
Hier werden Nachrichten über den Salafismus veröffentlicht.
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Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren.
Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern.
Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben,
egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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(Achtung: Youtube ist überschwemmt mit Videos, die salafistischen/islamistischen Einfluss besitzen.
Deshalb: Schaut euch die Accounts genau an!)

[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

Pulverfass Deutschland - Doku über Probleme zwischen Salafisten und Rechtsradikalen

Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


Best of 2013 Peter Scholl Latour EZP Salafisten wird durch Saudisches Geld verbreitet!!!

Frauen im Islam

Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

Die türkischen Graue Wölfe (Rechtsextremismus/Islamismus)

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Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Dec 4th 2013, 02:14, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 02:13AM  

    Herz des Muumins Facebook-Pinnwand
    Herz des Muumins Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sie hat die Angewohnheit, an ihren Nägeln zu knabbern
    Dies ist eine Frag...
    Dec 4th 2013, 01:45
    Sie hat die Angewohnheit, an ihren Nägeln zu knabbern

    Dies ist eine Frage, die, denke ich, vielen Ihrer Besucher helfen wird... Ich bin eine
    Nägel-Knabberin, und eine chronische noch dazu. Egal wie sehr ich mich bemühe, ich
    konnte mir diese schreckliche Angewohnheit nicht abgewöhnen.
    Ich habe gehört, dass Nägel-Knabbern im Islam äußerst unbeliebt ist, aber niemand
    konnte mir irgendeine sachliche Beweisführung geben, um dies zu bestätigen.
    Könnten Sie mich bitte hierüber aufklären?

    Alles Lob gebührt Allâh.
    Die Ärzte sagen, dass das Phänomen des Nägel-Knabberns bei Kindern mit
    psychologischen Problemen verbunden ist. Wenn Sie dieses Problem hatten, als Sie klein
    waren, dann raten wir Ihnen, einen Psychologen zu konsultieren, dem Sie in Hinsicht auf
    seine religiöse Bindung und Wissen vertrauen.

    Aus der Sicht der Sharî'ah:
    Der Islam brachte die besten Verhaltensweisen und Gewohnheiten, und verbietet
    schlechte Verhaltensweisen und Angewohnheiten. Diese Angewohnheit – Nägel-Knabbern
    – wird von den meisten Leuten verabscheut und sie betrachten es als eine schlechte
    Angewohnheit. Dies kommt noch zum physischen Schaden hinzu, den es zufügen könnte,
    wegen des Schmutzes, der sich unter den Fingernägeln ansammelt und der
    Beschädigung, die dies den Nägeln und Zähnen zufügen könnte.

    Demnach sollten Sie sich selbst dazu bringen, diese Angewohnheit zu stoppen. Dies mag
    am Anfang schwierig sein, aber Sie werden sich daran gewöhnen und es wird danach zur
    Gewohnheit werden. Dies ist das Verfahren mit allen guten Verhaltensweisen, die eine
    Person sich selbst angewöhnen kann, bis sie eine Gewohnheit und zweite Natur für ihn
    werden. Wie der Prophet (Frieden und Segen Allâhs seien auf ihm) sagte: „Wissen
    kommt durch Lernen und Geduld kommt dadurch, indem man sich selbst dazu bringt, geduldig zu sein."Von al-Albâni in Sahîh al-Jâmi', 2328 als hasan eingestuft.
    Und Allâh weiß es am besten.
    Quelle: (Frage Nr. 33713)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 02:09AM  

    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    No Democracys Facebook-Pinnwand
    by Salim Fredericks

