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egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion.

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[DOKU] Wie Salafisten zum Terror verleiten - 2013

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Salafisten, ein finsterer Verein (heute-show)

Deutsche Salafisten drangsalieren weltliche Hilfsorganisationen in Syrien | REPORT MAINZ


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Gülen Bewegung
Gefahr für Deutschland - Gülen Bewegung versucht die Unterwanderung

Islamisten oder Demokraten - Die Islamische Milli Görüs

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Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Your 2 hourly digest for Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee

Salafisten & Salafismus in Facebook ; Islam Koran Moschee
Hier werden Nachrichten über den radikalen Salafismus veröffentlicht. Was sind Salafisten? (Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr) Diese Seite richtet sich nicht gegen Muslime und den Islam.Diese Seite soll über den Salafismus/Islamismus/Terrorismus informieren. Es ist wichtig über Fanatiker aufzuklären, um den Frieden und die Freiheit zu sichern. Wir wollen in Europa mit allen Menschen friedlich zusammen leben, egal welche Herkunft, Nationalität und Religion. 
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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 24 Themen
Dec 3rd 2013, 08:06, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:58AM  

    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Hoor al Ayns Facebook-Pinnwand
    Gelehrte des Übels
    "Die Gelehrten des Übels sitzen an den Toren des al Jannah u...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 07:05
    Gelehrte des Übels

    "Die Gelehrten des Übels sitzen an den Toren des al Jannah und rufen die Menschen mit ihren Reden zu diesen, doch mit ihren Taten rufen sie zum Höllenfeuer; jedesmal wenn sie ihre Worte zu den Leuten sprechen, eilen diese zu ihnen voran während aber ihre Taten darauf hindeuten dass man ihnen nicht zuhören sollte, denn wäre das wozu sie rufen die Wahrheit, so wären sie selbst die ersten die den Ruf erwidert hätten. Daher scheinen sie Wegweiser zu sein doch in Wahrheit sind sie Räuber."

    Ibn al-Qayyim, rahimahuAllah

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:49AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Two brothers in Sydney, Australia have been arrested for simply looking to help...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 07:40
    Two brothers in Sydney, Australia have been arrested for simply looking to help those in Syria.

    The Government has some explaining to do. Since when did making personal sacrifice to assist the oppressed become an immoral act? Why are the acts of Australian troops in conflicts abroad characterised as an ultimate sacrifice to be celebrated but the sacrifice of Muslims in wanting to assist the oppressed characterised as criminal, problematic conduct to be condemned?
    Sydney men arrested over bid to help fighters in Syria
    Two Sydney men have been arrested for attempting to help terrorist organisations in the Syrian conflict in what police say is an Australian first.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:49AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Media release by Hizb ut-Tahrir regarding arrests in Sydney today of two brother...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 07:41
    Media release by Hizb ut-Tahrir regarding arrests in Sydney today of two brothers in relation to Syria.

    "Why is it okay for Australian troops to partake in conflicts overseas under the pretext of supporting the oppressed, but not so for Muslims?"
    Hizb ut-Tahrir - Government crackdown on Muslims heading to Syria hypocritical
    The Attorney General, George Brandis, linking these arrests to Australia's national security is ridiculous and irresponsible fear mongering. The Government seeks thereby to justify what is plainly an unjustified and hypocritical policy of effectively criminalising support for the oppressed
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:49AM  

    Artikel - Islamweb
    Artikel - Islamweb
    Vergebung und Toleranz im Islâm
    Dec 3rd 2013, 15:31
    Es erstaunt mich immer wieder, dass Allâh so viel Furcht in unseren Herzen erwecken kann, wenn wir über Seine Überlegenheit nachdenken, obwohl Seine Barmherzigkeit genauso groß ist wie Seine Herrschaft. Allâh teilt uns in einem Qudsî-Hadîth (Überlieferung, dessen Wortlaut dem Propheten Muhammad möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken! von Allâh eingegeben wurde) Folgendes mit: "O Sohn Adams, würden deine Sünden bis zu den Wolken des Himmels reichen und würdest du Mich dann um Vergebung bitten, so würde Ich dir vergeben." (At-Tirmidhî und von Al-Albânî als authentisch eingestuft). Lobpreis gebührt Allâh ob Seiner Erhabenheit über jeden Mangel! Allâhs Vergebung ist grenzenlos, obwohl unsere Fehler zahlreich sind.

    Es ist jedoch entmutigend, wie selten wir dazu fähig sind einander zu vergeben und wie oft wir übereilt intolerant miteinander sind. Der Islâm lehrt uns, dass die stärksten Diener diejenigen sind, die nicht nur die Stärke besitzen, ihren Ärger zu unterdrücken, wenn sie geprüft werden, sondern auch unermessliche Fähigkeit zum Vergeben besitzen. Wenn wir aufrichtig denjenigen vergeben können, die uns verärgern, innerlich und äußerlich, dann reinigt dies unsere Seelen vom Satan und von dessen negativer Energie. Es ist wichtig, nutzlose Kritik zu missachten. Dies ist der erste Schritt zur Toleranz. Natürlich geht dies nicht ohne Schwierigkeiten, da es schwer zu verstehen ist, warum diejenigen, die uns Kummer bereitet haben, dies überhaupt erst tun wollten. Doch genau an diesem Punkt kann der Kampf mit unserem Ich eine positive Wende nehmen und es uns ermöglichen, unseren Glauben zu stärken. Dies wird stets um Allâhs willen getan und auch, um unseren spirituellen Zustand zu purifizieren.

    Der Islâm lehrt uns außerdem, dass die beste Art des Vergebens ist, auf Unterdrückung Anderer mit Güte zu reagieren. Der Prophet möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken spornte uns zu dieser Vorgehensweise an, als er zu seinen Anhängern sagte: "Allâh hat mir aufgetragen mit denjenigen Beziehungen zu pflegen, die mit mir Beziehungen abbrechen, und denjenigen zu geben, die mich berauben, und denjenigen zu vergeben, die mich unterdrücken."

    Der Prophet möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken und seine Gefährten hatten ein derartig barmherziges Verhalten, dass sie anstatt wütend mit ihren Angreifern zu werden, sie für sie einstanden und ihnen Geschenke machten. Welch unermesslich barmherzige Taten! Sie überschritten menschliche Selbstlosigkeit und praktizierten unvergleichlichen Edelmut. Sie demonstrierten, dass wir uns, wenn wir unsere Herzen öffnen und einander vergeben, selbst inneren Frieden vergönnen. Auf diese Weise können wir vermeiden, dass Boshaftigkeit unsere Herzen erstickt, was wesentlich ist, da Hass die Fähigkeit besitzt, uns innerlich krank zu machen. Wir denken, dass Hass ein Mittel der Rache gegen diejenigen ist, die uns Schaden zugefügt haben. Doch indem wir ihnen Missgunst entgegenbringen, schaden wir uns nur selbst. Dies liegt daran, dass unsere Feinde niemals unseren Ärger spüren werden, und sie zufrieden sind, wenn wir leiden. Wenn wir Anderen vergeben, dann bringt dies unseren Seelen Linderung, da es eine Art Befreiung ist. Dies liegt daran, dass jemand, wenn er uns verärgert hat, Macht über uns besitzt, weil wir ihm erlaubt haben dies zu tun.

    Das Leben ist kurz. Lasst uns nicht unsere Energie damit verschwenden, wütend auf unsere Feinde zu sein und nach Rache zu trachten! Wenn wir unsere Boshaftigkeit jeden Tag stufenweise verringern können, dann werden wir, so Allâh will, bald keinen Hass oder keine Bosheit mehr in unseren Herzen tragen. Auf diese Weise können wir Streitigkeiten untereinander beenden, da dies ein Problem ist, dem wir täglich gegenüberstehen. Letztlich kann unser Handeln das Fehlverhalten Anderer hervorrufen und wir sind uns vielleicht nicht bewusst, wie wir zum Streit beigesteuert haben. Wir neigen dazu, die Fehler Anderer zu verurteilen, während wir für unsere eigenen blind sind. Wir vergessen, wie wir Anderen Leid angetan haben, und erinnern uns nur daran, wie Andere uns Leid angetan haben. Genauso vergessen wir Gutes, das Andere für uns getan haben, und erinnern uns nur an das Gute, das wir ihnen getan haben. Dies ist ein angeborener menschlicher Fehler. Lasst uns dennoch versuchen, an unsere eigenen Mängel zu denken, bevor wir über die Mängel Anderer nachdenken! Lasst uns damit aufhören, uns selbst als Opfer zu betrachten und lasst uns darüber nachdenken, wie wir Andere schikaniert und dann um deren Vergebung gebeten haben! Und wenn sie uns um Vergebung bitten, dann lasst uns ihnen stets vergeben, zumal uns der Prophet möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken! Folgendes lehrte: "Wer keine Barmherzigkeit zeigt, dem wird keine Barmherzigkeit gezeigt." (Al-Buchârî). Wir müssen zudem im Gedächtnis behalten, dass Allâh mit uns in der Weise umgehen wird, wie wir mit Anderen umgehen!

    Wenn uns also jemand schädigt, dann lasst uns, so Allâh will, versuchen, dessen Schädigung mit Freundlichkeit zu begegnen und ihm zu vergeben, selbst wenn es ihm nicht leid tut!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:44AM  

    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dscharir Ibn Abdullah berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Fri...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 07:12
    Dscharir Ibn Abdullah berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, sagte: Allah wird demjenigen nicht barmherzig sein, bei dem die Menschen kein Erbarmen finden. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
    Dscharir Ibn Abdullah berichtete, dass der Gesandte Allahs, Allahs Segen und Friede auf ihm, sagte: Allah wird demjenigen nicht barmherzig sein, bei dem die Menschen kein Erbarmen finden. (Sahih Al-Bukhari)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:44AM  

    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Wörter FÜR DIE Seele- zum Nachdenkens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Täglich werden wir auf die Probe gestellt und trotz guter Absichten stehen wir m...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 07:12
    Täglich werden wir auf die Probe gestellt und trotz guter Absichten stehen wir manchen Prüfungen scheinbar hilflos gegenüber.
    Oh Allah, gib uns das Wissen, das uns nutzt, und gib uns den Nutzen durch dieses Wissen; mehre unser Wissen und erinnere uns an das, was wir vergessen haben. Amin

    Linda Al Arabiyas Fotos
    Täglich werden wir auf die Probe gestellt und trotz guter Absichten stehen wir manchen Prüfungen scheinbar hilflos gegenüber.
    Oh Allah, gib uns das Wissen, das uns nutzt, und gib uns den Nutzen durch dieses Wissen; mehre unser Wissen und erinnere uns an das, was wir vergessen haben. Amin
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:33AM  

    Uploads by Pierre Vogel
    Khorchide; Der geziehlte Betrug von Mouhanad Khorchide
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:39
    Khorchide; Der geziehlte Betrug von Mouhanad Khorchide
    Prof. Mouhanad Khochide belügt und betrügt die gesamte Menschheit mit Unterstützung des Staates und will uns alle für blöd verkaufen. Dieser Lügner muss sein...
    Pierre Vogel

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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:31AM  

    New Subscription Videos for taylinlove21
    Khorchide; Der geziehlte Betrug von Mouhanad Khorchide
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:39
    Khorchide; Der geziehlte Betrug von Mouhanad Khorchide
    Prof. Mouhanad Khochide belügt und betrügt die gesamte Menschheit mit Unterstützung des Staates und will uns alle für blöd verkaufen. Dieser Lügner muss seinen Platz an der Uni räumen.
    Pierre Vogel

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 25 Themen
Dec 3rd 2013, 07:26, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:24AM  

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم كا فرمان ہے:
    " قوم كى امامت وہ كروائے جو كتاب اللہ...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:41
    ‫نبى كريم صلى اللہ عليہ وسلم كا فرمان ہے:

    " قوم كى امامت وہ كروائے جو كتاب اللہ كا زيادہ حافظ و قارى ہو "

    صحيح مسلم حديث نمبر ( 673 ).‬
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:19AM  

    Muslim Defence League (MDL) - West Yorkshires Facebook-Pinnwand
    Muslim Defence League (MDL) - West Yorkshires Facebook-Pinnwand
    "The Stronger the Faith, the Harder the Test, and the Greater the Reward." Insha...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:43
    "The Stronger the Faith, the Harder the Test, and the Greater the Reward." Insha'Allah

    الله أكبر

    Fajr Insha'Allah
    AssalamuAlaikum :)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:16AM  

    MuslimAktiv Hilfts Facebook-Pinnwand
    MuslimAktiv Hilfts Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dec 3rd 2013, 07:09
    Palästina Nothilfe - La ilaha illa Allah
    Großes Schulprojekt in Gaza (28.11.2013): 121 Millionen Kinder haben nicht die Chance eine Schlbildung zu erhalten. Versuchen wir in shaa Allah die Zahl zu minimieren, vor allem in Gaza ist es unsere Pflicht zu helfen, im vielleicht misshandeltsten Fleck dieser Erde. Al-Bara´ Ibn `Azib, Allahs Wohlg...
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 07:02AM  

    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    Global Tawheeds Facebook-Pinnwand
    It is reported that Al-Fudayl b. 'Ayyâd said:
    If you can be unknown, be so; it...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:17
    It is reported that Al-Fudayl b. 'Ayyâd said:

    If you can be unknown, be so; it doesn't matter if you are not known and it doesn't matter if you are not praised. It doesn't matter if you are blameworthy according to people if you are praiseworthy with Allâh the Mighty and Majestic.

