and poverty are endemic to American capitalism. The system is sustained – but not sustainable – only by the massive and relentless subvention of tax dollars into obscene militarism," Finian Cunningham wrote on Tuesday. He was reacting to the recent rare compromise between House Republicans and Democrats on the federal budget plan, saying the agreement "is a shocking reminder of the monstrous priorities for the American ruling class." He warned of "poverty, hunger, sickness and homelessness for millions more ordinary Americans" as the US militarism "stalks the globe like a demented Leviathan, casting a shadow of war and destruction into every corner." "American-dominated capitalism is a global scourge of poverty and war. It is much less American dream and much more humankind's nightmare," wrote Cunningham. He said the US is spending 63 percent of its annual USD 1 trillion budget on "war and killing." "To give this some perspective, the US spends ten times more on weapons and the means of destroying and killing other human beings than it does on educating its entire nation," noted Cunningham. He said Washington has established more than "1,000 military bases around the world" and moves ahead with its "never-ending assassination drones that end up killing more civilians than "terrorists" in remote, barren countries." "The only way to break this death spiral is for the American people to realize once and for all that their bankrupt economic system, known as capitalism, and the two-party political minions who shore it up on behalf of their corporate masters – all of that needs to be trashed and replaced – by a real democracy. US capitalism is not just the scourge of the world; it is the scourge of Americans too," wrote Cunningham. 'US capitalism global scourge of war' www.presstv.ir An analyst says the US capitalist system is behind war across the world. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:04AM Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Israel kills 1, injures several in West Bank: Reports Israeli troops have kill... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/491091807674752 Dec 18th 2013, 23:18 Israel kills 1, injures several in West Bank: Reports Israeli troops have killed one Palestinian and injured several others at a refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, reports say. 'Israel kills Palestinian in West Bank' www.presstv.ir Israeli troops have killed one Palestinian and injured several others in the occupied West Bank. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:04AM Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand EU investigates Britain's nuclear plant subsidy The European Commission is to... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/491092571008009 Dec 18th 2013, 23:22 EU investigates Britain's nuclear plant subsidy The European Commission is to assess whether British government's support for a plan to build a 16-billion pound ($26-billion) nuclear power plant violates EU state aid rules. The commission said in a statement issued on Wednesday that the EU state aid regulators launched a probe into the planned support for the nuclear plant, saying it had doubts the project needs help, Reuters reported. "The Commission has doubts that the project suffers from a genuine market failure," the statement said, adding it would seek public feedback on the case because of its unprecedented nature and scale. On Monday, Britain signed a deal with France's EDF (EDF.PA) to build the nuclear plant at Hinkley Point in southwest England. The Paris-based company said the project would take 10 years to build. The Commission will also investigate Britain's plan to guarantee EDF a price of up to 92.50 pounds ($150) per megawatt-hour of electricity for 35 years, more than twice the current market rate. Britain is the first European country to offer state guarantees in order to fund a nuclear project. The project will need EU approval and if the commission rules that the mechanism does not comply with EU state aid rules, the project is unlikely to go ahead. "We will use this period to demonstrate how the project meets state aid rules and provides good value for consumers while cutting carbon in the energy sector," said Britain's Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Edward Davey. Davey added that the Commission's investigation was a standard procedure when assessing large investment projects. EDF Energy, the French firm's UK subsidiary, concurred with Davey's comment, saying in a statement, "It is right that the European Commission should examine the contract and highlight potential challenges." The EU's Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia told reporters on Wednesday that the executive was not under any legal deadline to complete the investigation. "The investigation depends on how complicated it is. This is not exactly the simplest investigation," he said. French state-owned Areva (AREVA.PA) and two Chinese nuclear companies-- China General Nuclear Corporation (CGN) and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) -- will also take part in the construction of the Hinkley Point project. EU investigates UK nuclear subsidy plan www.presstv.ir EU regulators launch a probe into whether Britain's nuclear subsidy breaks state aid rules. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 19 12:04AM Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Anti-Imperialists for Syrias Facebook-Pinnwand Beijing warns US against meddling in China Sea Beijing has warned the United S... http://www.facebook.com/AntiImperialistsForSyria/posts/491092147674718 Dec 18th 2013, 23:19 Beijing warns US against meddling in China Sea Beijing has warned the United States to be cautious in its words and actions with regard to territorial disputes involving China and its neighbors. The Chinese Foreign Ministry warning comes amid a diplomatic wrangle over Beijing's newly announced air defense zone in the East China Sea. "We hope relevant countries can respect the efforts made by China and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, adhere to the stance and commitment of not taking sides on the issue of the South China Sea, be cautious about their words and actions, and make active efforts to maintain mutual trust between countries in the region," the ministry's spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, said during a press conference in Beijing. Before this, Washington had warned Beijing against imposing an air defense zone over both the South China Sea and East China Sea. US State Secretary John Kerry said recently that Washington would help its regional allies in protecting their territorial waters. China and its neighbors lay similar claims to parts of the strategic and resource-rich seas. The development comes days after Chinese fighter jets chased the US and Japanese military aircraft inside China's newly declared Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in the East China Sea. Chinese defense authorities say they have sent more fighter jets to the zone. The Chinese air force described the mission as a defensive measure in line with international law. China says foreign aircraft passing through the airspace, including passenger planes, will have to identify themselves to Chinese authorities. The zone includes the skies over islands at the heart of a territorial dispute between Japan and China. China is also locked in territorial rows with the Philippines over wide swathes of the South China Sea and has said it might set up a similar zone there. Senior Chinese officials have repeatedly called on Washington not to take sides over the issue. US warned against China Sea meddling Beijing warns the US over its words and actions about maritime disputes in China Sea. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/1SPjBL Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand 18.12.2013- Die Europäische Union stellt 147 Millionen Euro für die Opfer des s... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=753202428026596&set=a.665571906789649.1073741828.665437346803105&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 18:52 18.12.2013- Die Europäische Union stellt 147 Millionen Euro für die Opfer des syrischen Bürgerkriegs bereit Die Europäische Union stellt 147 Millionen Euro für die Opfer des syrischen Bürgerkriegs bereit. Davon gehen 63 Millionen an die Flüchtlingsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen und weitere 61 Millionen an das Welternährungsprogramm. 23 Millionen Euro kommen dem Kinderhilfswerk der UN zugute. Hätte man vor einem Jahr voraussehen können, welches die heutige Lage sei, wären die Entscheidungen ehrgeiziger gewesen, so der Präsident der EU-Kommission. Mit den von der EU zur Verfügung gestellten Mitteln soll rund drei Millionen Menschen in Syrien, im Libanon, in Jordanien und dem Irak geholfen werden. Flüchtlingslager werden gebaut und winterfest gemacht, auch die Versorgung der Menschen wird verbessert. Die Regierungen der EU-Staaten haben bisher aus den nationalen Haushalten mehr als eine Milliarde Euro für die Opfer des syrischen Bürgerkriegs bereitgestellt. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YBv7mzh4n8 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Die Syrische Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية - ألمانياs Facebook-Pinnwand Another year, another winter, another human catastrophe... Syrians count their d... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=753215204691985&set=a.665571906789649.1073741828.665437346803105&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 19:28 Another year, another winter, another human catastrophe... Syrians count their dead, their missing and their detained loved ones... and the world still manages to look the other way... World leaders chose to do business with demons and the public opinion is misled by the media... But I believe in YOU.. as a human being... as a father, mother, brother, sister, son and daughter... See their tragedy with your own eyes... You should know what is happening to the people of Syria... Because they are like you and me.. with hopes, fears and rights. On a personal level... I wrote this song in a dark periode in my life... But there was light as well... Life takes care of us... and sends in help... sometimes from unexpected corners and people.... I wrote this song for these kind people.. I won't thank you... I promise to be there for you, should you need a hand... or two: Kholoud, Kai, Mo'nis, Nemat, Markella, Muhannd K., Yazan, Orwa, Khaled T., Talal (Lalo), Joshua, Roba, Stéphanie and Frédéric http://youtu.be/31KFrz6sl48 You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/YzcGgv Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Comments for Islam Fragen & Antworten www.diewahrereligion.de Comment on Wie man erkennen kann, ob jemand von einem Jinn besessen ist oder vom bösen Blick getroffen wurde by canada goose official http://diewahrereligion.tv/fatwah/?p=1526#comment-2089 Dec 18th 2013, 07:04 canada goose official… This is essential. Your pickles will only be as fine because the quality of your components. If you ever use crappy cukes, you'll end up with crappy pickles…. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/zPtjvr Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Comments for Islam Fragen & Antworten www.diewahrereligion.de Comment on Essig, der einen Anteil Alkohol enthält by canada goose expedition parka spirit http://diewahrereligion.tv/fatwah/?p=306#comment-2090 Dec 18th 2013, 08:02 canada goose expedition parka spirit… canada goose shop onlinecanada goose bruncanada goose forhandlerejakke canada goosecanada goose kjøpcanada goosecanada goose jakke herrecanada goosecanada goose oslo butikkexpedition parka canada goosecanada goose outlet norgecanada goose butikkcanada … You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/zPtjvr Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Comments for Islam Fragen & Antworten www.diewahrereligion.de Comment on Essig, der einen Anteil Alkohol enthält by parajumpers kodiak men http://diewahrereligion.tv/fatwah/?p=306#comment-2093 Dec 18th 2013, 09:58 parajumpers kodiak men… parajumper jacka damparajumper billigtparajumpers vinterjakkeparajumpers adirondackcanada goose mencanada goose jakker tilbudtrillium parka canada goosecanada goose chilliwack parkavinterjakke parajumpersparajumpers dameparajumpers online shopparajumpe… You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/zPtjvr Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM Comments for Islam Fragen & Antworten www.diewahrereligion.de Comment on Wie man erkennen kann, ob jemand von einem Jinn besessen ist oder vom bösen Blick getroffen wurde by voyance en ligne gratuite http://diewahrereligion.tv/fatwah/?p=1526#comment-2094 Dec 18th 2013, 10:30 … [Trackback]… [...] Read More: diewahrereligion.tv/fatwah/?p=1526 [...]… You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/zPtjvr -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an 76j4725235b235b891248jv1+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Weitere Optionen: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out | Übersicht für 76j4725235b235b891248jv1@googlegroups.com - 25 Nachrichten in 19 Themen Gruppe: http://groups.google.com/group/76j4725235b235b891248jv1/topics Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 11:55PM Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand Wake Up Ya Ahlul Sunnahs Facebook-Pinnwand #Syria - Some of the many shia terrorists killed in Damascus in clashes with Jab... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=185685738295709&id=149984321865851 Dec 18th 2013, 23:01 #Syria - Some of the many shia terrorists killed in Damascus in clashes with Jabhat Al-Nusrah, ISIS, Ahrar Al-Shaam and other brigades. Just check out how many bodies scattered everywhere ننصح حسن نصراللات مشاهدت هذا الفيديو ليتعرف على فطائسه www.youtube.com You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/BP0qd6 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 11:54PM Weisheit der Gelehrtens Facebook-Pinnwand Weisheit der Gelehrtens Facebook-Pinnwand Abū Ḏarr sagte: „Der Gesandte Allāhs - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - sagte... http://www.facebook.com/WeisheitDerGelehrten/posts/437964449637134 Dec 18th 2013, 23:04 Abū Ḏarr sagte: „Der Gesandte Allāhs - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - sagte: „Ich sehe, was ihr nicht seht, und ich höre, was ihr nicht hört. Der Himmel hat laut aufgestöhnt und es ist ihm gewährt zu stöhnen. Es gibt in ihm keine Fläche, die vier Finger breit ist, außer dass sich auf ihr ein Engel befindet, der sich niederwirft. Würdet ihr wissen, was ich weiß, würdet ihr wenig lachen und viel weinen, und würdet nicht die Frauen auf den Liegen genießen, sondern ihr würdet vielmehr hinaus ins Freie gehen und zu Allāh - Allāh segne ihn und gebe ihm Heil - inbrünstig flehen." Abu Ḏarr sagte weiter: „Bei Allāh, ich wünschte ich wäre ein Baum, der gefällt wird." [Ṣaḥīḥ: Musnad Aḥmad, Nr. 5/173; aṣ-Ṣaḥīḥa, Nr. 1722.] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/FllpHs Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:39PM Abu Abdullah - Social Mention Abdullah bin Zayed, Iraqi Foreign Minister inaugurate new Iraqi ... http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=8e234e9e5afcaf5813873949266078fd1089304784994&co=f000000013912s-1248979088 Dec 18th 2013, 19:28 Emirates News Agency - Found 11 minutes agoWAM ABU DHABI, 18th December 2013 (WAM) -- H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, U.A.E. Foreign Minister, and Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar UAE-Bahrain Higher Joint Committee session concludes http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9821e2c00c7392231387394830479c441ee5a75f546d4&co=f000000013912s-1248979084 Dec 18th 2013, 19:27 Gulf News - Found 12 minutes ago... in Bahrain in 2014 Abu Dhabi: The seventh session of the UAE-Bahrain Higher Joint Committee, chaired Wednesday by Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al... Trial over UK soldier killing closes http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=88ff63d5cfe9d0451387392222154b2ad7b9e64334c99&co=f000000013912s-1248979074 Dec 18th 2013, 18:43 CNN - Found 56 minutes ago... his client Adebolajo by his Islamic name Mujahid Abu Hamza, describing ... referring to his client by his Islamic name, Ismael Abdullah, asked ... Closing arguments heard at trial over British soldier's slaying - CNN Rigby accused 'wanted martyrdom' - BBC Conspiracy charge dropped against men charged with murdering British ... - FOXNews.com Judge Urges Woolwich Jury to 'Use Common Sense' - Sky News Explore All Oxford Times Abdullah bin Zayed congratulates new German Foreign Minister... http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=a11d76b4a50afbc51387390394545bd506a0ce994482c&co=f000000013912s-1248979073 Dec 18th 2013, 18:13 Emirates News Agency - Found 1 hour agoWAM ABU DHABI, 18th December 2013 (WAM) -- H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, U.A.E. Foreign Minister, has sent a congratulatory cable to HRH Premier receives more congratulatory cables on Asian Award ... - TMC Net Bahrain, Pakistan ties close and strong - Daily Times Dubai gears to be Islamic economic hub - CHINAdaily Muntajat Celebrates Qatar National Day [Qatar News Agency] - TMC Net Explore All Islamic Republic News Agency Rigby accused 'agree over killing' http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=a0ee4661b4eac36a1387389748791e9b77472cc704eda&co=f000000013912s-1248979079 Dec 18th 2013, 18:02 Witney Gazette - Found 1 hour agoAbu Hamza and Adebowale as Ismail Ibn Abdullah, Mr Lakha went on: "On behalf of the second defendant (Adebowale), I did not challenge Mr Abu... New Iraq embassy opened in Abu Dhabi http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=9d44388a46228512138738925303414738e8205464581&co=f000000013912s-1248979077 Dec 18th 2013, 17:54 Gulf News - Found 1 hour agoAbdullah and Zebari hoist Iraqi flag at the new premises and unveil plaque Abu Dhabi: Shaikh Abdullah Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Foreign Minister, and Iraqi embassy in Abu Dhabi opened officially - Aswat al Iraq Explore All Looming threats from Iran, Iraq focuses Gulf states on military ... http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=aa9ccc7be771e1a61387388866610911b8fad279d47f1&co=f000000013912s-1248979075 Dec 18th 2013, 17:47 World Tribune - Found 1 hour agoSpecial to ABU DHABI — The Gulf Cooperation Council, faced with threats from ... we face," Bahraini Defense Minister Mohammed Bin Abdullah Al ... Looming threats from Iran Iraq focuses Gulf states on military unity - Big News Network Explore All World Tribune