    The Islamic Way of Ch...
    Dec 4th 2013, 01:50
    by Salim Fredericks

    The Islamic Way of Change
    Muhammad (SAW) Approaches Individuals
    Muhammad (SAW) Addresses Thoughts And Emotions
    At present our state is such that kufr (infidel) systems are ruling over us, in all our countries. These systems prevent us from having Islamic educational, social, judicial, and external affairs systems. In certain countries Muslims are scared to pray in the masaajid (mosques), through fear of the authority arresting them. In Syria parents are scared to pray in front of their own children through fear of being reported to the Ba'ath Party via the Youth League. These problems are not solely governmental os solely due to the individuals. They are societal. Thus, ayttempts to change the situation must be addressed to the society as a whole; not just to the governments or individual. This book traces the Islamic understanding of society and points the way forward to comprehensive change.
    What is Society ?
    The west view all life's affairs from a superficial standpoint. It is to be expected therefore that the capitalist's view of society is also superficial. They consider society to be merely a group of individuals - as Margaret Thatcher said, "Society is merely composed of individuals and family."
    Many reformers and groups have arisen to change our situation. Unfortunately some Muslims today have adopted this view; that is, that society is composed purely of a group of individual. Thus, in an attempt to improve the condition of Muslims they proceed to change individuals in the hope that if a large number of people become Muslim' or start to join their activities, then our situation would be bettered.
    The Islamic understanding of society is that it is composed of individuals. However, in addition to these are three further elements which determine the relationships between the individuals. These are, the prevailing governing systems, and the thoughts and the emotions commonly held by the people. These form common bonds of interaction between the individuals.
    These common bonds of interaction are manifested as common thought and common emotions which shape the attitude of the individuals in all aspects of life, including the criteria for their actions and their relationship to the system. For instance, thoughts such as how we came into being, what is our purpose of being, and what happens after we cease to be. These questions when answered spawn a common thought in regards to a criteria for actions in life. As Muslims this criteria is what has been revealed in the Qu'ran and Sunnah:
    "(We take our) colour from Allah, who is better than Allah at colouring ? We are His worshippers." (al-Bakarah 138)
    The general emotions are to a large extent shaped by the general thoughts held by the group of individuals. Thus, the society's likes and dislikes, their taboos and preferences, will coloured by the Qu'ran and Sunnah. These common thoughts and emotions are defined as public opinion.
    An important factor within these bonds of interaction is the prevailing government, which must be generally accepted by the individuals. This government may directly mould public opinion, affect the actions of the people within the state and affect the relations between the state and other states. This is done by implementing laws, and by other means like control of the media and propaganda campaigns. This is beautifully explained in the famous Hadith of the Prophet (saw), usually referred to as Hadith as-Safeena:
    Hadith as-Safeena (Hadith of the Ship):
    "Those who observe Allah's restrictive ordinances together with those who indulge in breaching them, both are like those people who cast lots on a ship. Some of them have taken possession of the upper part of the ship while the others have taken possession of the lower part of it. When these latter people wanted to obtain water to quench their thirst they had to pass by those on the upper part of the ship. They said amongst themselves, "If we bore a hole in the lower part of the ship, we would not harm those on the upper part." Now should those on the occupants on the upper leave those on the lower deck to bore such a hole all of them would inevitably perish. But should they however prevent them from doing so they would be all safe, and so they would all have been saved."
    (Bukhari and Muslim)
    Thus the system is in effect to protect society from certain action which, if occur, would be damaging to the whole of the community. These violations take the form of drinking alcohol, murder, adultery, apostasy and theft. The punishments for these crimes are not geared merely to correct the individual, but are examples and warnings to the community. This is explained further in the saying of Othma ibn Affan (RA),
    "Allah corrects (pushes) by the power of government (sultan) those who are not corrected (pushed) by the teachings of the Qur'an."
    Hence, society is composed of individuals, common thought, common emotions and the system. If many people are Muslim but the thoughts which they adopt are capitalistic-democratic and the emotions which they bear are patriotic, nationalistic or monastically spiritual and the system which rules them is capitalistic-democratic, then society is a non-Islamic society, even if the majority of its people are Muslim.
    An analogy can be drawn between society and a patient who visits his doctor. The patient may be viewed as being composed as merely individual bodily organs and tissues, a walking liver, kidney, lungs and pancreas...etc.. The doctor has tests available to investigate the state of these individual organs in isolation of one another. For example, x-rays to look at the lungs, blood/urine tests to study kidneys, plasma protein/enzyme assays to study the liver...etc..However, the doctor cannot act under information from these test solely. He must consider the means by which these organs are linked together i.e. the blood and lymphatic systems. In addition to this the doctor must assess the state of the overall 'ruling systems' i.e.the nervous system and endocrine systems, but also external factors such as home and work environments, diet, smoking, alcoholism, lack of exercise or excessive stress. Thus the doctor cannot take a superficial assessment, he must acquire information from different sources. Thus he cannot treat a chromic alcoholic with aspirin to relieve the pain of his arthritic gout, as arthritic gout is just a component of the overall state of the patient.
    The Islamic Way Of Change
    It can be said that the Prophet(saw) had changed the society he came to. During Rasool-Allah's (saw)lifetime most of Hijaz and the surrounding areas had changed from jahileah (ignorance) to Islam. The society that was established is the model for all societies to follow. Thus path, that Mohammed (saw) took is in fact also a model for us to follow to change society. Allah ta'ala says:
    "Say: This is My way, I call on Allah with sure knowledge and whoever follows me." [Yusuf 108]
    "Allah will not change the situation of a people until they change what is in themselves." [ar-Ra'ad 11]
    With reference to these ayaat we must look to the sirah to see what exactly the Prophet (saw) addressed himself to (through divine revelation) and how he went about changing what was within the people he came to.
    We find that in the sirah and the various ayaat of the Qu'ran revealed in Mecca, all of these components of society were addressed. The Meccan revelations aimed arguments, discussions and questions at the individuals, predominant thoughts and emotions and also the ruling system.
    Muhammad (SAW) Approaches Individuals