    Al-Bayhaqî, Al-Zuhd Al-Kabîr p100
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:56AM  

    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Scheiß auf NY~ I love Istanbul *___*s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Dieser Moment, wenn deine Mutter sagt : Kalk kizin saat 7:00 obwohl es 06:30 ist...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:08
    Dieser Moment, wenn deine Mutter sagt : Kalk kizin saat 7:00 obwohl es 06:30 ist..
    -Guten Morgen
    #Elif ♥
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:48AM  

    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    We, the Revolutionaries of this Ummahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    America, England, France, Netherlands, Portugal & Spain (during Spanish inquisit...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:20
    America, England, France, Netherlands, Portugal & Spain (during Spanish inquisition)
    Top Thieves that enslaved people from Africa to boost their own economy

    America, England, France, Netherlands, Portugal &amp; Spain (during Spanish inquisition)

    They used slavery to feed their own greed and economic powers throughout America and Europe. The exploitation of people from Africa for free labor made the South the richest and most politically powerful region in the country. British demand for American cotton made the southern stretch of the Mississippi River the Silicon Valley of its era, boasting the single largest concentration of the nation's millionaires. According to Harper's magazine (November 2000), the United States stole an estimated $100 trillion for 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and 1865, with a compounded interest of 6 percent.

    Solving the issue of slaves

    The fuqaha (scholars) laid down many rules detailing the treatment of slaves that ultimately led to them being set free either compulsorily or voluntarily. These rules are summarised in the following issues:

    Firstly, Islam found people owning slaves so it treated the problem of slaves by addressing the owners. It dealt with slavery in such a way that gave rights to the slave whilst also maintaining their humanity. The slave is the same as a free person in relation to the natural attributes man is endowed with.

    Allah (swt) in the Noble Qur'an and the Messenger of Allah (SAW) in the honoured hadith exhorted the treating of slaves with kindness.

    Allah (swt) says:

    وَٱعۡبُدُواْ ٱللَّهَ وَلَا تُشۡرِكُواْ بِهِۦ شَيۡـًٔ۬ا‌ۖ وَبِٱلۡوَٲلِدَيۡنِ إِحۡسَـٰنً۬ا وَبِذِى ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡيَتَـٰمَىٰ وَٱلۡمَسَـٰكِينِ وَٱلۡجَارِ ذِى ٱلۡقُرۡبَىٰ وَٱلۡجَارِ ٱلۡجُنُبِ وَٱلصَّاحِبِ بِٱلۡجَنۢبِ وَٱبۡنِ ٱلسَّبِيلِ وَمَا مَلَكَتۡ أَيۡمَـٰنُكُمۡ‌ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ مَن ڪَانَ مُخۡتَالاً۬ فَخُورًا

    "Worship Allah; join nothing with Him. Be good to your parents, to relatives, to orphans, to the needy, to neighbours near and far, to travellers in need and those whom your right hands possess. Allah does not like arrogant, boastful people." [TMQ 4:36]

    The meaning of "those whom your right hands possess" is your slaves.

    The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: "Fear Allah in regards of those whom your right hands possess. They are your brothers whom Allah placed under your hands (authority). Feed them with what you eat, clothe them with what you wear and do not impose duties upon them which will overcome them. If you so impose duties, then assist them." [Muslim]

    Muslim narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayra that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "One of you should not say: My slave (abd) and my slave-girl (amati). All of you are the slaves of Allah and all of your women are the slave-girls of Allah. Rather let him say: My (ghulam) boy and my (jariyah) girl and my (fata) young boy and my (fatati) young girl."

    The Shar'a raised the rank of the slave and made his blood protected just like the free person, where the free person is killed for the deliberate murder of a slave.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:48AM  

    Artikel - Islamweb
    Artikel - Islamweb
    Eine Vater-und-Sohn–Geschichte, die zeigt wie Eltern behandelt werden sollten
    Dec 3rd 2013, 14:14
    Ein betagter Mann im Alter von 80 Jahren saß in einer kleinen Ecke seines Zimmers und dachte nach, als plötzlich die Ruhe mit dem Hereinkommen seines 45-jährigen Sohnes unterbrochen wurde, der gekommen war, um seinen Vater zu besuchen. Vater und Sohn vertieften sich in Gespräche über die Frau und die Kinder seines Sohnes, wie er seine Arbeitsstelle meistert und über sein finanzielles Wohlbefinden...

    Große Stille überkam den Raum, als der 45-jährige Sohn gehen wollte. Eine Krähe landete auf dem Fenstersims genau dort, wo sie saßen. Während der alte Mann die Krähe anstarrte, lächelte er und nach einer Weile fragte er seinen Sohn:

    "Was ist das, mein Sohn?"

    Der Sohn antwortete verblüfft: "Vater, das ist eine Krähe!" Nachdem der Vater zur Krähe zurückblickte, stellte er nochmals dieselbe Frage: "Was ist das, mein Sohn?"

    Der Sohn war schockiert und wiederholte: "Vater, das ist eine Krähe!"

    Die Krähe, die noch nicht vom Fenstersims gewichen war, begann von einer Seite zur anderen zu laufen, machte dabei seltsame Bewegungen, drehte sich dann wieder um und blickte zu Vater und Sohn. Noch einmal fragte der Vater: "Mein Sohn, was ist das?"

    Sein Sohn antwortete ungeduldig: "Vater, hörst du mich nicht? Es ist nun das dritte Mal, dass ich dir sage, dass das eine Krähe ist!"

    Und als der Vater beharrlich ein viertes Mal fragte, erhob der Sohn wütend und aufgebracht seine Stimme und sagte: "Vater, es ist nun das vierte Mal, dass du mir dieselbe Frage stellst! Jedes Mal antworte ich dir und du fragst ohne zu zögern nochmals! Versuchst du meine Geduld auf die Probe zu stellen?"

    Der Vater, der sein mildes Lächeln nicht verloren hatte, erhob sich von seinem Platz und ging in ein anderes Zimmer. Als er zurückkam, hatte er ein Buch in der Hand und fragte "Weißt du, was das ist?" und fuhr fort: "Das ist ein Tagebuch, gefüllt mit meinen Erinnerungen!"

    Nachdem er die abgenutzten Seiten überflogen hatte, fand er, wonach er gesucht hatte. Er reichte seinem Sohn das Buch, um die Seite vorzulesen...

    "Heute saß ich mit meinem dreijährigen Sohn am Fenster und spielte auf der Couch, als plötzlich eine Krähe auf dem Sims landete. Er war erstaunt und fragte mich genau 23 Mal, was das sei. Ohne zu zögern beantwortete ich seine Frage. Jedes Mal, wenn er mich fragte, erklärte ich ihm, dass das eine Krähe sei. Und als er mich zum 23. Mal fragte, umarmte und streichelte ich ihn sehr liebevoll. Ich verspürte nicht das geringste Gefühl an Ungeduld, da seine sich wiederholende Frage mich dazu brachte ihn anzuschauen und zu erkennen, wie unschuldig er war und wie sehr ich ihn wirklich liebe."

    Allâh der Hocherhabene trägt uns nicht nur auf, Ihm gegenüber gute anbetend Dienende zu sein, sondern auch gegenüber unseren Müttern und Vätern. Im ehrwürdigen Qurân steht: "Und dein Herr hat verfügt, dass ihr niemandem anbetend dient außer Ihm und den Eltern gegenüber Wohltaten erweist, wenn ein Elternteil oder beide bei dir das hohe Alter erreichen. So sag denn nicht »Pfui!« zu ihnen und weise sie nicht scheltend ab und führ mit ihnen ehrerbietige Rede!" (Sûra 17:23).
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 03:35AM  

    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind). "If the sea were ink for (writing) the Words of...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 03:33
    Say (O Muhammad SAW to mankind). "If the sea were ink for (writing) the Words of my Lord, surely, the sea would be exhausted before the Words of my Lord would be finished, even if we brought (another sea) like it for its aid."

    [Quran 18:109]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 03:32AM  

    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Knowing Allahs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) compared the heart of a believer to a bird – its he...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 02:38
    Ibn Al-Qayyim (rahimahullah) compared the heart of a believer to a bird – its head is love for Allah, and its two wings hope in and fear of Allah. "When the head is healthy, then the two wings will fly well. When the head is cut off, the bird will die. When either of two wings is damaged, the bird becomes vulnerable to every hunter and predator."

    When you raise your hands to make Dua, let the love of Allah lead you, let hope in His Mercy and blessings guide you to ask for great things in life, and let fear of Allah's punishment make you steadfast and consistent.

    May Allah (swt) bless our lives with true balance and tranquility.

    [ Muhammad Alshareef ]
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Dec 3rd 2013, 06:44, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:41AM  

    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Ibnu-l-Qayyim sagte:
    "Die Arten des Weinens sind:
    1. das Weinen der Gnade und L...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:00
    Ibnu-l-Qayyim sagte:

    "Die Arten des Weinens sind:
    1. das Weinen der Gnade und Leidenschaft;
    2. das Weinen aus Angst und Ehrfurcht;
    3. das Weinen aus Liebe und Verlangen;
    4. das Weinen vor Freude und Glück;
    5. das Weinen aus Sorge und Kummer durch Schmerz und die Unfähigkeit, diesen zu ertragen;
    6. das Weinen vor Traurigkeit;
    7. das Weinen aus Erschöpfung und Schwäche; das Weinen der Heuchlerei ist, wenn sich die Augen mit Tränen füllen während das Herz hart ist;
    8. das Weinen der Falschen und Angeheuerten, wie z.B. die Frau, die bezahlt wird, um zu weinen (Anmerkung des Übersetzers: Es war ein alter arabischer vor-islaamischer Brauch, Leute anzuheuern, um
    an einem Begräbnis teilzunehmen, um dort zu weinen und klagen, um viel Aufruhr und Lärm zu machen, so dass es anderen Leuten erschien, als ob der Verstorbene sehr beliebt und vermisst sei. Der Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, verdammte dies später.);
    9. das Weinen des Einverständnisses; das ist wenn jemand andere Leute über etwas weinen sieht, was ihnen passiert ist, und er auch zu weinen beginnt, ohne zu wissen, warum sie weinen."

    [ Zaadu-l-Ma'aad ]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:41AM  

    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Eine Sunnah für die verheirateten Geschwister uns
    „Möge Allah sich dem Manne er...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:02
    Eine Sunnah für die verheirateten Geschwister uns

    „Möge Allah sich dem Manne erbarmen, der in einem Teil der Nacht aufsteht und betet und seine Frau weckt und ihr, wenn sie es ablehnt, Wasser ins Gesicht spritzt. Möge Allah sich der Frau erbarmen, die in einem Teil der Nacht aufsteht und betet und ihren Mann weckt und ihm, wenn er es ablehnt, Wasser ins Gesicht spritzt."
    (Sahih Ibn Khuzaimah, Hadith Nr. 1148)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:41AM  

    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Sei nicht traurig; Allah ist mit den Geduldigen.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Es wurde berichtet, dass 'Umar b. Al-Khattaab, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm, sagt...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:07
    Es wurde berichtet, dass 'Umar b. Al-Khattaab, Allahs Wohlgefallen auf ihm, sagte:
    „Lasst euch nicht täuschen von jemanden, der den Qur'aan rezitiert. Seine Rezitation ist nur Vortrag, aber schaut auf jene, die danach handeln."

    [Al-Khattaab, Iqtidaa' Al-'Ilm Al-'Amal, Nr. 109.]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:37AM  