Peace and human rights workers welcome Israeli ruling on partition ... http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=802d1dfb623e0cba138738842584080302a15b7c34df4&co=f000000013912s-1248979078 Dec 18th 2013, 17:40 Ekklesia - Found 1 hour agoOne of the Bilin protest organisers, Abdullah Abu Rahma, described the court decision as "wonderful" and called for it to be implemented... When to say Masha Allah & Barakallah Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen – When to say Masha Allah Tabarak Allah: Fatawaa noor 'ala adarb tape no321 Questioner: May Allah extend your life! This is the questioner, Abu Abdullah, he says in the first question, If a person sees what amazes him, does he say Maashaa Allah Tabaarak Allah (As Allah wills, blessed is Allah!), or Maashaa Allah Tabaarak Allah Laa Quwwata illah billah (As Allah wills, blessed is Allah, there is no strength except with Allah) and are they all correct? Answer: All praises are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and prayer and salutation upon our prophet, Muhammad, his family, his companions and those who follow them in goodness until the Day of Judgement. If a person sees that which amazes (pleases) him, pertaining to his wealth, then he should say Maashaa Allah Laa Quwwata illa billah , just as in the story of the companion of the two gardens, when his companion said to him: It was better for you to say, when you entered your garden: That which Allah wills there is no power except with Allah. This is if he sees something amazing (pleasing) with his wealth. If he sees it in other than himself then he should say Barakallahu Alaihi (May Allah bless it for him) or a statement similar to it. And if he sees something that amazes (pleases) him from the matters of the Dunya (world) he should say: Labbaik, Innal Aish, Aishul Aakhirah , as the Prophet ( ) used to say. So he says Labbaik meaning an answer to you then he said verily the (real) life is the life of the hereafter. He makes it firm within himself at the same instance that the Dunya and whatever is within it does not remain and there is not any life in it but verily the real life is the life of the hereafter. Source: http://sahab.net/forums/showthread.ph … http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=325572850837509&v=wall&story_fbid=639167729478018 Dec 18th 2013, 17:20 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100000649730782&v=wall&story_fbid=688145977883720 Dec 18th 2013, 17:17 Al-Usool Ath-Thalatha (The Three Fundamental Principles) is the great work of Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab, discussing the three questions which the dead pers... Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah! Peace be on you, O son of the Apostle of Allah! Peace be on you, O son of the commander of the faithfuls, the forebear of the successors! Peace be on you, O son of Fatimah, the choicest among the women of the worlds! Peace be on you, O the select, surpassing, chosen in preference over all good of Allah, and son of Allah's (such) good. Peace be on you, who was martyred while fighting heroically in the cause of Allah, the son of Allah's fearless warrior, you were isolated and had been attacked with a vengeance! Peace be on you and on those souls who had gathered in your camp, and strided along with you, in your journey. I pray and invoke Allah to keep all of you tranquil and restful, for ever; so far I am alive, this is my prayer, and till nights and days follow each other. O Abu Abdullah! unbearable is the sorrow, nerve-racking is the agony, you put up with, for us and for all the (true) Muslims, crimes committed against you also shocked and unnerved the dwellers of the heavens, one and all. May Allah condemn and damn the people who laid the basis and set up the groundwork, to wander astray and turn aside from not only you and your family but to take liberties and bear hard upon you. May Allah condemn and damn the people who tried to obscure and deny your office and status, willfully neglected your rank and class Allah had made know in clear terms. May Allah condemn and damn the people who killed you. May Allah condemn and damn the abettors who instigated and had a part in your murder. I turn to you and Allah, away from them, their henchmen, their followers and their friends, O Abu Abdullah, I pray and invoke Allah to send blessings on you. I make peace with those who make their peace with you, I make war on those who go to war against you, till the Day of Judgment. May Allah condemn and damn the family of Ziyaad and the family of Marwaan; May Allah condemn and damn the group and the tribe of Umayyah, one and all, altogether; May Allah condemn and damn