    It can almost go without saying that the Prophet (SAW) preached Islam to individuals. Many people were contacted by Rasool-Allah (SAW) on an individual basis, some of whom accepted Islam, and some of whom rejected it. There are many instances in the life of the Prophet to show this. One such evidence that confirms this is the incident to which surat abasa was revealed. On this occasion Muhammad (SAW) was busy discussing with Al-Walid ibn al-Mughira and some other leaders from Quraysh, when Ibn Umm Makloom a blind man interrupted him. This shows that Muhammad was concerned with discussing with these people, and Allah admonished him for his action of frowning at Ibn Umm Makloom.
    "He frowned and turned his back when the blind man came to him. How could you tell ? He might have sought to purify himself. He might have been forewarned and the reminder might have profited him. But to the one who considered himself self-sufficient you were all attention. Yet the fault would not be yours if he remained uncleansed." (80: 1-10)
    Thus Muhammad (SAW) was instructed not to neglect this individual.
    Muhammad (SAW) Addresses Thoughts And Emotions
    In addition to these individual contacts the Quran and Sira refer to predominant thoughts and emotions held in the Meccan community. A few of these are outlined as follows:
    Many of the pagan Arabs at the time of the Prophet (SAW) did not deny the fact that they were created by a creator. They considered that praying to idols, would be a means of getting intercession between themselves and Allah. It could be said that it was a predominant thought amongst the Quraysh that Allah existed, but there was 'his daughters' to whom praise was due. This idea was discussed in the following verses.
    "If the shouldst ask them: Who created the heavens and the earth? they would answer: Allah. Say: Praise be to Allah! But most of them know not.
    Unto Allah belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and the earth. Lo! Allah, He is the Absolute, the Owner of Praise." (13:16) Luqman
    "Surely pure religion is for Allah only. And those who choose protecting friends beside Him (say): We worship them only that they may bring us near unto Allah. Lo! Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Lo! Allah guideth not him who is a liar, an ingrate." (Az-Zummar 39:3)
    Also similar arguments with regards to creation were raised, for example in Surat-al-Tur
    "Or were they created out of naught? Or are they the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they are sure of nothing!" (52:35-36)
    Another idea that was held by some people at that time (and by many people today) is the basic creed of materialism. Allah summarised their views and refuted them as follows:
    "And they say: There is naught but our life of the world; we die and we live, and naught destroyeth us save time; when they have no knowledge whatsoever of (all) that; they do but guess.
    And when Our clear revelations are recited unto them their only argument is that they say: Bring (back) our fathers then, if ye are truthful.
    Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Allah giveth life to you, then causeth you to die, then gathereth you unto the Day of Resurrection whereof there is no doubt. But most of mankind know not.
    And unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth; and on the day when the Hour riseth, on that day those who follow falsehood will be lost."
    (Al-Jathiya 45: 24-27)
    These are very intellectual arguments which were put forward to counter the false ideas of the Quraysh. To appreciate how profound and pertinent these arguments were, one must try to understand the whole religious ethos of Mecca. Anyone living in Mecca at that time, whether Mushrik (polytheist) or Muslim should have at least acknowledged the element of truth, if not complete truth in these above statements.
    The nobility of Mecca were very rich, they had an unscrupulous monopoly of trade in their businesses. They organised the export and import trade using caravans which traveled to Yemen in winter and Syria in summer. They had their seasonal trade fairs such as Okaz Fair, held in the pilgrimage season. A major part of their trade was centred around sitinting (defrauding) the pilgrims. This may not have been an actual practice of everyone, but it was a practice that was generally acceptable by society.
    Allah revealed very apt verses directly concerned with this action of defrauding, and the defrauders themselves. These verses also raised general questions in the minds of the Meccan citizens, who basically allowed such actions to occur.
    "Woe unto the defrauders: Those who when they take the measure from mankind demand it in full, But if they measure unto them or weigh for them, they cause them loss. Do such (men) not consider that they will be raised again Unto an awful Day, The day when (all) mankind stand before the Lord of the Worlds?"
    Again the brilliance of these criticisms is something that all of the Meccan community could relate to generally.
    The callous hypocrisy of the Qurayshite socio-economic philosophy received stern denunciations in surat-alMa'oon.
    "Hast thou observed him who belieth religion? That is he who repelleth the orphan, And urgeth not the feeding of the needy. Ah, woe unto worshippers. Who are heedless of their prayer; Who would be seen (at worship) Yet refuse small kindnesses!" (al-Ma'oun 107)
    Al Wahidi, in Asbab Nuzul al-Quran maintains that this surah was revealed in connection with Abu Sufyan ibn Harb. He once gave a big feast for which two sheep were slaughtered. An orphan came into the house and asked for some food. Abu Sufyan was greatly annoyed by the intrusion, swore at the orphan and hit him on the head with a stick. These aristocratic values were also criticised in surat-at-Takathur (102) and surat-al-Humazah (104)
    Rivalry for worldly gain distracts you until you visit your graves. Indeed you shall know! Again you shall certainly come to know. Indeed, were you to have certain knowledge... You shall certainly see the fire of Hell. Yes, you will see it with your very eyes. Then, on that day, you shall be questioned about your joys and comforts" (Surat al-Humazah 104)
    "Woe unto every slandering traducer, Who hath gathered wealth (of this world) and arranged it. He thinks that his wealth will render him immortal Nay, but verily he will be flung to the Consuming One. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Consuming One is! (It is) the fire of Allah, kindled,
    Which leaps up over the hearts (of men). Lo! it is closed in on them. In outstretched columns."
    In addition these two suras attack other ideas such as materialism and slander.
    The most horrific action of the Quraysh which stemmed from their socioeconomic values was the practice of infanticide. The Quraysh would bury young girls alive, for fear of shame or poverty. Again this action and the whole chain of thought behind it was attached in the Quran.
    "When the birth of a girl is announced to one of them, his face grows dark and he is filled with rage and inward gloom. Because of the bad news he hides himself from everybody; should he keep her with disgrace or bury her under the dust? How will they judge"
    (Nahl 16; 58-59)
    "You shall not kill your children for fear of want We will provide for them and for you" (Isra 17:31)
    "When the infant girl, buried alive, is asked for what crime she was slain" (Attakibeer ? 81:8)
    This takes us to another general point, i.e. the attitude of the Mushrikeen towards woman. Allah pointed out to them a clear contradiction in the manner in which they satisfied their religious instinct and the way they treated these female financial burdens.
    "And they assign daughters for Allah - Glory be to Him ! - and for themselves (sons -the issue) they desire ! (Nahl 16:57)
    "Have you ever pondered over the reality of this Lat, and this Uzza, and another, the third goddess, Manat ? Are the