    media crash news - Social Mention
    Our Membership Solutions
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:35
    Get Over 40 Email Bulletins on MENA Countries & Sectors. Track the Latest News, Research or Analysis with My Zawya. Access Time-Saving Tools & Productivity Enhancing Services.
    'Fast and Furious' actor Paul Walker dies in crash Walker played undercover agent Brian O'Connor in the "Fast and Furious" movies. ADVERTISEMENT By AFP Author Profile LOS ANGELES Paul Walker, one of the stars of the popular "Fast and Furious" fast-car action movies, died in an auto crash on Saturday, his publicists said on his social media accounts. "It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organization Reach Out Worldwide," read the posting on the actor's Facebook account. "He was a passenger in a friend's car, in which both lost their lives." The publicists, who described themselves as Team PW, wrote that they were "stunned and saddened beyond belief by this news." A similar message was posted on Twitter. Walker, 40, was best known for his role as undercover agent Brian O'Connor in the "Fast and Furious" movies. He appeared in all but one of the six movies in the series, and was one of the leading protagonists along with Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez. Walker died in Los Angeles county when the car he was traveling in slammed into a tree and caught fire, US media reported.
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:32
    Paul Walker fatal crash described by witnesses
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:31
    Witnesses that came upon the scene of Saturday's fiery solo car crash that killed internationally renowned actor Paul Walker of "Fast & Furious" fame and former race car driver Roger Rodas said they watched helplessly as the pair inside the vehicle were quickly engulfed in flames.
    Pual Walker is alive, lol y'all feeling kinda stupid?
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:28
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:27
      Fast & Furious actor Paul Walker dies in California car crash   Fast and Furious:(快速和憤怒,兩個字都是F開頭,顯現英文的節奏感)該   電影的中文片名: "玩命關頭"   這是該片中文報導:《玩命關頭5》創下全球六億美金的驚人票房,《玩命關頭   6》林詣彬導演帶領原班人馬再次風馳電掣,無論在劇情或飆車場面都將衝向另   一個高峰。   car crash:撞車(名詞片語),不一定是車和車撞,也可能是撞上其他物件,   如電線桿(utility pole),樹木,路上的障礙物等等。   標題用 dies: 現在式,表達過去的事實,現在式讓新聞標題具有臨場感   主演"玩命關頭" 系列動作片的美國演員保羅·沃克,已在加州喪命於車禍。   US actor Paul Walker, who starred in the Fast & Furious series of action films,   has been killed in a car crash in California.   簡化來看:   X has been killed in a car crash in California.   X= US actor Paul Walker 美國演員保羅·沃克   who 字句說明 Paul Walker 可以先不看   be killed in a car crash: 死於車禍(片語)   star: 主演在此當動詞,starred (過去式)   star in 電影:在某電影主演 (動詞片語)   action film: 動作片(名詞)   series of action films: 系列動作片(名詞片語)   沃克,(40歲)乘坐一輛由朋友(也身亡)駕駛的保時捷跑車墜毀於洛杉磯北   部。   Walker, 40, was a passenger in a Porsche sports car driven by a friend - who also   died - when it crashed north of Los Angeles.   簡化來看:   X was a passenger in Y when Z happened   X=Walker   Y= a Porsche sports car (that was省略) driven by a friend   Z=it crashed north of Los Angeles.   it crashed 指Porsche sports car保時捷跑車撞車   注意到,前面提過全名之後,內文就用last name(姓氏), Walker 指Paul   Walker.   crash:撞車(動詞)if a vehicle crashes or the driver crashes it, it hits an object or   another vehicle, causing damage   注意看:描述Paul Walker 不是駕車的人: He was not the one driving.   He was a passenger in a sports car.   sports car: 跑車(英國用法)美國也可說:sport car   a low fast car, often with a roof that can be folded back   據說沃克當時正要出席一場慈善活動。   Walker was said to be attending a charity event at the time.   Walker was said to be attending: 據說沃克正要去出席… (講這話的人並不知   道,只是聽說)   比較   Walker was attending…: 沃克正要出席 …(講這話的人,知道)   a charity event: 一場慈善活動(片語)   除了一部以外,他主演了所有"玩命關頭"的系列電影,其中第六部片子在五月   已經開演。   He starred in all but one of the films in the Fast & Furious franchise, the sixth of   which opened in May.   all but one : 所有除了一個不是(片語)   all of the films:所有的片子   all but one of the films: 除了一片以外所有的片子   media franchise: 媒體連鎖的概念   跨媒體製作是將智慧財產權透過不同傳播媒體(載體)製作,以提   昇廣告效應[1]、增加經濟規模[2]、或回饋消費者、擴大促銷商品等。   內容包括原始作品的角色、設定、商標。   wiki/%E8%B7%A8%E5%AA%92%E9%AB%94%E8%A3%BD%E4%BD%9C   沃克主演的系列電影,也可以看成media franchise, 所以說Fast & Furious franchise   該系列的第一部電影於2001年上演,然後第七部正在開發中。   The first film of the franchise was released in 2001 and the seventh is in   development.   release: 上市,上演(動詞)   release something to make something available to the public   to release a movie/book/CD   new products released onto the market   沃克在"玩命關頭" Fast & Furious 的系列電影中扮演臥底情報員   Brian O'Conner布萊恩奧康納。   Walker played undercover agent Brian O'Conner in the Fast & Furious movies.   undercover: 臥底的(形容詞)   working or done secretly in order to find out information for the police, a government, etc   an undercover agent      沃克還主演了懸疑劇情片"生死一線間",是這個月準備好要上演的電影。   Walker also starred in the suspense drama Hours, a movie that is set for release   this month.   《生死救嬰/生死一線間/生死倒數》,英文名:Hours   suspense drama: 懸疑劇情片(名詞)   set for release this month: 預定這個月要上演(片語)   洛杉磯郡警局說,撞車事故發生在瓦倫西亞(Valencia)社區。   The Los Angeles County Sheriff's department said the crash happened in the   community of Valencia.   County Sheriff's department: 一個郡的警局   sheriff:一個地區的警長(名詞)   (in the US) an elected officer responsible for keeping law and order in a   county or town   它(警局)說,辦案的警員回應了一起撞車事故的報案,找到的是一輛被火焰   吞沒的汽車(起火燃燒)   It said deputies found a car engulfed in flames when they responded to a report of a   collision.   簡化來看:   X found Y when they responded to Z (X 找到的是Y在回應Z事後)   X=deputies   Y=a car (that was 省略)engulfed in flames   Z=a report of a collision 一起撞車的報案   find: 找到(動詞)found(過去式)    to get back something/somebody that was lost after searching for it/them   find something for somebody Can you find my bag for me?   deputy: 警員(名詞)deputies(複數型)   (in the US) a police officer who helps the sheriff of an area   engulf: 圍繞或蓋住(動詞)   to surround or to cover somebody/something completely   He was engulfed by a crowd of reporters.   The vehicle was engulfed in flames.(被火吞噬)   collision:撞車事故(名詞)   an accident in which two vehicles or people crash into each other   a collision between two trains   在車上找到的兩個人,被宣布當場死亡。   Two people found in the car were pronounced dead at the scene.   簡化來看:   X were pronounced dead at the scene (X被宣布當場死亡)   X=two people (that were 省略)found in the car   dead at the scene: 當場死亡(片語)   pronounce: 正式公開宣布(動詞)這個字也當發音,但是在此不能如此理解。   to say or give something formally, officially or publicly   該演員的Facebook頁面上的聲明中說:"以非常哀傷的心情 ,我們必須確認保   羅·沃克今天在為他的組織Reach Out World出席一項慈善活動時,不幸於車禍   中去世。"   "It is with a truly heavy heart that we must confirm that Paul Walker passed away today   in a tragic car accident while attending a charity event for his organisation Reach Out   Worldwide," the statement on the actor's Facebook page said.   簡化來看:   It is with X that we must confirm Y   X= a truly heavy heart 非常哀傷的心情   Y= Paul Walker passed away today in a tragic car accident while attending a charity   event for his organisation Reach Out Worldwide   heart: 心境(名詞)   the place in a person where the feelings and emotions are thought to be, especially those   connected with love   He returned with a heavy heart(= sad).   在Reach Out WorldWide (全球伸手救援)的臉書頁面上,有 Paul Walker(創始人) 的   引言:   "當你把良好的意願呈現出來,可以成就的是驚人的。" -   "When you put good will out there it's amazing what can be accomplished." - Paul   Walker, Reach Out WorldWide Founder      "我們把我們最深切和最誠摯的哀悼之情給保羅的家人。"   "We send our deepest and most sincere condolences to Paul's family."   簡化來看:We send X to Y   X= our deepest and most sincere condolences   Y= Paul's family   condolence: 哀悼同情(名詞)condolences(複數型)    sympathy that you feel for somebody when a person in their family or that   they know well has died; an expression of this sympathy   to give/offer/express your condolences   好萊塢影星保羅沃克驚傳車禍身亡,年僅40歲,各大媒體爭相報導   台視新聞相關報導   我們藉此機會學習描述車禍身故,表達哀悼的用語:   跑車:sports car (英國用法)美國也可說:sport car   撞車:in a car crash, in a collision(名詞片語)   "玩命關頭":Fast and Furious (電影名)   在某電影主演: star in 電影 (動詞片語)   系列動作片: series of action films(名詞)   懸疑劇情片:suspense drama (名詞)   臥底的:undercover(形容詞)   當場死亡:dead at the scene (片語)   一場慈善活動:a charity event (片語)   警員:deputy(名詞)deputies(複數型)   以非常哀傷的心情 : with a truly heavy heart (片語)   對家人表達哀悼之情:give condolences to Paul's family(動詞片語)   哀悼同情:condolence (名詞)
    Facebook in talks to buy Indian company: Report Facebook seems all set to make its first Indian acquisition. The social media giant is in talks to buy Bangalore-based product start-up Little Eye Labs, according to a news report in Business Standard. Founded in May 2012, Little Eye Labs develops a mobile app crash testing service. "Performance analysis and diagnostic tool for Androiddevelopers, providing insights into battery, data, memory and more," is how the company describes itself on its Twitter account. Little Eye Labs team comprises Kumar Rangarajan, Satyam Kandula, Lakshman Kakkirala, Giridhar Murthy, Aditya Kulkarni, Gaurav Lochan, Satheesh Anbalagan and Srikant Sahay. Earlier this year, the company received funding between $100,000 and $20,000 from early-stage start-up incubator GSF Accelerator. The Indian Software Product Industry Round Table iSpirit is said to be facilitating the deal. iSPIRT is widely seen as a parallel to Indian software industry body Nasscom. In October, Facebook bought Israel-based mobile data analytics company Onavo. Both Facebook and Little Eye Labs reportedly refused comment on the deal. For any queries related to Software Product and Animation please log on to : #locus techsoft
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:02
    Sony MDR-V300 DJ Stereo Headphones (Facebook Redux 2) As the painter fine tunes a diverse color palette with subtle brush strokes to achieve a delicate balance between light and shadow on a canvas to present proper time, place, season and emotional perspective to the viewer, Sony MDR-V300 Studio Monitor Headphones provide natural, warm and fulfilling sound tones on an elegant yet creatively crafted soundstage for the professional audiophile and artist alike to revel over. From the Dongan Hills to Pleasant Plains and across all the other great neighborhoods around the world, this pair of Sony MDR-V300 DJ Style Stereo Headphones provides a spectacular concert venue bass heavy sound presentation for old-school rap, rock n' roll, disco, heavy metal, dance, trance, electronica, abstract beats, party hits, lounge, house, techno, dubstep, hip-hop, reggae, meringue, mariachi, tropical and salsa music to mobile users to transform the most mundane daily tasks into a personal audio encounter. Sony MDR-V300 Studio Monitor Series Headphones deliver an acoustic paradise upon impact. These hi-fi stereo cans present signature Sony sound profiles on classic rock, southern rock, hard rock, guitar rock, indie rock, protest rock, female rock, British invasion rock, love songs, rhythm and blues, blues rock, blues women, electric blues, opera musical scores, soul, jazz, swing, 50's oldies, 60's oldies, 70's oldies, doo-wop, Motown hits, holiday music, gospel, world-music, global beats, J-Pop, Latin songs, Brazilian and classical music genres. Sony MDR-V300 DJ Stereo Headphones showcase superb audio reproduction from all your favorite movie theater soundtracks, DVD-Audio Discs, Super Audio Compact Discs (SACD), HDCD Audio Discs, Dual Discs, Red Book CD-DA Compact Discs, MP3 CDs, homemade