the son of Marjaanah; May Allah condemn and damn Umar son of Saad; May Allah condemn and damn Shimr; May Allah condemn and damn the people who bridled the horses and saddles for your martyrdom. I, my father and mother are at your disposal. Profound is my sorrow for you. I beg Allah, who honoured you above others, to be generous towards me on account of you, and give me the opportunity to be with the victorious Imam, the descendent of Mohammad (blessings and peace be on him and on his children from Allah) at the time of the final and decisive war against Allah's enemies. O my Allah make me attend to Your cause, sincerely, in every respect following in Husayn's footsteps, in this world and the hereafter. O Abu Abdullah, I pray and invoke Allah to send blessings on you. I come nearer and seek greater intimacy with Allah, with His Apostle, with Ameerul Moomineen, with Fatimah, with Hasan and with you, with the help of your love and patronage, cutting off every connection with those who took up arms against you and killed you. I disconnect all links with those who, in the beginning, took the first steps to take liberties with and bear hard upon you, I take refuge with Allah and His Apostle (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), free from the guilt of associating with those who laid the foundation for (your suffering), devised and carried out their corrupt plan of action, boldly gave currency to reign of terror and cruelty to oppress you and your friends and followers; I detach myself from them and present myself to Allah and to you, I (first) seek greater intimacy with Allah and then with you to win your love and patronage, and to make friends with your friends, cut off all links with your enemies, and with those who planted the seeds of hostility against you, and reject and discard their associates, their followers and their friends. I make peace with those who made their peace with you, I search out and confront those who waged war against you, I make friends with those who stood by you, I strive against those who came in conflict with you, therefore, I make a request to Allah to acquaint (me) with the awareness that perceives you and your friends, to set me free from the corrupting influence of your enemies, to make me keep company with you in this world and in the Hereafter, stand firm beside you and follow your footsteps closely in this world and in the next world. I beseech Him that he helps me to reach your highly praised station, given to you by Allah, (to meet you), that He provides me the opportunity to fight for justice and fairplay along with and under the leadership of the rightly guided guide (in your progeny) who surely will come and speak the truth. I beseech Allah in the name of your right and the purpose He assigned to you, that He overwhelms me with grief in memory of your sorrows, more than the personal grief that torments any one who is in great agony, sorrows which have no parallel and overshadow all calamities that took place in the history of Islam, for that matter, through out the whole universe. O my Allah, in my on the spot situation, treat me like him (or her) who obtains from You (Your) blessings, mercy and forgiveness. O my Allah, bring me to life again, after death, in the place Mohammad and his "Aal" (children) are dwelling, and make me depart from this world like Mohammad and his "Aal" (children) had left, O my Allah this day is a day of rejoicing for the "Bani Umayyah", the herd of hardened criminals, the eternally damned and accursed group, a fact that had been made public by You and by Your Prophet (blessings of Allah be on him and on his children), who, in every place and at all occasions, drew attention of people to this truism. O my Allah condemn and damn Abu Sufyaan, Yazid son of Muwa'awiyah and let it be an everlasting curse upon tem from You. Today the descendants of Ziyaad and Marwan make merry, laugh and dance because on this day they killed Husayn (blessings of Allah be on him). O my Allah, therefore, double up the curse You bring upon them and also the punishment You decree for them. O my Allah, I seek nearness to You today in this frame of mind, cutting off all links with them for the rest of my life, denouncing them because of my love for Your Prophet and his children, peace be on him and them. Then again say 100 times: O my Allah condemn and damn the first tyrant who unjustly and wrongfully usurped that which rightly belonged to Mohammad and the children of Mohammad, and bring curse upon those who, after him, followed in his footsteps. O my Allah condemn and damn those conspirators who vexed and harassed Husayn, showed eagerness, agreed mutually, and joined hands to kill him. O my Allah bring curse upon all of them. (you may even recite only " O my Allah bring curse upon all of them". 