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:58AM  

    Lies Bayerns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Lies Bayerns Facebook-Pinnwand
    München, Erlangen. Die neue Lieferung ist alḥamdulillāh angekommen. Wir danken A...
    Dec 4th 2013, 01:35
    München, Erlangen. Die neue Lieferung ist alḥamdulillāh angekommen. Wir danken Allāh und bitten ihn darum, das Lies Team und jeden, der sich daran beteiligt hat - sei es durch eine Spende oder ein gutes Wort - reichlich zu belohnen. āmīn
    München, Erlangen. Die neue Lieferung ist alḥamdulillāh angekommen. Wir danken Allāh und bitten ihn darum, das Lies Team und jeden, der sich daran beteiligt hat - sei es durch eine Spende oder ein gutes Wort - reichlich zu belohnen. āmīn
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:57AM  

    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Food or heating?
    Shrinking benefits and low pay give people little choice but...
    Dec 4th 2013, 00:58
    Food or heating?

    Shrinking benefits and low pay give people little choice but to borrow: "People are either getting massively into debt, or they will get malnourished and [their homes] underheated." Eileen Halligan, chief executive of Central Liverpool Credit Union.

    Who owns the water that falls from the skies? Who owns the natural resources of coal gas etc?

    Freedom of ownership under Capitalism – is such that it allows resources that people simply can't do with out to be privatised by individualsand multinational companies. In the UK Today, Six private companies, with the prime objective to maximise profits, control over 90% of the essential energy supply market in the UK. What happened to the 'choice' of the common man? The only choice he has is to which provider will fleece him of his earnings!! According to the World Health Organisation this is an underestimate and winter deaths because people can't afford to pay for energy is nearer to 7,800. Human life is cheap under Capitalism - how can this be even allowed to be implemented over humanity!!! Such a travesty for humaity!