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:35AM  

    abu z project - Social Mention
    I hate married women who satisfies their s*xual urge with illegal men other than their legal husbands.When you she–goat knows you are not ready to be faithful to one why marry?I also blame the husbands cos why marry a s*x bitch when you no your d**k is mini and you are the 'insert one minute release one minute' type?Well Alhaji when you busy yourselves with young girls your gateman/gardener/carpenter is busy banging Hajiya.Though some women are not to blame their husbands love traveling and got little time to honour their matrimonial bed.Not withstanding there are available s*x toys in markets get a vibrator your size rather than cheat on Oga.Remember the sins of adultery is death penalty.FEAR ALLAH WHEREVER YOU ARE HE WATCHES YOUR MOVES AND SEES YOUR ACTS.. RECORD BOTH GOOD AND BAD AND HE WILL QUERRY YOUR BAD DEEDS.MA'ASALAM
    Dec 3rd 2013, 03:57
    *PLEASE READ* About 12 hours ago I uploaded a post that highlighted some of the immoral and unethical teachings found within the Bible and the Qur'an. Since that time there have been more than 600 comments which I have not read for obvious reasons. But the ones I have, include calling me an 'idiot', a 'racist', and 'ignorant' amongst other things which I will address on this status update. First to those JACK ASSES [No offense to donkeys ;) ]who called me a 'racist'... One of my absolute best friends, who I would take a bullet for in a heart beat, is Arab, as are many of my friends. My first Love was from a Muslim family and considered herself to be Muslim even though she wasn't strict, and if you do some damn research instead of ASSuming to know my character based on your own limited perspective, I have gone out of my way to make a video that clearly validates suicide bombings, as demonstrated by political scientist Robert Pape, are not triggered by Islamic teachings [which in fact state is against suicide as documented in Surat An-Nisa' 4:29-30 and Surat Al-Baqarah 2:195] but are the result of foreign occupation. I also made a docu [which unfortunately was banned by YouTube world wide after 6 months about how 9/11 was not committed by Islamic radicals, how the FBI is the main force behind domestic terror attacks and how Muslims have been targeted by the ruling class to justify a new cold war, which is better known as the war on terror]. I have also written an article on the history of modern day Zionism and how it has been largely, but not entirely, a criminal movement. I do not subscribe to the DUMB BULLSHIT of racism that the overwhelming majority of people in this world do because I know we are all the same deep down inside based on both personal experience and in depth research. [I have my doubts though about the ruling class who I consider, at least overall, to be quite psychotic and inhumane.] Moving forward... Although I am willing to CHALLENGE ANYONE on the claims I made in that post [In relation to both the Bible and the Qur'an], I would like to focus on one in particular where I explained the foolishness of believing that a god would condone a man to physically abuse his wife and that this teaching is immoral in Surat An-Nisaa' 4:34 The top comment on this thread states the following in relation to my claim/observation; 'The Qur'an does not say you can beat your wife you idiot !!! Read it again because you obviously "interpreted" it to say what you want it to say...I'm sick of people who don't even read these books commenting on them, people like you are the reason Islam is so misunderstood.' This comment has received, thus far, 146 likes and let this serve as a valuable lesson why popular opinion, no matter how assertive or supported, is NEVER an indication of the Truth. So let's list several versions of this verse and objectively assess it using reason instead of IRRATIONALITY and impulse. 1] Sahih International: Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], STRIKE them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand. 2] Muhsin Khan Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has made one of them to excel the other, and because they spend (to support them) from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient (to Allah and to their husbands), and guard in the husband's absence what Allah orders them to guard (e.g. their chastity, their husband's property, etc.). As to those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) BEAT them (lightly, if it is useful), but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance). Surely, Allah is Ever Most High, Most Great. 3] Yusuf Ali Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) BEAT them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all). 4] Shakir Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and BEAT them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great. In ALL of these versions it is CLEARLY condoning to 'BEAT' or 'STRIKE' a woman [wife] if she does not obey her husband so STOP RANTING ABOUT BULLSHIT AND INSULTING ME WHEN IT IS CLEARLY DOCUMENTED IN THE BOOK. IT IS NOT MY FAULT YOU CAN'T SEE THE TRUTH WHEN IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. You can interpret it according to your own agenda ALL day but it is CLEAR that this verse condones physically abusing a man's wife. What EVERYONE on this page NEEDS to understand about me is I do not 'identify' with a religion, a culture, a flag, a race, a geographic location or ANY other infantile construct that ultimately serves to keep us from achieving our mental and spiritual potential. I identify with the Truth and with the unjustly oppressed and as such, even if all 1,143,192 of you stand against me when I stand with the Truth, I will still speak out AGAINST YOU because I don't do what I do for a popularity contest or to get more likes. I do what I do because I STAND FOR THE TRUTH and AGAINST INJUSTICE! So to all those people who called me 'ignorant', let this be a lesson to make your words sweet because you may end up having to eat them because AGAIN, no matter how much you TRY twist and bend it, the Truth is the TRUTH and it is NOT in need of your approval because it is self sustained. Instead of denying that the Qur'an and the Bible both have immoral teachings in them, when they CLEARLY do [check out the previous post and ACTUALLY RESEARCH the verses I listed], and acting like a blind sheep who cannot use inner morals and ethics which precede religion, FOCUS instead on their higher teachings which promote unconditional Love, respect, humanity, morality and ethics while also acknowledging that you may have a bit of a closed mind for trying to defend [aggressively] what is OBVIOUSLY immoral. Once you have taken this step then you can work towards remedying that and opening your mind because it will expand your perception, and in turn, your character. It is no one else' job but our own to empower ourselves with knowledge and overcome the ignorance, irrationality, impulsivity and the like, that have been indoctrinated into all of us. There is so much more knowledge and Truth out there than you know and I say this as a former Christian who read, studied and researched the Bible front to back on several occasions. I USED TO BE JUST LIKE YOU, ARGUING ABOUT HOW PEOPLE ARE TAKING SCRIPTURE OUT OF CONTEXT WHEN IN FACT I WAS THE ONE TAKING IT OUT OF CONTEXT TO COMFORT MYSELF. Why do you think Christianity has more than 40,000 denominations? Why do you think a minority of Muslims use the Qur'an to justify their immoral actions of murder and oppression? It's because the reader — the interpreter — is more powerful than the book. Why would a god put the Truth in a book, which is easily corrupted and changed instead of deep within your soul? There is nothing wrong with questioning what you have been told to believe but there is something VERY wrong with defending that which is CLEARLY immoral, simply because it's not what you want to hear. Yes, there is good teachings in both books but this does not change the FACT that there are also immoral and unethical teachings, to deny this is an admission of a closed mind. The height of deception is self deception. 'Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind' — Bob Marley paraphrasing Marcus Garvey PS. No, I'm not an atheist, I am simply a human being in search of the Truth ;) — Gavin Nascimento
    Dec 2nd 2013, 19:04
    PS4 Giveaway!
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    Audible: Other places I hang out: FaceBook Fan Page: Twitter: Instagram: ht...
    #POLL WHO DO YOU THINK WILL WIN THE FIFA BALLON D'OR? Cristiano Ronaldo Lionel Messi Franck Ribery
    Dec 2nd 2013, 14:38
    Interventional Pain Management /Dr.Ammar .Z. Abu Supoh
    Oct 12th 2013, 11:52
    Palliative care & Pain Management Conference/ Day 2 ( 8/11/2012 ) Dr.Ammar .Z. Abu Supoh JBA,phd,Diploma in Pain Management-UK-Leicester. Head of ICU-Islamic...
    Burj Khalifa
    Jan 19th 2013, 21:03
    Burj Khalifa برج خليفة‎ , known as Burj Dubai prior to its inauguration, is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and is the tallest man-made structure in the world, at 829.8 m (2,722 ft). Construction began on 21 September 2004, with the exterior of the structure completed on 1 October 2009. The building officially opened on 4 January 2010, and is part of the new 2 km2 (490-acre) development called Downtown Dubai at the 'First Interchange' along Sheikh Zayed Road, near Dubai's main business district. The tower's architecture and engineering were performed by Skidmore, Owings and Merrill of Chicago, with Adrian Smith as chief architect, and Bill Baker as chief structural engineer. The primary contractor was Samsung C&T of South Korea. In March 2009, Mohamed Ali Alabbar, chairman of the project's developer, Emaar Properties, said office space pricing at Burj Khalifa reached US$4,000 per sq ft (over US$43,000 per m²) and the Armani Residences, also in Burj Khalifa, sold for US$3,500 per sq ft (over US$37,500 per m²). He estimated the total cost for the project to be about US$1.5 billion. The project's completion coincided with the global financial crisis of 2007–2012, and with vast overbuilding in the country; this led to high vacancies and foreclosures. With Dubai mired in debt from its huge ambitions, the government was forced to seek multibillion dollar bailouts from its oil-rich neighbor Abu Dhabi. Subsequently, in a surprise move at its opening ceremony, the tower was renamed Burj Khalifa, said to honour the UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan for his crucial support. Source: Burj Khalifa. Outsiders increased their page:
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:34AM  

    al-ansar - Social Mention
    ISLAM (By Teddy Raja) This article contains Arabic text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols. The Kaaba, in Mecca, Hejaz region, today's Saudi Arabia, is the center of Islam. Muslims from all over the world gather there to pray in unity. This article is part of a series on: Islam Allah-eser-green.png Beliefs[hide] Oneness of God Prophets Revealed books Angels Predestination Day of Resurrection Practices[hide] Profession of faith Prayer Fasting Alms Pilgrimage Texts and laws[hide] Quran Sunnah Hadith Fiqh Sharia Kalam History and leaders[hide] Timeline Muhammad Ahl al-Bayt Sahabah Rashidun Imamate Caliphate Spread of Islam Denominations[hide] Sunni Shia Sufism Ibadi Ahmadiyya Nondenominational Quranism NOI Five-Percent Nation Liberal movements within Islam Culture and society[hide] Academics Animals Art Calendar Children Dawah Demographics Festivals Mosques Philosophy Politics Science Women Related topics[hide] Other religions Islamism Criticism Islamophobia Glossary Portal icon Islam portal Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1] Arabic: الإسلام, al-ʾIslām IPA: [ælʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 2]) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله Allāh) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to submit to and serve Allah (God).[1] Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed before many times throughout the world, including notably through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets.[2] They maintain that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or altered over time,[3] but consider the Arabic Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God.[4] Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment.[5][6] Most Muslims are of two denominations, Sunni (75–90%),[7] or Shia (10–20%).[8] About 13% of Muslims live in Indonesia,[9] the largest Muslim-majority country, 25% in South Asia,[9] 20% in the Middle East,[10] and 15% in Sub-saharan Africa.[11] Sizable minorities are also found in Europe, China, Russia, and the Americas. Converts and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the world (see Islam by country). With about 1.57 billion followers or 23% of earth's population,[11][12][13] Islam is the second-largest religion and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world.[14]>[15][16][17] Contents 1 Etymology and meaning 2 Articles of faith 2.1 God 2.2 Angels 2.3 Revelations 2.4 Prophets 2.5 Resurrection and judgment 2.6 Predestination 3 Five pillars 3.1 Testimony 3.2 Prayer 3.3 Alms-giving 3.4 Fasting 3.5 Pilgrimage 4 Law and jurisprudence 4.1 Jurists 4.2 Etiquette and diet 4.3 Family life 4.4 Economy 4.5 Government 4.6 Military 5 History 5.1 Muhammad (610–632) 5.2 Caliphate and civil war (632–750) 5.3 Abbasid era (750–1258) 5.4 Fall of Abbasids to end of caliphate (1258–1924) 5.5 Modern times (1924–present) 6 Denominations 6.1 Sunni 6.2 Shia 6.3 Sufism 6.4 Other denominations 7 Demographics 8 Culture 8.1 Architecture 8.2 Art 8.3 Calendar 9 Criticism of Islam Etymology and meaning Islam is a verbal noun originating from the triliteral root s-l-m which forms a large class of words mostly relating to concepts of wholeness, safeness and peace.[18] In a religious context it means "voluntary submission to God".[19][20] Muslim, the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb of which Islām is the infinitive. Believers demonstrate submission to God by serving God, following his commands, and rejecting polytheism. The word sometimes has distinct connotations in its various occurrences in the Qur'an. In some verses, there is stress on the quality of Islam as an internal conviction: "Whomsoever God desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam."[21] Other verses connect islām and dīn (usually translated as "religion"): "Today, I have perfected your religion (dīn) for you; I have completed My blessing upon you; I have approved Islam for your religion."[22] Still others describe Islam as an action of returning to God—more than just a verbal affirmation of faith.[23] In the Hadith of Gabriel, islām is presented as one part of a triad that includes imān (faith), and ihsān (excellence), where islām is defined theologically as Tawhid, historically by asserting that Muhammad is messenger of God, and doctrinally by mandating five basic and fundamental pillars of practice.[24][25] Articles of faith Main articles: Aqidah and Iman God Main articles: God in Islam and Allah Islam's most fundamental concept is a rigorous monotheism, called tawhīd (Arabic: توحيد). God is described in chapter 112 of the Qur'an as:[26] "Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him."(112:1-4) Muslims and Jews repudiate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and divinity of Jesus, comparing it to polytheism. In Islam, God is beyond all comprehension and Muslims are not expected to visualize God.[27][28][29][30] God is described and referred to by certain names or attributes, the most common being Al-Rahmān, meaning "The Compassionate" and Al-Rahīm, meaning "The Merciful" (See Names of God in Islam).[31] Muslims believe that the creation of everything in the universe was brought into being by God's sheer command, "'Be' and so it is,"[32] and that the purpose of existence is to worship God.[33] He is viewed as a personal god who responds whenever a person in need or distress calls him.[34] There are no intermediaries, such as clergy, to contact God who states, "I am nearer to him than (his) jugular vein."[35] The reciprocal nature is mentioned in the hadith qudsi, "I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am."[36] Allāh is the term with no plural or gender used by Muslims and Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews to reference God, while ʾilāh (Arabic: إله) is the term used for a deity or a god in general.[37] Other non-Arab Muslims might use different names as much as Allah, for instance "Tanrı" in Turkish, "Khodā" in Persian or Xudā in Urdu. Angels Main article: Islamic view of angels Belief in angels is fundamental to the faith of Islam. The Arabic word for angel (Arabic: ملك malak) means "messenger", like its counterparts in Hebrew (malakh) and Greek (angelos). According to the Qur'an, angels do not possess free will, and therefore worship and obey God in total obedience. Angels' duties include communicating revelations from God, glorifying God, recording every person's actions, and taking a person's soul at the time of death. Muslims believe that angels are made of light. They are described as "messengers with wings—two, or three, or four (pairs): He [God] adds to Creation as He pleases..."[38] Revelations Main articles: Islamic holy books, Quran, and Wahy See also: History of the Quran Part of a series on Quran WLM - roel1943 - Koran.jpg Text[show] Content[show] Quran reading[show] Translation[show] History[show] Quranic exegesis[show] Related[show] The first sura in a Qur'anic manuscript by Hattat Aziz Efendi The Islamic holy books are the records which most Muslims believe were dictated by God to various prophets. Muslims believe that parts of the previously revealed scriptures, the Tawrat (Torah) and the Injil (Gospels), had become distorted—either in interpretation, in text, or both.[3] The Qur'an (literally, "Reading" or "Recitation") is viewed by Muslims as the final revelation and literal word of God and is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature work in the Arabic language.[39][40] Muslims believe that the verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Muhammad by God through the archangel Gabriel (Jibrīl) on many occasions between 610 CE until his death on June 8, 632 CE.[41] While Muhammad was alive, all of these revelations were written down by his companions (sahabah), although the prime method of transmission was orally through memorization.[42] The Qur'an is divided into 114 suras, or chapters, which combined, contain 6,236 āyāt, or verses. The chronologically earlier suras, revealed at Mecca, are primarily concerned with ethical and spiritual topics. The later Medinan suras mostly discuss social and moral issues relevant to the Muslim community.[43] Part of a series on Hadith Hadith Sunni collections[show] Shi'a collections[show] Ibadi collections[show] Mu'tazila collections[show] Related articles[show] Category Portal The Qur'an is more concerned with moral guidance than legal instruction, and is considered the "sourcebook of Islamic principles and values".[44] Muslim jurists consult the hadith("reports"), or the written record of Prophet Muhammad's life, to both supplement the Qur'an and assist with its interpretation. The science of Qur'anic commentary and exegesis is known as tafsir.[45] Rules governing proper pronunciation is called tajwid. Muslims usually view "the Qur'an" as the original scripture as revealed in Arabic and that any translations are necessarily deficient, which are regarded only as commentaries on the Qur'an.[46] Prophets Main article: Prophets in Islam Muslims identify the prophets of Islam (Arabic: أنۢبياء anbiyāʾ ) as those humans chosen by God to be his messengers. According to the Qurʼan, the prophets were instructed by God to bring the "will of God" to the peoples of the nations. Muslims believe that prophets are human and not divine, though some are able to perform miracles to prove their claim. Islamic theology says that all of God's messengers preached the message of Islam—submission to the will of God. The Qurʼan mentions the names of numerous figures considered prophets in Islam, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, among others.[47] Muslims believe that God finally sent Muhammad (Seal of the Prophets) to convey the divine message to the whole world (to sum up and to finalize the word of God). In Islam, the "normative" example of Muhammad's life is called the Sunnah (literally "trodden path"). This example is preserved in traditions known as hadith, which recount his words, his actions, and his personal characteristics. Hadith Qudsi is a sub-category of hadith, regarded as the words of God repeated by Muhammad differing from the Quran in that they are expressed in Prophet Muhammad's words, whereas the Qur'an is understood as the direct words of God. The classical Muslim jurist ash-Shafi'i (d. 820) emphasized the importance of the Sunnah in Islamic law, and Muslims are encouraged to emulate Muhammad's actions in their daily lives. The Sunnah is seen as crucial to guiding interpretation of the Qur'an.[48] Resurrection and judgment Main article: Qiyama Belief in the "Day of Resurrection", Yawm al-Qiyāmah (Arabic: يوم القيامة) is also crucial for Muslims. They believe the time of Qiyāmah is preordained by God but unknown to man. The trials and tribulations preceding and during the Qiyāmah are described in the Qur'an and the hadith, and also in the commentaries of scholars. The Qur'an emphasizes bodily resurrection, a break from the pre-Islamic Arabian understanding of death.[49] On Yawm al-Qiyāmah, Muslims believe all mankind will be judged on their good and bad deeds. The Qurʼan in Surat al-Zalzalah describes this as, "So whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it (99:7) and whoever does an atom's weight of evil will see it (99:8)." The Qurʼan lists several sins that can condemn a person to hell, such as disbelief in God (Arabic: كفر kufr), and dishonesty; however, the Qurʼan makes it clear God will forgive the sins of those who repent if he so wills. Good deeds, such as charity, prayer and compassion towards animals,[50][51] will be rewarded with entry to heaven. Muslims view heaven as a place of joy and bliss, with Qurʼanic references describing its features and the physical pleasures to come. Mystical traditions in Islam place these heavenly delights in the context of an ecstatic awareness of God.[52] Yawm al-Qiyāmah is also identified in the Qur'an as Yawm ad-Dīn (Arabic: يوم الدين), "Day of Religion";[53] as-sāʿah (Arabic: الساعة), "the Last Hour";[54] and al-Qāriʿah (Arabic: القارعة), "The Clatterer".[55] Predestination Main article: Predestination in Islam In accordance with the Islamic belief in predestination, or divine preordainment (al-qadā wa'l-qadar), God has full knowledge and control over all that occurs. This is explained in Qur'anic verses such as "Say: 'Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our protector'..."[56] For Muslims, everything in the world that occurs, good or bad, has been preordained and nothing can happen unless permitted by God. According to Muslim theologians, although events are pre-ordained, man possesses free will in that he or she has the faculty to choose between right and wrong, and is thus responsible for his actions. According to Islamic tradition, all that has been decreed by God is written in al-Lawh al-Mahfūz, the "Preserved Tablet".[57] Five pillars Main article: Five Pillars of Islam The Pillars of Islam (arkan al-Islam; also arkan ad-din, "pillars of religion") are five basic acts in Islam, considered obligatory for all believers. The Quran presents them as a framework for worship and a sign of commitment to the faith. They are (1) the shahadah (creed), (2) daily prayers (salat), (3) almsgiving (zakah), (4) fasting during Ramadan and (5) the pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj) at least once in a lifetime. The Shia and Sunni sects both agree on the essential details for the performance of these acts.[58] Testimony Main article: Shahadah The Shahadah,[59] which is the basic creed of Islam that must be recited under oath with the specific statement: "'ašhadu 'al-lā ilāha illā-llāhu wa 'ašhadu 'anna muħammadan rasūlu-llāh", or "I testify there are no deities other than God alone and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of God." This testament is a foundation for all other beliefs and practices in Islam. Muslims must repeat the shahadah in prayer, and non-Muslims wishing to convert to Islam are required to recite the creed.[60] Prayer Main article: Salat See also: Mosque Muslim men prostrating during prayer in a mosque. Ritual prayers, called Ṣalāh or Ṣalāt (Arabic: صلاة), must be performed five times a day. Salat is intended to focus the mind on God, and is seen as a personal communication with him that expresses gratitude and worship. Salat is compulsory but flexibility in the specifics is allowed depending on circumstances. The prayers are recited in the Arabic language, and consist of verses from the Qur'an.[61] A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims, who often refer to it by its Arabic name, masjid. The word mosque in English refers to all types of buildings dedicated to Islamic worship, although there is a distinction in Arabic between the smaller, privately owned mosque and the larger, "collective" mosque (masjid jāmi`).[62] Although the primary purpose of the mosque is to serve as a place of prayer, it is also important to the Muslim community as a place to meet and study. Modern mosques have evolved greatly from the early designs of the 7th century, and contain a variety of architectural elements such as minarets.[63]