100 times) Then again say 100 times: Peace be on you, O Abu Abdullah, and on those souls who came to your camp to put themselves at your disposal. So far I am alive and the days and nights follow each other I invoke Allah to send blessings on you for ever and ever. May Allah not make my this pledge of close association, physical as well as spiritual, with you the last fulfillment. Peace be on Husayn, and on Ali son of Husayn, and on the children of Husayn, and on the friends of Husayn. You may even recite only " Peace be on Husayn, and on Ali son of Husayn, and on the children of Husayn, and on the friends of Husayn." 100 times) Then say: O my Allah, let the curse I call down on the head of the first tyrant stick like a leech; and stay put for ever on the first, then the second, the third and the fourth. O my Allah damn and call down evil on the fifth, Yazid son of Mua'awyah, and bring a curse upon Ubaydullah son of Ziyaad, ibna Marjanah, Umar son of Saad, and Shimr, and on the descendants of Abu Sufyaan, on the descendants of Ziyaad, on the descendants of Marwaan, till the Day of judgement. Then go in Sajdah(prostration) and say: O my Allah! (All) praise is for You (alone); praise of the "Ever-thankful to You", who glorify You whatever come to pass. (All) praise is for Allah for my deep-felt intense grief. O my Allah make available for me the recommendations of Husayn on the day I present myself before You, let me stand firm in safety before You on account of my sincere attachment with Husayn, along with him and his comrades, who sacrificed everything they had (heart, mind, soul and life) for Husayn, peace be on him. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001711858960&v=wall&story_fbid=611149715618751 Dec 18th 2013, 17:16 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100001725125132&v=wall&story_fbid=619336824800483 Dec 18th 2013, 17:01 Pada tahun 560 H Syaikh Abdul Qodir berkata kepada Khidr al-Mausuli, "Khidr, aku pergi ke mosul dan mendapati engkau dg seorang anak laki-laki di punggungmu bernama Muhammad yg nanti akan belajar Al-Quran kepada seorang buta bernama Ali. Setelah 7 bulan hafalannya menjadi sempurna dan saat itu anakmu berumur 7 tahun. Engkau akan hidup 94 tahun, 1 bulan dan 7 hari dan akan meninggal di Arbal dan keadaan sehat wal afiat". Kemudian anaknya Abu Abdullah Muhammad bercerita, "Ayahku tinggal di mosul hingga aku lahir sebagai anak pertama pada bulan safar tahun 561 H. kemudian ayahku mengundang seorang buta yg menghafal Al-Quran dg baik untuk mengajariku Al-Quran. Ketika ayahku bertanya tentang nama dan asalnya, orang buta tersebut menyatakan bahwa namanya Ali dan berasal dari baghdad. Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:39PM Das wahre Gesicht - vom Islam.s Facebook-Pinnwand Das wahre Gesicht - vom Islam.s Facebook-Pinnwand Ibn Umar (r) überliefert, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Ein Muslim ist de... http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=199939970193180&set=a.154667438053767.1073741830.154393628081148&type=1 Dec 18th 2013, 19:33 Ibn Umar (r) überliefert, dass der Gesandte Allahs (s) sagte: "Ein Muslim ist der Bruder jedes Muslims: Er soll ihn nicht unterdrücken und ihn nicht seinem Feind ausliefern. Wer seinem Bruder hilft, dem wird Allah helfen. Und wer einem Muslim bei der Beseitigung seiner Sorgen hilft, dem wird Allah bei seinen Sorgen am Tage des Gericht helfen. Ebenso wird Allah demjenigen, der die Schwächen eines anderen Muslims verdeckt, am Tag des Gerichts seine Fehler verbergen." (Al-Bukhari und Muslim) [Riyad us-Salihin Nr. 233] You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/J3Zdb8 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:38PM Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand Salafi Dawah - authentisches Wissens Facebook-Pinnwand Wenn ein Mensch leise ist, heißt es nicht, das er Angst hat oder ahnungslos ist.... http://www.facebook.com/SalafiDawah1/posts/655290277854460 Dec 18th 2013, 19:07 Wenn ein Mensch leise ist, heißt es nicht, das er Angst hat oder ahnungslos ist. Er antwortet nur denjenigen, die es verstehen. ;) Susmak korkmak yada kabullenmek degildir, anlaya bilene cevaptir! ;) You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/gt/ZjfXL0 Blogtrottr <busybee@blogtrottr.com> Dec 18 07:37PM bushido - Social Mention Japanese theme to Bushido festivities http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=937b4c65c008a6191387355369030a1416076bd494304&co=f000000013912s-1248979084 Dec 18th 2013, 20:29 Gulf Daily News - Found 11 hours agoPARTYGOERS will mark