    Islam considers such a situation callous and abhorrent. In the Islamic Shariah, energy is not private property, though private property is perfectly lawful. According to the saying of Prophet Mohammad (SAW) said: "The people are partners in three things: water, green pastures and fire (fuels)" [Abu Dawud]

    Fuel providers are under public ownership – meaning all citizens share in the energy wealth of the state. Energy providers are not run to make a profit let alone maximise profits. This will ensure that essential services like energy will be made available to the people as sharing in the energy wealth of the nation, when abundant supplies exist. If the Islamic state has little or limited supplies of energy then the charge for energy will relate only to the cost energy generation and distribution and not as a means of generating profits.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:57AM  

    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Women in West for Khilafahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Two brothers have been arrested for allegedly...
    Dec 4th 2013, 01:53

    Two brothers have been arrested for allegedly attempting to go to Syria (MUST READ press release: on the issue). In light of these dramatic events, Hizb ut-Tahrir Australia urgently invites you to a vital emergency community gathering. We cannot stay silent about this and it MUST be spoken about by the community!

    -7:30pm, KCA Centre 925 Canterbury Rd Lakemba-
    ALL welcome
    FB event page:
    Hizb ut-Tahrir - Government crackdown on Muslims heading to Syria hypocritical
    The Attorney General, George Brandis, linking these arrests to Australia's national security is ridiculous and irresponsible fear mongering. The Government seeks thereby to justify what is plainly an unjustified and hypocritical policy of effectively criminalising support for the oppressed
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:30AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 4th 2013, 01:07
    Al Qaïda au Yémen menace de frapper les rebelles houthis
    Al Qaïda dans la péninsule arabique (Aqpa) promet de venger les salafistes tués au début du mois dans les combats contre les chiites houthis du...
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:30AM  

    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dawah Vidéos Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    les expert en nasheed je vous sollicite en cette heure tardive ^^
    à 6 min b...
    Dec 4th 2013, 00:47
    les expert en nasheed je vous sollicite en cette heure tardive ^^

    à 6 min baraka Llahu Fikoum
    ‫جبهة النصرة (أعزها الله) - ||رائع جداً|| ﺑﺪﺍﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﻬﺎﻳﺔ -15- في ﺪﻣﺸﻖ.‬
    ‫ﻋﻤﻠﻴﺔ ﺍﺳﺘﺸﻬﺎﺩﻳﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺛﻜﻨﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺸﺒﻴﺤﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺷﺎﺭﻉ ﺍﻟﺜﻼ‌ﺛﻴﻦ ﺑﺪﻣﺸﻖ.‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:19AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    One of the signs of a failed nation is when its citizens are forced to seek empl...
    Dec 4th 2013, 01:18
    One of the signs of a failed nation is when its citizens are forced to seek employment opportunities abroad. However, the Bangladeshi government does not care how many of its hard working people emigrate abroad, as long as they send money back home.

    One of the signs of a failed nation is when its citizens are forced to seek employment opportunities abroad. However, the Bangladeshi government does not care how many of its hard working people emigrate abroad, as long as they send money back home.

    The Islamic Khilafah will create employment opportunities for our citizens and utilise their skills to achieve industrialisation and economic prosperity.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 01:09AM  

    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Bilal Lewis Facebook-Pinnwand
    Alle die Türken sind oder Türkisch können,
    bitte einmal auf " GEFÄLLT MIR " drü...
    Dec 4th 2013, 00:16
    Alle die Türken sind oder Türkisch können,
    bitte einmal auf " GEFÄLLT MIR " drücken..

    kommt mir bitte nicht mit "Likegeil " oder so an...
    tut es einfach :)
    Wenn ich sowas von euch verlange dann habe ich meist eine sehr gute Idee von der Ihr auch profitieren könnt inshAllah
    daher bitte ich jeden zu liken :)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 04 12:59AM  

    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Muslim should strive to learn more about that which has an impact on his own...
    Dec 4th 2013, 00:42
    The Muslim should strive to learn more about that which has an impact on his own behaviour, such as knowledge of Allah, His names and attributes, what he is obliged to believe in and knowledge of the rulings of sharee'ah (Islamic law). He should avoid delving deeply into matters which he is not required to know and in which there is no benefit.
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