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:34AM  

    Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Legst du dich mit Türken an , Simdiden Allah rahmet eylesin.s Facebook-Pinnwand
    Günaydin :)
    Viel Spaß in der schule / auf der arbeit :)
    Nur noch 18 tage dann...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 05:38
    Günaydin :)
    Viel Spaß in der schule / auf der arbeit :)
    Nur noch 18 tage dann Ferien *-*
    Wann habt ihr Ferien ?:)
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:32AM - Social Mention
    Driwancybermuseum Galery (continiu)
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    This is te sample of DriwancyD-ROM,if you want to get it please ask via commentDriwan Cybermuseum Home office galeryThis is te sample of DriwancyD-ROM,if you want to get [&#8230;]
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:31AM  

    Abu Abdullah - Social Mention
    Para Suami, Carilah Rejeki Yang Halal MENCARI rezeki merupakan tuntutan kehidupan yang tak mungkin seseorang menghindar darinya. Seorang muslim tidak melihatnya sekadar sebagai tuntutan kehidupan. Namun ia mengetahui bahwa itu juga merupakan tuntutan agamanya, dalam rangka menaati perintah Allah untuk memberikan kecukupan dan ma'isyah kepada diri dan keluarganya, atau siapa saja yang berada di bawah tanggung jawabnya. Dari sinilah seorang muslim bertolak dalam mencari rezeki. Sehingga ia tidak sembarangan dan tanpa peduli dalam mencari rezeki. Tidak pula bersikap materialistis atau 'Yang penting kebutuhan tercukupi', 'Yang penting perut kenyang' tanpa peduli halal dan haram. Atau bahkan lebih parah dari itu ia katakan seperti kata sebagian orang, 'Yang haram saja susah, apalagi yang halal'. Sekali-kali tidak! Itu adalah ucapan orang yang tidak beriman. Bahkan yang halal insya Allah jauh lebih mudah untuk didapatkan daripada yang haram. Dengan demikian sebagai seorang muslim yang taat, ia akan memerhatikan rambu-rambu agamanya sehingga ia akan memilah antara yang halal dan yang haram. Ia tidak akan menyuapi dirinya, istri dan anak-anaknya kecuali dengan suapan yang halal. Terlebih di zaman seperti yang disifati oleh Nabi n: "Akan datang kepada manusia suatu zaman di mana seseorang tidak peduli apa yang dia ambil, apakah dari hasil yang halal atau yang haram." (Shahih, HR. Al-Bukhari dan An-Nasa'i dari hadits Abu Hurairah z, Shahih At-Targhib no. 1722) Suapan yang haram tak lain kecuali akan menyebabkan pemakannya terhalangi dari surga. Diriwayatkan dari Abu Bakr Ash-Shiddiq, dari Nabi n, beliau bersabda: "Tidak akan masuk ke dalam surga sebuah jasad yang diberi makan dengan yang haram." (Shahih Lighairihi, HR. Abu Ya'la, Al-Bazzar, Ath-Thabarani dalam kitab Al-Ausath dan Al-Baihaqi, dan sebagian sanadnya hasan. Shahih At-Targhib 2/150 no. 1730) Oleh karenanya, istri para as-salaf ash-shalih (para pendahulu kita yang baik) bila suaminya keluar dari rumahnya, iapun berpesan: "Jauhi olehmu penghasilan yang haram, karena kami mampu bersabar atas rasa lapar tapi kami tak mampu bersabar atas neraka." (Mukhtashar Minhajul Qashidin) Tentu mencari yang halal merupakan kewajiban atas setiap muslim, sebagaimana ditegaskan oleh Ibnu Qudamah t dalam kitabnya Mukhtashar Minhajul Qashidin: "Ketahuilah bahwa mencari yang halal adalah fardhu atas tiap muslim." Karena demikianlah perintah Allah l dalam ayat-ayat-Nya dan perintah Rasul n dalam hadits-haditsnya. Di antaranya: "Hai sekalian manusia, makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari apa yang terdapat di bumi, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti langkah-langkah setan; karena sesungguhnya setan itu adalah musuh yang nyata bagimu." (Al-Baqarah: 168) As-Sa'di t menafsirkan: "Ini adalah pembicaraan yang ditujukan kepada manusia seluruhnya mukmin maupun kafir, bahwa Allah l memberikan karunia-Nya kepada mereka yaitu dengan Allah l perintahkan mereka agar memakan dari seluruh yang ada di muka bumi berupa biji-bijian, buah-buahan, dan hewan-hewan selama keadaannya halal. Yakni, dibolehkan bagi kalian untuk memakannya, bukan dengan cara merampok, mencuri, atau dengan cara transaksi yang haram, atau cara haram yang lain, atau untuk membantu yang haram." (Tafsir As-Sa'di) "Dan makanlah makanan yang halal lagi baik dari apa yang Allah telah rezekikan kepadamu, dan bertakwalah kepada Allah yang kamu beriman kepada-Nya." (Al-Ma'idah: 88) "Maka makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari rezeki yang telah diberikan Allah kepadamu; dan syukurilah nikmat Allah jika kamu hanya kepada-Nya saja menyembah." (An-Nahl: 114) "Hai rasul-rasul, makanlah dari ath-thayyibaat, dan kerjakanlah amal yang shalih. Sesungguhnya Aku Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan." (Al-Mu'minun: 51) Ath-Thayyibaat artinya adalah yang halal. Allah l perintahkan untuk memakan yang halal sebelum beramal. Di samping perintah untuk mencari yang halal, Allah l dan Nabi-Nya n melarang dan memperingatkan kita dari penghasilan yang haram. Allah l berfirman: "Dan janganlah sebagian kamu memakan harta sebagian yang lain di antara kamu dengan jalan yang batil dan (janganlah) kamu membawa (urusan) harta itu kepada hakim, supaya kamu dapat memakan sebagian harta benda orang lain itu dengan (jalan berbuat) dosa, padahal kamu mengetahui." (Al-Baqarah: 188) Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah z, Rasulullah n bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Baik dan tidak menerima kecuali yang baik, dan sungguh Allah l perintahkan mukminin dengan apa yang Allah l perintahkan kepada para Rasul, maka Allah l berfirman: 'Hai rasul-rasul, makanlah dari makanan yang baik-baik, dan kerjakanlah amal yang shalih. Sesungguhnya Aku Maha Mengetahui apa yang kamu kerjakan' dan berfirman: 'Hai orang-orang yang beriman, makanlah di antara rezeki yang baik-baik yang Kami berikan kepadamu.' Lalu Nabi n menyebutkan seseorang yang melakukan perjalanan panjang, rambutnya kusut masai, tubuhnya berdebu, ia menengadahkan tangannya ke langit seraya berucap: 'Wahai Rabbku, wahai Rabbku.' Akan tetapi makanannya haram, minumannya haram, pakaiannya haram, disuapi gizi yang haram, bagaimana mungkin doanya terkabul?" (HR. Muslim dan At-Tirmidzi) Dari Abdullah bin Amr c, bahwa Rasulullah n bersabda: "Empat perkara bila keempatnya ada padamu maka tidak mengapa apa yang terlewatkanmu dari perkara duniawi: menjaga amanah, ucapan yang jujur, akhlak yang baik, dan menjaga (kehalalan) makanan." (Shahih, HR. Ahmad dan Ath-Thabarani dan sanad keduanya hasan, Shahih At-Targhib no. 1718) Ath-Thabarani t juga meriwayatkan dari Abu Thufail dengan lafadz: "Barangsiapa mendapatkan harta yang haram lalu ia membebaskan budak darinya dan menyambung silaturrahmi dengannya maka itu tetap menjadi beban atasnya." (Hasan lighairihi. Shahih Targhib, 2/148 no. 1720) Dari Al-Qasim bin Mukhaimirah z ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah n bersabda: "Barangsiapa mendapatkan harta dengan cara yang berdosa lalu dengannya ia menyambung silaturrahmi atau bersedekah dengannya atau menginfakkannya di jalan Allah, ia lakukan itu semuanya maka ia akan dilemparkan dengan sebab itu ke neraka jahannam." (Hasan lighairihi, HR. Abu Dawud dalam kitab Al-Marasiil, lihat Shahih At-Targhib, 2/148 no. 1721) Abdullah bin Mas'ud z juga pernah menyampaikan pesan Rasulullah n: "Hendaklah kalian malu kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya." Kami (para sahabat) berkata: "Wahai Nabiyullah, kami punya rasa malu kepada Allah, alhamdulillah." Beliau berkata: "Bukan itu, akan tetapi malu kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya adalah kamu jaga kepala dan apa yang diliputinya (yakni lisan, mata, telinga), kamu jaga (isi) perutmu (yakni dari yang haram) dan jaga yang bersambung dengannya, kamu ingat kematian dan kehancuran. Barangsiapa yang menghendaki akhirat tentu dia tinggalkan perhiasan dunia. Siapa saja yang melakukan itu semua, berarti dia telah malu dari Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya." (Hasan lighairihi, HR. At-Tirmidzi, Shahih At-Targhib: 2/149 no. 1724). (oleh: Al-Ustadz Qomar Suaidi. Asy-Syariah)
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:29
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:28
    By: Salam Jihad..   Sudah hampir sebulan serangan zionis Israel ke wilayah Gaza, belum ada tanda-tanda pembantaian ini akan segera berakhir. Hingga hari ini(17/1) setidaknya tercatat lebih dari 1100-an jiwa melayang dan limaribuan yang lainnya luka-luka. Mungkin banyak air mata yang mulai mengering, telinga menjadi panas, dan hati serasa jenuh mendengar pemberitaan korban di Gaza yang terus bertambah. Tapi kita memang harus terus bicara tentang Palestina. Kita harus terus menyuarakan kegelisahan kita, menyampaikan kepedulian kita, atau setidaknya meneriakkan jeritan hati kita melalui takbir dan doa-doa yang terlantunkan. Tidak boleh ada perasaan bosan saat mendengar berita Palestina. Tidak boleh kita berputus asa dalam melantunkan doa-doa untuk saudara kita disana. Tidak boleh merasa doa kita sia-sia. Tidak boleh pula kita mengira bahwa zionis Israel akan dibiarkan dengan kesombongannya begitu saja. Karena Allah SWT berfirman : " Dan janganlah sekali-kali kamu (Muhammad) mengira, bahwa Allah lalai dari apa yang diperbuat oleh orang-orang yang zalim. Sesungguhnya Allah memberi tangguh kepada mereka sampai hari yang pada waktu itu mata (mereka) terbelalak"  (QS Ibrahim 42) Hari ini kita melihat pemberitaan yang begitu beragam tentang fakta-fakta yang terjadi di Palestina. Ada yang mengutuk kekejian Israel, ada pula yang memprotes keangkuhan Amerika, Ada pula yang mengkritik pemimpin Arab yang 'jubana' (pengecut), bahkan ada pula yang tetap konsisten memberitakan Hamas sebagai teroris dan biang kerok semua permasalahan ini. Semuanya begitu kompleks dan membingungkan, sehingga banyak orang yang begitu bersedih dan berempati dengan pemandangan gambar-gambar korban dan ledakan, namun sedikit yang mengetahui hakikat permasalahan dan fakta yang shohih di Palestina. Karenanya, kita perlu memetakan lebih jelas tentang permasalahan Palestina. Saya ingin mengungkapkan fakta-fakta dalam al-Quran dalam memetakan masalah ini. Bahwasanya Al-Quran jauh-jauh hari telah menggambarkan fakta-fakta yang terjadi hari ini di Palestina melalui ayat-ayatnya yang mulia. Ini semua penting agar kita bisa berpikir lebih mendalam, lebih strategis dan lebih fokus dalam menyusun langkah kontribusi kita untuk Palestina. Agar kita tidak reaktif dan mudah terkejut, dan selalu shock dalam mendengar pemberitaan masalah Palestina. Berikut fakta-fakta yang telah digambarkan Al-Quran, dan sekarang terjadi begitu nyata di Palestina   Fakta 1 :   Adanya Yahudi yang Sadis & Bengis terhadap orang muslim, serta senantiasa melanggar perjanjian Allah SWT berfirman : "Sesungguhnya kamu dapati orang-orang yang paling keras permusuhannya terhadap orang-orang yang beriman ialah orang-orang Yahudi dan orang-orang musyrik".