New Year's Eve with an extravagant Japanese-themed celebration at Bushido. Bushido, located in Seef District, is gearing up to ... A chef preparing Ghozi for Visitors in Bushido during Ramadan Ghabga http://www.flickr.com/photos/57682682@N00/11438629483/ Dec 18th 2013, 18:42 gettig better... http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=220747167983643&v=wall&story_fbid=632451306813225 Dec 18th 2013, 16:12 BUSHIDO (Layout) http://www.flickr.com/photos/35324919@N08/11432158995/ Dec 18th 2013, 09:16 First look of the first personal proyect for 2014 // Primera muestra de mi primer proyecto personal para el 2014 Konichiwa ! Especially for New Years Eve, Dam and Dim famous Percussionist and Saxophonist will be performing exclusively for Bushido! Please find two links of what's instore for you lucky people : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ75-__UZD4&feature=youtu.be http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbrNATxIpT4 http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=127402420652228&v=wall&story_fbid=608667175859081 Dec 18th 2013, 08:47 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT-hBZXTwEI http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100002488040531&v=wall&story_fbid=550634545029475 Dec 18th 2013, 07:32 ►Bushido bei YouTube abonnieren: http://goo.gl/7M0pBa◄ ►„Sonny Black" Box Set bei Amazon: http://amzn.to/1igj85X◄ ►„Sonny Black" Album bei iTunes: http://tin... Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426041345/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426206333/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426041875/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426063794/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426041735/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426063994/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426063836/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426206763/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426042365/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426206953/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426042875/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426064306/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426042625/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426043395/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 Bushidos na 4a etapa da CBP 2013 http://www.flickr.com/photos/71284398@N08/11426064736/ Dec 17th 2013, 22:43 (Untitled) http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?id=100004545876997&v=wall&story_fbid=244649602363234 Dec 17th 2013, 16:34 Leonardo is part of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. They are a ... http://ct.moreover.com/ct?haid=858adbb2738f9c05138732410107477e6d7348d424a63&co=f000000013912s-1248979086 Dec 17th 2013, 11:48 Master Collector - Found 19 hours agoHe has a very close bond with Splinter, and has a strong sense of honor, ethics, and Bushido. Preview: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Kevin Eastman Gallery - Comic Book Resources Explore All Master Collector Bushido über Kay, Brandstiftung in Kleinmachnow, Cosimo und neues Video "Mitten in der Nacht" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M98haltQVno&feature=youtube_gdata Dec 16th 2013, 20:55 Bushido bei YouTube abonnieren: http://goo.gl/7M0pBa◅ ▻„Sonny Black" Box Set bei Amazon: http://amzn.to/1igj85X◅ ▻„Sonny Black" Album bei Amazon: http://amzn.to/18nI61I◅ ▻„Sonn... "23" (Sido & Bushido) - Echo 2012 - Bestes Video National - So Mach Ich Es http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AvXOYfwuC4&feature=youtube_gdata Mar 23rd 2012, 00:24 Checkt die Sido Fanbase auf Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/SidoSiggiSmallz. Bushido und Sido zu Gast bei Markus Lanz (23.11.2011) Teil 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt8caur5vYc&feature=youtube_gdata Nov 26th 2011, 04:32 Markus Lanz vom 23. November 2011 Zu Gast bei Markus Lanz sind der Philosoph und Bestseller-Autor Richard David Precht, der Sänger Peter Maffay, die Rapper B... You are receiving this email because you subscribed to this feed at https://blogtrottr.com If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you can unsubscribe here: https://blogtrottr.com/unsubscribe/9pm/9wGHQP -- Sie erhalten diese Nachricht, weil Sie Mitglied der Google Groups-Gruppe "News2" sind. Um Ihr Abonnement für diese Gruppe zu beenden und keine E-Mails mehr von dieser Gruppe zu erhalten, senden Sie eine E-Mail an 76j4725235b235b891248jv1+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com. Weitere Optionen: https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out | |