(Al-Maidah 82). Ketika Al-Quran 14 abad yang lalu telah jelas menyatakan fakta bahwa Yahudi menyimpan permusuhan yang amat keras terhadap umat Islam, maka hari ini kita menyaksikan dengan jelas gambaran permusuhan itu begitu nyata di depan mata kita. Jika 'sekedar' menghitung angka korban jiwa dan luka-luka mungkin belum mewakili gambaran kebuasan mereka. Ada gambaran yang lebih buas dari hitungan angka-angka, saat Shadr seorang perempuan kecil berumur 4 tahun harus tewas menyongsong peluru tentara Israel di dadanya. Bahkan sang ayah tidak bisa menyelamatkan jasad putrinya, karena beberapa detik berikutnya datang sekumpulan anjing-anjing pelacak Israel untuk segera menyantap si kecil yang syahid itu. Seolah-olah tentara Israel itu memang membidikkan pelurunya untuk berburu makanan bagi anjing peliharaannya. Gambaran lain tak kalah mengerikannya adalah saat tubuh-tubuh yang tak bernyawa di tengah jalan harus remuk terlindas oleh tank-tank zionis yang bergerak memasuki gaza. Begitu pula penggunaan senjata fosfor putih oleh tentara Israel yang tidak pernah ditemukan dalam kamus kekejaman bangsa lainnya. Adakah kebiadabaan manusia yang melebihi gambaran di atas ? Fakta Al-Quran tentang kebengisan Yahudi ini membuat kita sadar, bagaimana cara terbaik menghadapi Zionis Israel. Kemudian dalam ayat yang lain Allah SWT memberitahukan kepada Rasulullah SAW tentang karakter Yahudi : "(Yaitu) orang-orang yang kamu telah mengambil perjanjian dari mereka, sesudah itu mereka mengkhianati janjinya pada setiap kalinya, dan mereka tidak takut (akibat-akibatnya"). (Al-Anfal 56). Inilah fakta lain tentang Yahudi yang sudah diungkapkan Al-Quran sejak awal risalah Islam. Karenanya akan sangat aneh jika masih ada pemimpin Islam yang berharap banyak untuk mengadakan perjanjian dengan Israel, seolah-olah lupa dengan Fakta Quran dan fakta sejarah kenabian. Jika kita membaca ulang sejarah Yahudi dalam Siroh Nabawiyah, maka akan ada kesimpulan utuh bahwa sejarah Yahudi adalah sejarah pembangkangan dan penghianatan.   Fakta 2 :   Adanya kaum muslimin yang terusir dan terbunuh di Palestina karena keyakinan mereka berislam. Allah SWT berfirman : .. (yaitu) orang-orang yang telah diusir dari kampung halaman mereka tanpa alasan yang benar, kecuali karena mereka berkata: "Tuhan kami hanyalah Allah." (QS Haj 40) Al-Quran begitu jelas menggambarkan fakta adanya orang-orang yang terusir dan teraniaya 'hanya' karena mereka teguh memegang aqidah mereka. Penderitaan penduduk Palestina hari ini –dan sejak setengah abad yang lampau- adalah bukti riil fakta al-Quran di atas. Mereka teguh dengan agama mereka, yakin dengan kemuliaan Islam, karenanya mereka tidak rela Masjid Al-Aqsho dikuasai Zionis Israel. Maka merekapun bertahan, merekapun melawan, mempertahankan sejengkal tanah kemuliaan Islam dari jajahan zionis. Karena semua alasan mulia itulah hari ini banyak warga Palestina meregang nyawa.   Fakta 3 :   Adanya Skenario Global di balik konflik Palestina . Allah SWT berfirman : Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak akan senang kepada kamu hingga kamu mengikuti agama mereka (Al Baqoroh 120) Dibalik fakta keangkuhan Israel hari ini, adalah karena adanya dukungan setia Amerika. Bahkan kita lihat titik balik keberadaan negara Israel di Palestina, adalah karena kebaikan hati Inggris kepada kaum Yahudi, sekaligus kebencian mereka terhadap Islam. Dua negara besar ini selalu konsisten mendukung Zionis Israel. Bukan hanya teknis persenjataan yang selalu disuplai, tetapi juga kebijakan-kebijakan perdamaian dan juga ' pengkhianatan' perdamaian yang selalu diamankan oleh Amerika. Resolusi PBB untuk gencatan senjata sepekan lalu–dengan abstainnya Amerika- adalah salah satu keajaiban dunia yang menyalahi sejarah konsistensi dukungan Amerika terhadap Israel. Biasanya Amerika akan dengan mudah memveto setiap kebijakan yang merugikan zionis, adik tirinya tersebut. Tapi tidak ada yang berubah dari Amerika, berita hari ini menyebutkan pertemuan dua Menlu AS-Israel ; Condolize Reece dan Tzipi Livni yang mengukuhkan kesepakatan untuk menghalangi sekuat tenaga masuknya dukungan persenjataan ke Palestina. Jadi, tidak ada yang salah dengan fakta Al-Quran.   Fakta 4 :   Adanya Benih-benih kemunafikan yang mengganggu perjuangan Jihad. Allah SWT berfirman : Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orang-orang munafik yang berkata kepada saudara-saudara mereka yang kafir di antara ahli kitab: "Sesungguhnya jika kamu diusir niscaya kamipun akan keluar bersamamu; dan kami selama-lamanya tidak akan patuh kepada siapapun untuk (menyusahkan) kamu, dan jika kamu diperangi pasti kami akan membantu kamu…"(Al-Hasyr 11) Fakta Al-Quran dan juga fakta sejarah kenabian selalu mengingatkan kita adanya bahaya dari dalam. Jangankan hari ini saat umat Islam dalam kondisi lemah dan terpecah, bahkan di barisan pasukan Rasulullah SAW di Madinah pun bercokol sekelompok munafik yang terus aktif menghasut dan menghancurkan kaum muslimin dari dalam. Masih ingat bukan peperangan Uhud, saat 300 dari 1000 pasukan rasulullah SAW membelot mundur ke Madinah karena kecewa dengan keputusan Rasulullah SAW ? Maka hari ini kita menyaksikan adanya dua negara arab besar yang memboikot KTT darurat Liga Arab di Dhoha, Qatar yang sedianya direncanakan menghasilkan keputusan yang 'keras' dan efektif untuk menghentikan kebiadaban Israel. Adakah ungkapan yang lebih halus untuk mengganti kata 'kemunafikan' bagi kedua bangsa tersebut ?. Belum lagi masalah perbatasan Rafah yang masih saja ditutup oleh pemerintah Mesir. Sehingga dukungan kemanusiaan, apalagi mujahidin dan persenjataan tidak bisa menjangkau Gaza. Kisahnya sangat berkebalikan dengan yang terjadi di Afghanistan saat melawan Uni Soviet duapuluh tahun yang lampau, saat Pakistan membuka perbatasannya untuk masuknya mujahidin dan persenjataanya ke Afhanistan. Hari ini pemerintah Mesir menjadi


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:28AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    To those who call Mujahideen Khawarij
    This is a message to all those who label...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 05:53
    To those who call Mujahideen Khawarij

    This is a message to all those who label the Mujahideen of today as Khawarij; spread this to their forums and places of gathering.

    If you call us Khawarij, then answer these points for us:

    1. A quality of the Khawarij is that they are merciful with the Kuffaar. Tell us, O you with intellect, when was the last time you saw the Mujahideen showing mercy to the Kuffaar? When was the last time you saw the Mujahideen show smiles to the faces of the Kuffaar and frowns to the faces of the Muslims? When was the last time you saw the Mujahideen holding hands with Bush and Condoleezza Rice? And when was the last time you saw the Mujaahideen kissing the cheeks of the Zionist Olmert and working on deals with the Kaafir tyrant Putin? And when was the last time you saw the Mujaahideen hold hands with the treacherous Shi'a who oppresses the Sunnah of Iran, Ahmadinejad? And when was the last time you saw the Mujahideen strike similar goals with Dick Cheney in the house of criminality [i.e., White House]? And when was the last time you saw the Mujahideen walk the red carpet with Prince Charles and smiling with Queen Elizabeth?

    Why are these questions reminding us of King 'Abdullah and his likes?

    2. Another quality of the Khawarij is that they make the minor sins into major Kufr which expels one from the Religion. Some of you call the Mujahideen as Kaafir and Khawarij for rebelling against the rulers of today that don't rule by Shari'ah. Tell us, O you who claim to have some knowledge, if the Salaf have classified the sin of rebellion [bughat] against the Khaleef as a sin which does not expel one outside the fold of Islam, then why do you make it a sin which does nullify the Shahaadah?

    3. Another quality of the Khawarij is that they show harshness towards the Muslims. So if the Mujahideen really had this quality, then why do we see the Saudi Government give the Crusaders a base to attack 'Iraq and Afghanistan and we don't see you call them Khawarij? Where is the justice? And how often do you read the military reports of the Mujahideen to know for sure that they go around killing Muslims? What report of theirs made mention of this? We know very well that you get your knowledge and verification from the Faasiq and Kaafir media outlets who still, to this day, cannot prove that the Mujahideen carry out those car bombings in marketplaces in 'Iraq.

    Since the Mujahideen do not have these qualities [of the Khawarij], then what gives you the right to call them the dogs of the hell-fire when they are out defending your Deen, your honor, your respect, and your lands?! And we all know that verily, man is fallible and is prone to mistakes and the Mujahideen are not an exception to this rule. So why is it that if they make a mistake to which they openly ask forgiveness for (because of their incapability or misunderstanding or mishandling or slip) - such as the bombings of the hotel in Jordan which killed the Zionists but since the blast was bigger than they expected, it killed those who were attending a wedding ceremony - why is it that you label them Khariji for these acts which they have repented for and weeped over?!

    Or do you deliberately ignore their statements and their words to the Ummah? And how bad it is to always assume evil from amongst the Mujahideen to the point that it becomes a sin in the eyes of Al-Jabbaar.
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:28AM  

    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    The Return Of Khilafah (Caliphate) - The Golden Age Of Islams Facebook-Pinnwand
    Proof: Mujahideen DO NOT Target Civilians
    This a slap to all those who blame muj...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 05:49
    Proof: Mujahideen DO NOT Target Civilians
    This a slap to all those who blame mujahideen just b'cz of kafir media
    Mujahideen DO NOT Target Civilians - Proof
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 05:46AM  

    Artikel - Islamweb
    Artikel - Islamweb
    Allâhs Liebe verdienen
    Dec 3rd 2013, 12:59
    „... Die guten Taten lassen wahrhaftig die schlechten Taten vergehen! Jenes ist eine Ermahnung für die Gedenkenden." (Sûra 11:114).

    Letzte Woche sprachen wir vom Nachdenken über unsere Lage und von der Befreiung unserer Herzen, indem wir Allâh um Vergebung bitten. Diese Woche betrachten wir zukunftsbezogene Taten. Der oben genannte Vers berichtet uns, dass wir, wenn wir unsere Herzen weiter läutern wollen, gute Taten verrichten müssen, da diese uns ebenfalls dazu verhelfen, unsere Sünden hinfortzuwischen. Wenn wir uns schuldig fühlen, weil wir eine Sünde begangen haben, dann sollten wir zusätzlich zum Bitten um Vergebung bewusst hinausgehen und versuchen, Gutes zu tun; verrichte eine Tat, die Allâh liebt und belohnt! Es kann eine beliebige Tat sein: Vom Almosengeben über das Helfen bei den Hausarbeiten unserer Familie bis zum Qurân-Lesen. Irgendetwas, was im Islâm als lobenswert erachtet wird. Und offensichtlich gilt dies nicht nur dann, wenn wir uns schuldig fühlen.

    Doch wie kann uns dies dazu verhelfen, Seelenfrieden zu erlangen? Allâh sagt im Qurân: „Wahrhaftig! Diejenigen, die den Glauben verinnerlichen und die rechtschaffenen Werke verrichten – der Allerbarmer wird ihnen Liebe zuwenden." (Sûra 19:96).

    Allâh verwendet im oben genannten Vers das Wort „Wudd" für Liebe und einer der Namen Allâhs ist Al-Wadûd (Der Liebevolle). Was bedeutet das Wort „Wudd"? Warum benutzt Allâh nicht ein geläufigeres Wort wie „Hubb" oder auch „Ischq"? Beides bedeutet eine Art Liebe, doch die Gewichtung ist unterschiedlich. „Wudd" ist eine offenkundige Liebe. Jemand kann einen beispielsweise wirklich lieben, es jedoch nicht zeigen. Seine Liebe mag zwar rein und wahrhaftig sein, doch man weiß nichts davon, da er in seinen Taten niemals seine Liebe zeigt. Allâh ist jedoch Al-Wadûd und denjenigen, die Gutes tun, wird Er „Wudd" gewähren - eine Liebe, die offensichtlich ist, die gezeigt wird. Und solange wir Gutes tun, befinden wir uns im Bereich der Liebe Allâhs. Gepriesen sei Allâh!

    Wie zeigt Allâh uns diese Liebe?

    Der Prophet möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken berichtete uns: „Wenn Allâh jemanden liebt, dann ruft Er Gabriel Frieden sei auf ihm: »O Gabriel!: Ich liebe den und den Menschen, also liebe ihn!« Dann ruft Gabriel zu den Himmelbewohnern: »Allâh liebt den und den Menschen, also liebt ihn!« Und die Engel werden [diese Person] lieben. Und dann wird Allâh für diesen Gläubigen Akzeptanz auf der Erde schaffen." (Al-Buchârî, Muslim).

    Gepriesen sei Allâh! Indem wir Taten verrichten, die Allâh liebt, erhalten wir Seine Liebe und Zuneigung. Diese Liebe und Zuneigung zeigt sich darin, dass Er für uns Akzeptanz bei anderen Menschen schafft. Wie könnte es auch anders sein? Ein den Glauben Verinnerlichender ist nicht nur jemand, der nur die Anbetungshandlungen verrichtet, die zwischen ihm und Allâh sind, wie beispielsweise das Gebet oder das Fasten. Ein wahrer den Glauben Verinnerlichender ist jemand, der im Dienste der Menschen steht. Der entscheidende Punkt ist jedoch, dass seine Absicht, wenn er gläubigen Menschen zu Diensten steht, für Allâh ist. Wenn demnach die Menschen seine Arbeit nicht anerkennen, ist er dennoch zufrieden mit dem Wohlgefallen Allâhs und versucht mehr Gutes zu tun, da sein endgültiges Handelsgeschäft mit seinem Herrn und Versorger ist.

    Jedes menschliche Wesen hat das Bedürfnis nach Liebe und manchmal bemühen wir uns unzählige Stunden, um diese Liebe von Menschen zu bekommen. Dies ist nicht unbedingt schlecht, doch indem Allâh sich selbst Al-Wadûd genannt hat, informiert Er uns darüber, dass Er der Liebevolle ist – und das wir um diese Liebe wetteifern sollen, indem wir Taten verrichten, die von Allâh als gut erachtet werden.

    Wie zeigt Allâh diese Liebe noch? Allâh teilt uns in einem Qudsî-Hadîth (Hadîth, dessen Wortlaut dem Propheten von Allâh direkt eingegeben wurde) mit: „Durch nichts erlangt Mein anbetend Dienender Zuneigung von Mir, außer dass er das tut, was ich ihm zur Pflicht auferlegt habe. Und Mein anbetend Dienender nähert sich Mir mit freiwillig Zusätzlichem, bis Ich ihn liebe. Wenn Ich ihn liebe, dann bin Ich sein Gehör, mit dem er hört, sein Augenlicht, mit dem er sieht, seine Hände, mit denen er festhält, und seine Füße, mit denen er läuft. Und wenn er Mich bittet, dann werde Ich es ihm gewiss geben, und wenn er bei Mir Zuflucht sucht, dann werde Ich sie ihm gewiss gewähren." (Al-Buchârî).

    All das Obengenannte ist ein Ergebnis der Liebe Allâhs. Wir beginnen mit dem Verpflichtenden und ergänzen es mit dem Empfohlenen und Freiwilligen. Solange wir das tun, was von Allâh als gut erachtet wird, erlangen wir Liebe von Al-Wadûd. Was könnte uns mehr beruhigen, als dies zu wissen?

    Die Tricks des Satans

    Wenn wir uns spirituell niedergeschlagen fühlen, empfinden wir leicht, dass unsere guten Taten nicht wichtig sind, weil wir so böse sind. Doch die oben genannten Verse und Hadîthe zeigen uns, dass dies nicht der Fall ist. Selbst wenn wir sündigen, sollten wir gute Taten nicht unterlassen. Diese guten Taten verhelfen uns dabei, die schlechten hinfortzuwischen, und sie sind ein Mittel, um Allâh näher zu kommen. Wir werden niemals perfekt sein. Der Schlüssel ist, unsere Fehler zu erkennen, um uns daran zu erinnern, demütig zu sein und um Vergebung zu bitten, ohne an ihnen zu verzweifeln. Al-Wadûd brachte eine Prostituierte in den Bereich Seiner Liebe, weil sie einem Hund Wasser gab – und dafür wurde ihr das Paradies gewährt. Doch wir müssen uns darauf besinnen, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Verharmlosen unserer Sünden und dem Resignieren ihretwegen zu schaffen.

    Die beste Methode ist, das Beispiel des Propheten möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken und der Prophetengefährten zu betrachten. Obwohl der Prophet möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken hinsichtlich der Offenbarungsübermittlung fehlerfrei war, bat er seinen Herrn täglich um Vergebung. Er betete, während die Menschen schliefen, und er unterstützte sie, wenn sie ihn möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken brauchten.

    Er lehrte die Menschen, ihre Sünden nicht auf die leichte Schulter zu nehmen. In der Geschichte von Ka'b ibn Mâlik möge Allah mit ihm zufrieden sein verbot der Prophet möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken beispielsweise allen Muslimen, 50 Tage lang mit ihm zu sprechen, da er sich ihnen im Kampf nicht angeschlossen hatte und keine Entschuldigung dafür hatte (es war eine Anordnung von Allâh). Stell dir vor, du wärest Ka'b! Du hast deine muslimischen Gefährten im Stich gelassen, als sie dich am nötigsten brauchten (es ging um die Schlacht von Tabûk, die besonders anstrengend war). Dies genügt, um sich schuldig und nutzlos zu fühlen. Doch obendrein wurde dem Gesandten Allâhs möge Allah ihn in Ehren halten und ihm Wohlergehen schenken wie auch den anderen Muslimen angeordnet, als Strafe nicht mit dir zu reden, nachdem du die Wahrheit über das Geschehene gesagt hast. Wie hättest du dich gefühlt? Ka'b möge Allah mit ihm zufrieden sein fühlte sich äußerst schuldig und ein Teil von ihm wünschte sich, er hätte nicht die Wahrheit darüber gesagt, warum er sich ihnen zur Schlacht nicht angeschlossen hatte. Doch er blieb standhaft. Er betete und wandte sich an seinen Herrn und er widerstand der Verführung derer, die von der Gelegenheit profitieren wollten, um jemanden vom Islâm abzubringen. Was geschah also nach 50 Tagen? Allâh offenbarte im Qurân, dass Er ihm vergeben hat! Und auch den anderen beiden Prophetengefährten, die denselben Fehler begangen hatten (siehe Sûra At-Tauba, Verse 118-119!).

    Ka'b ibn Mâlik wusste, dass der Schlüssel zur Wiedergutmachung war, weiterhin Gutes zu tun und um die Vergebung seines Herrn zu bitten. Und aus diesem Grund ist er im Qurân als jemand festgeschrieben, dem Allâh vergeben hat, damit wir alle dieses Verhalten beherzigen und nachahmen.

    Immer wenn du dich also in deinem Herzen niedergeschlagen und beunruhigt fühlst, dann stärke dir das Rückgrat, indem du dich in Taten stürzt, die Allâh liebt! Denn der Eine, der Sich Al-Wadûd, der Liebevolle, nennt, wird dir - so Er will - Liebe und Zuneigung gewähren!
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 04:41AM  

    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islam - Die wahre Religions Facebook-Pinnwand
    "Die zwei Raka'at des Morgengebets sind besser als diese Welt und was in ihr ist...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 04:00
    "Die zwei Raka'at des Morgengebets sind besser als diese Welt und was in ihr ist."


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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 04:36AM  

    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Islamic Research Foundation / Dr.Zakir Naik / IRFs Facebook-Pinnwand
    for remembrance,
    Dec 3rd 2013, 04:02
    for remembrance,

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Übersicht für - 25 Nachrichten in 21 Themen
Dec 3rd 2013, 06:29, by Nahsaka Lasbhan


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:28AM  

    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    I.S.L.A.M = I Sincerely Love Allah & Muhammads Facebook-Pinnwand
    Perkongsiaan dari ibu Arwah Ammar,
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:19
    Perkongsiaan dari ibu Arwah Ammar,
    Ya Muhammads Fotos
    Dari ibu Ammar, pakaian yang dipakai Ammar semasa kemalangan , langsung tiada setitik darah pun, memang tiada darah, cermin mata yang di pakai pun tidak pecah, baju pun tiada koyak sedikit pun, SubhanAllah kata ibu Ammar, Allah mmng perlihara Ammar.

    Al-Fatihah buat arwah Ammar
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:26AM  

    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Understand IslaMs Facebook-Pinnwand
    Narrated Usman R.A, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:
    'The best among y...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 05:48
    Narrated Usman R.A, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said:
    'The best among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it to others'
    (Sahih Al Bukhari vol 6, book 61, no. 545
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    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 06:24AM  

    Abu Adam - Social Mention
    Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a. : Nabi Saw bersabda, "Dahulu Allah mencipta Adam as yang tingginya enam puluh hasta (tangan kalian) kemudian berfirman ; "pergilah kamu dan berilah salam kepada mereka para malaikat dan dengarkanlah bagaimana mereka menjawab salam penghormatan kepadamu dan juga salam penghormatan dari anak keturunanmu". Maka Adam menyampaikan salam "assalamu alaikum" (salam sejahtera untuk kalian). Mereka menjawab ; "as salammualaika wa rahmatullah" (salam sejahtera dan rahmat Allah buat kamu). Mereka menambahkan kalimat wa rahmatullah". Nanti setiap orang yang masuk surga bentuknya seperti Adam as dan manusia terus saja berkurang (tingginya) sampai sekarang". Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a. : Nabi Saw bersabda, "rombongan pertama yang masuk surga, rupa mereka seperti bentuk bulan saat purnama kemudian diikuti oleh rombongan berikutnya yang rupanya bagaikan bintang-bintang yang bercahaya di langit. Mereka tidak akan pernah membuang air besar didalamnya, tidak kencing, tidak meludah dan tidak pula beringus. Sisir mereka terbuat dari emas, keringat mereka seharum minyak misik dan tempat perapian mereka terbuat dari kayu cendana yang sedemikian wangi. Istri-istri mereka adalah bidadari yang dicipta secara bersamaan, bentuk (tingginya) seperti kakek moyang mereka Adam as, yang tingginya enam puluh hasta yang menjulang ke langit."
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:24
    Niyaz Karna Jaiz : Quraan Ki Roshni Me ….. Sawaal: Kya Niyaz(Fateha) Karna Jaiz Hai?, Aur Kya Sahaba Niyaz Karte The? Jawaab: Ji Haan! Jaiz Hai Aur Sahaba Niyaz Karte The. »Hazrat Ali (Radi Allaho Anho)Ne Kiya Sarkar(Sallallahu Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wa Sallam) Ke Naam Se Ek Mendha Zibah Kia Kerte The Allah Ki Bargaah Me. -:(Jamay Tirmizi, Jild#1,Pg#538. Sunan Abu-Dawood, Jild#2,Pg#29) Al-Quraan : Bismillah-Hirrahman-Nirrahim !!! "Tera Rab Khub Jaanta Hai Koun Behaqa Uski Raah Se, Aur Woh Khub Jaanta Hai Hidaayat Walon Ko Toh Khaao Usme Se Jis Par Allahka Naam Liya Gayaa Agar Tum Uski Aayate Maante Ho. Aur Tumhe Kya Hua Ke Unme Se Na Khao Jispar Allah Ka Naam Liya Gaya". -:(Surah Ana'am : Ayat 117-119) Sabak: Beshaq Niyaz Karna Jaiz Hai , Sahaba Ne Bhi Niyaz Kiya. aur Jo In Baato par Emaan Rakhne Se Katrate hai, Wo Apne Aqeede Ke Pukhtagi Ke liye Kalamullah (Quraan-e-Paak) Ki Daleelo par Gour Jaroor Kare. !!! Allah Tamaam Aal-e-Adam Ko Hidayat Ka Mouka De !! Ameen!!!
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:24
    Proses belajar mengajar sudah berlangsung beberapa minggu, guru-guru sudah menjalankan tugasnya masing-masing untuk mendidik generasi penerus. Sebuah tugas mulia yang bernilai pahala, yang akan selalu mengalir bersamaan dengan bermanfaatnya ilmu tersebut bagi orang yang menerimanya. Sebagaimana hadist dari Rosulullah yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam-Imam Hadist: "Apabila anak adam meninggal dunia, maka putuslah semua amalnya kecuali tiga perkara: Shodaqoh jariyah, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan anak yang sholeh." (Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmizi, Ahmad & Nasaai) Suatu hari imam Syafi'i mendatangi ruang Khalifah Harun Ar-Rasyid untuk minta izin kepadanya. Lalu beliau duduk di samping Abu Abdus Shomad seorang pendidik anak-anak Kholifah Harun Al-Rosyid. Seorang bernama Siraj berkata kepada Imam Syafi'i, "Wahai Abu Abdullah, mereka ini adalah anak-anak Amirul mukminin, dan ia Abu Abdus Shomad adalah pendidik mereka. Kalau sekiranya engkau berkenan, berikanlah nasehat kepadanya!". Imam Syafií lalu berkata kepada Abu Abdus Shomad : "Hendaklah satu hal yang pertama dimulai dalam mendidik anak-anak Amirul Mukminin adalah memperbaiki dirimu. Mata-mata mereka bergantung pada matamu. Dan kebaikan mereka adalah kebaikan apa yang engkau lakukan. Keburukan bagi mereka adalah sesuatu yang kau benci. Ajarkanlah mereka kitabullah, janganlah engkau memaksakan mereka sehingga mereka bosan. Dan janganlah kau meninggalkan mereka dari Al-Quran lalu mereka akan meninggalkannya. Kemudian ceritakan kepada mereka dari hadits-hadits yang mulia dan pepatah nasehat. Dan janganlah kau ajarkan kepada mereka suatu ilmu kemudian pindah kepada ilmu yang lain sehingga mereka memahaminya. Maka sesungguhnya perkataan yang bertumpuk-tumpuk dalam pendengaran akan menyusahkan pemahaman". (Mauqif Fii Az-Zuhd wa-Roqoiq: 70) Nasehat yang penuh hikmah dari seorang ulama besar itu, tentu bukan hanya bermanfaat untuk Abu Abdus Shomad yang mendidik anak khalifah. Namun nasehat agung itu adalah untuk semua pendidik. Tampilan guru kadang akan membuat para murid semangat belajar ataupun sebaliknya menjadi malas dan takut. Bahkan karena keteladanan sang guru tersebut, ada di antara murid-murid bercita ingin menjadi seperti guru tersebut. Seperti suatu ketika di acara kelulusan TK , anak-anak yang masih polos itu ditanya apakah cita-cita mereka nanti? Maka di antara jawaban yang keluar dari bibir mereka: "Aku nanti ingin menjadi seperti ibu guru". Bukan mustahil jawaban itu muncul karena ia senang dengan gurunya yang mengajarkan ia membaca Al-Quran, Hadist dan menghapal doa-doa. Semoga nilai-nilai mulia Al-Quran dan Sunah serta ilmu-ilmu yang bermanfaat selalu dapat ditransfer oleh para pendidik kepada murid-muridnya dengan pemahaman yang benar dan selalu menjadi teladan mereka. Oleh Zulhamdi M. Saad, Lc Shared By Catatan Catatan Islami
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:18
    org pertama cipta telefon ? alexander graham bell pertama tulis bismillah ? ????? kalau anak tanya mampus nak simpan nota nih.... 30 ORANG YANG PERTAMA DALAM ISLAM ----------------------------------------------- 1. Orang yang pertama menulis Bismillah : Nabi Sulaiman AS. 2. Orang yang pertama minum air zamzam : Nabi Ismail AS. 3. Orang yang pertama berkhatan : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 4. Orang yang pertama diberikan pakaian pada hari qiamat : Nabi Ibrahim AS. 5. Orang yang pertama dipanggil oleh Allah pada hari qiamat : Nabi Adam AS. 6. Orang yang pertama mengerjakan saie antara Safa dan Marwah : Sayyidatina Hajar (Ibu Nabi Ismail AS). 7. Orang yang pertama dibangkitkan pada hari qiamat : Nabi Muhammad SAW. 8. Orang yang pertama menjadi khalifah Islam : Abu Bakar As Siddiq RA. 9. Orang yang pertama menggunakan tarikh hijrah : Umar bin Al-Khattab RA. 10. Orang yang pertama meletakkah jawatan khalifah dalam Islam : Al-Hasan bin Ali RA. 11. Orang yang pertama menyusukan Nabi SAW : Thuwaibah RA. 12. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan lelaki : Al-Harith bin Abi Halah RA. 13. Orang yang pertama syahid dalam Islam dari kalangan wanita : Sumayyah binti Khabbat RA. 14. Orang yang pertama menulis hadis di dalam kitab / lembaran : Abdullah bin Amru bin Al-Ash RA. 15. Orang yang pertama memanah dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Saad bin Abi Waqqas RA. 16. Orang yang pertama menjadi muazzin dan melaungkan adzan: Bilal bin Rabah RA. 17. Orang yang pertama bersembahyang dengan Rasulullah SAW : Ali bin Abi Tholib RA. 18. Orang yang pertama membuat minbar masjid Nabi SAW : Tamim Ad-dary RA. 19. Orang yang pertama menghunuskan pedang dalam perjuangan fisabilillah : Az-Zubair bin Al-Awwam RA. 20. Orang yang pertama menulis sirah Nabi SAW : Ibban bin Othman bin Affan RA. 21. Orang yang pertama beriman dengan Nabi SAW : Khadijah binti Khuwailid RA. 22. Orang yang pertama mengasaskan usul fiqh : Imam Syafei RH. 23. Orang yang pertama membina penjara dalam Islam: Ali bin Abi Tholib RA. 24. Orang yang pertama menjadi raja dalam Islam : Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan RA. 25. Orang yang pertama membuat perpustakaan awam : Harun Ar-Rasyid RH. 26. Orang yang pertama mengadakan baitul mal : Umar Al-Khattab RA. 27. Orang yang pertama menghafal Al-Qur'an selepas Rasulullah SAW : Ali bn Abi Tholib RA. 28. Orang yang pertama membina menara di Masjidil Haram Mekah : Khalifah Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur RH. 29. Orang yang pertama digelar Al-Muqry : Mus'ab bin Umair RA. 30. Orang yang pertama masuk ke dalam syurga : Nabi Muhammad SAW. ✔ Rugilah x SHARE sbab ianya 1 peluang dkwah yg MUDAH. . .jOm share !!! sebarkan. . .ni pOn ilmu jgk. . .
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:17
    Sorry Lah Aku Buat Auto Tagg Kejap :/ Hope Korang Tak Marah . Aku Nak Mintak Maaf okeyy . Ni Bukan Batak Or Kejar Like . Saye Just Tolong Member Je . Jom Add/Follow Member Aku ni . Facebook Lame Die Kene Hack . So Aku Promote Lah Kejap -> Syaiful Akmal
    Dec 3rd 2013, 06:13
    ISLAM (By Teddy Raja) This article contains Arabic text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols. The Kaaba, in Mecca, Hejaz region, today's Saudi Arabia, is the center of Islam. Muslims from all over the world gather there to pray in unity. This article is part of a series on: Islam Allah-eser-green.png Beliefs[hide] Oneness of God Prophets Revealed books Angels Predestination Day of Resurrection Practices[hide] Profession of faith Prayer Fasting Alms Pilgrimage Texts and laws[hide] Quran Sunnah Hadith Fiqh Sharia Kalam History and leaders[hide] Timeline Muhammad Ahl al-Bayt Sahabah Rashidun Imamate Caliphate Spread of Islam Denominations[hide] Sunni Shia Sufism Ibadi Ahmadiyya Nondenominational Quranism NOI Five-Percent Nation Liberal movements within Islam Culture and society[hide] Academics Animals Art Calendar Children Dawah Demographics Festivals Mosques Philosophy Politics Science Women Related topics[hide] Other religions Islamism Criticism Islamophobia Glossary Portal icon Islam portal Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1] Arabic: الإسلام, al-ʾIslām IPA: [ælʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 2]) is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله Allāh) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to submit to and serve Allah (God).[1] Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed before many times throughout the world, including notably through Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets.[2] They maintain that the previous messages and revelations have been partially misinterpreted or altered over time,[3] but consider the Arabic Qur'an to be both the unaltered and the final revelation of God.[4] Religious concepts and practices include the five pillars of Islam, which are basic concepts and obligatory acts of worship, and following Islamic law, which touches on virtually every aspect of life and society, providing guidance on multifarious topics from banking and welfare, to warfare and the environment.[5][6] Most Muslims are of two denominations, Sunni (75–90%),[7] or Shia (10–20%).[8] About 13% of Muslims live in Indonesia,[9] the largest Muslim-majority country, 25% in South Asia,[9] 20% in the Middle East,[10] and 15% in Sub-saharan Africa.[11] Sizable minorities are also found in Europe, China, Russia, and the Americas. Converts and immigrant communities are found in almost every part of the world (see Islam by country). With about 1.57 billion followers or 23% of earth's population,[11][12][13] Islam is the second-largest religion and one of the fastest-growing religions in the world.[14]>[15][16][17] Contents 1 Etymology and meaning 2 Articles of faith 2.1 God 2.2 Angels 2.3 Revelations 2.4 Prophets 2.5 Resurrection and judgment 2.6 Predestination 3 Five pillars 3.1 Testimony 3.2 Prayer 3.3 Alms-giving 3.4 Fasting 3.5 Pilgrimage 4 Law and jurisprudence 4.1 Jurists 4.2 Etiquette and diet 4.3 Family life 4.4 Economy 4.5 Government 4.6 Military 5 History 5.1 Muhammad (610–632) 5.2 Caliphate and civil war (632–750) 5.3 Abbasid era (750–1258) 5.4 Fall of Abbasids to end of caliphate (1258–1924) 5.5 Modern times (1924–present) 6 Denominations 6.1 Sunni 6.2 Shia 6.3 Sufism 6.4 Other denominations 7 Demographics 8 Culture 8.1 Architecture 8.2 Art 8.3 Calendar 9 Criticism of Islam Etymology and meaning Islam is a verbal noun originating from the triliteral root s-l-m which forms a large class of words mostly relating to concepts of wholeness, safeness and peace.[18] In a religious context it means "voluntary submission to God".[19][20] Muslim, the word for an adherent of Islam, is the active participle of the same verb of which Islām is the infinitive. Believers demonstrate submission to God by serving God, following his commands, and rejecting polytheism. The word sometimes has distinct connotations in its various occurrences in the Qur'an. In some verses, there is stress on the quality of Islam as an internal conviction: "Whomsoever God desires to guide, He expands his breast to Islam."[21] Other verses connect islām and dīn (usually translated as "religion"): "Today, I have perfected your religion (dīn) for you; I have completed My blessing upon you; I have approved Islam for your religion."[22] Still others describe Islam as an action of returning to God—more than just a verbal affirmation of faith.[23] In the Hadith of Gabriel, islām is presented as one part of a triad that includes imān (faith), and ihsān (excellence), where islām is defined theologically as Tawhid, historically by asserting that Muhammad is messenger of God, and doctrinally by mandating five basic and fundamental pillars of practice.[24][25] Articles of faith Main articles: Aqidah and Iman God Main articles: God in Islam and Allah Islam's most fundamental concept is a rigorous monotheism, called tawhīd (Arabic: توحيد). God is described in chapter 112 of the Qur'an as:[26] "Say: He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him."(112:1-4) Muslims and Jews repudiate the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and divinity of Jesus, comparing it to polytheism. In Islam, God is beyond all comprehension and Muslims are not expected to visualize God.[27][28][29][30] God is described and referred to by certain names or attributes, the most common being Al-Rahmān, meaning "The Compassionate" and Al-Rahīm, meaning "The Merciful" (See Names of God in Islam).[31] Muslims believe that the creation of everything in the universe was brought into being by God's sheer command, "'Be' and so it is,"[32] and that the purpose of existence is to worship God.[33] He is viewed as a personal god who responds whenever a person in need or distress calls him.[34] There are no intermediaries, such as clergy, to contact God who states, "I am nearer to him than (his) jugular vein."[35] The reciprocal nature is mentioned in the hadith qudsi, "I am as My servant thinks (expects) I am."[36] Allāh is the term with no plural or gender used by Muslims and Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews to reference God, while ʾilāh (Arabic: إله) is the term used for a deity or a god in general.[37] Other non-Arab Muslims might use different names as much as Allah, for instance "Tanrı" in Turkish, "Khodā" in Persian or Xudā in Urdu. Angels Main article: Islamic view of angels Belief in angels is fundamental to the faith of Islam. The Arabic word for angel (Arabic: ملك malak) means "messenger", like its counterparts in Hebrew (malakh) and Greek (angelos). According to the Qur'an, angels do not possess free will, and therefore worship and obey God in total obedience. Angels' duties include communicating revelations from God, glorifying God, recording every person's actions,


    Blogtrottr <> Dec 03 05:59AM  

    Weisheit der Gelehrtens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Weisheit der Gelehrtens Facebook-Pinnwand
    Imām Ġazzālī - Raḥimahu ʾllāh - schreibt:
    „Die meisten Menschen gehen dadurch v...
    Dec 3rd 2013, 05:39
    Imām Ġazzālī - Raḥimahu ʾllāh - schreibt:

    „Die meisten Menschen gehen dadurch verloren, dass sie den Tadel der Leute fürchten und ihren Lob lieben und sich deshalb alles, was sie machen, nach dem richtet, was die Zustimmung der Leute findet, da sie die Hoffnung haben, gelobt zu werden, und die Furcht haben, getadelt zu werden."

    [Imām Ġazzālī, Iḥyāʾ 3,281,33-34]
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